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Created September 22, 2018 08:50
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use File::Slurp ;
use File::Path ;
use PBS::Rules::Builders ;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
# C depender for object files (not part of the core pbs but distributed with it)
# old C depender:
# created dependency files during the depend step
# handled a complex cache creation and verification
# had for goal to present a complete dependency graph before the build
# some points were good enough but "wrong", dependencies belonged to the
# C file except one could not do variant nodes on the fly, that was
# a goal for pbs but not implemented, in a way the depender was too advanced
# the dependencies were computed sequentially
# the new depender:
# creates dependency files during the build and in a post build step
# this the following advantages:
# very little code specific to the depender, this sub,read_dependencies_cache and two rules
# the cache code is much simpler and most is handled by the pbs core mechanism
# builds are triggered properly if no dependency cache is found but the cache generation
# is handled by the compiler, in gcc example, as a side effect of the build
# No need to wait for the dependency of all the C files, starts building directly
# the cache is generated in parallel, if the build is done with -j option
# the dependencies are merged back to the graph in a post build step, this is necessary
# as the nodes are build in separate processes that do not share the graph
# each node is responsible for integrating its dependencies, this means that the mechanism
# is open for other types of nodes not just object files dependencies
# the cache is specific for the object node even if they share C nodes, no more configuration
# dependencies for the dependency cache, it's just a list of source header files
# warp, pre and post-build, is handled properly as object nodes regenerate their digest and the
# digest of their dependencies after the build
# in case a dependency cache is invalid, its contents are not added to the pre-build warp file,
# insuring validity of the warp cache which would retrigger the dependency step if necessary
# it's one tenth of the old code size
my $cache_header = "C dependencies PBS generated at " ;
my $cache_footer = 'END C dependencies PBS' ;
sub read_dependencies_cache
my (undef, undef, $tree) = @_ ;
my $file_to_build = $tree->{__BUILD_NAME} || PBS::Rules::Builders::GetBuildName($tree->{__NAME}, $tree) ;
my $dependency_file = "$file_to_build.dependencies" ;
my @node_dependencies = ($dependency_file) ; # worse case: the non valid dependency cache
my @dependencies_cache ;
( -e $file_to_build && -e $dependency_file)
&& ( @dependencies_cache = read_file($dependency_file, chomp => 1) )
&& ( $dependencies_cache[0] =~ /^$cache_header/ && $dependencies_cache[-1] =~ /^$cache_footer/ )
# valid cache, remove header and footer
shift @dependencies_cache ; pop @dependencies_cache ;
# use the cache, unless it points to a non-existing header files
@node_dependencies = @dependencies_cache
unless grep { ! -e $_ } @dependencies_cache ;
$tree->{__PBS_POST_BUILD} = \&InsertDependencyNodes ;
return [1, @node_dependencies] ; # triggered
sub InsertDependencyNodes
my ($node, $inserted_nodes) = @_ ;
return unless exists $node->{__BUILD_DONE} ;
my $build_name = $node->{__BUILD_NAME} ;
my $dependency_file = "$build_name.dependencies" ; # was generated by compiler
use File::Slurp ;
my $o_dependencies = read_file $dependency_file ;
$o_dependencies =~ s/^.*:\s+// ;
$o_dependencies =~ s/\\/ /g ;
$o_dependencies =~ s/\n/:/g ;
$o_dependencies =~ s/\s+/:/g ;
my %dependencies = map { $_ => 1 } grep { /\.h$/ } split(/:+/, $o_dependencies) ;
my @dependencies = sort map { $_ = "./$_" unless (/^\// || /^\.\//); $_} keys %dependencies ;
my $now = strftime "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", gmtime;
my $cache = $cache_header . __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__ . " $now\n" ;
my $insertion_data =
INSERTING_NODE => $node->{__NAME},
INSERTION_RULE => 'c_depender',
INSERTION_FILE => __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__,
INSERTION_TIME => Time::HiRes::time,
} ;
for my $d (@dependencies, $dependency_file)
$cache .= "$d\n" ;
if(exists $inserted_nodes->{$d})
$node->{$d}{__MD5} = GetFileMD5($d) ;
$node->{$d} = $inserted_nodes->{$d} ;
$inserted_nodes->{$d} = $node->{$d} =
__NAME => $d,
__BUILD_NAME => $d,
__BUILD_DONE => 1,
__INSERTED_AT => $insertion_data,
__PBS_CONFIG => $node->{__PBS_CONFIG},
__MD5 => GetFileMD5($d),
} ;
$cache .= "$cache_footer\n" ;
write_file $dependency_file, $cache ;
# make sure object file digest doesn't use the temporary dependency file hash
PBS::Digest::FlushMd5Cache($dependency_file) ;
$inserted_nodes->{$dependency_file}{__MD5} = GetFileMD5($dependency_file) ;
# regenerate our own digest
eval { PBS::Digest::GenerateNodeDigest($node) } ;
die "Error Generating node digest: $@\n" if $@ ;
1 ;
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