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Created November 24, 2016 13:53
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use Term::ANSIColor qw(color colorvalid) ;
# todo:
# local $Term::ANSIColor::AUTOLOCAL = 1;
# push /pop
# Xterm position
print <> and exit(0) unless @ARGV ;
my $global_match = (grep {/^--global$/} @ARGV);
my $debug = (grep {/^--debug$/} @ARGV);
my $debug_definitions = (grep {/^--debug_definitions$/} @ARGV);
@ARGV = (grep {!/^--debug.*$/} @ARGV);
@ARGV = (grep {!/^--global*$/} @ARGV);
print <<'EOH' and exit 0 if (grep {/^--help$/} @ARGV) || @ARGV % 2 ;
Usage: $> command | piper perl_regex replacement|color|block ...
replace and/or color text
A perl5 regex, or a simple string to match
A text to replace the match with, if the replvement is a color,
the text is not replace but colorized. See color and block.
An ANSI color by name. If your terminal supports 256 colors
give color as rgb500. The color is automatically reset after
the match is displayed
Description of a {start color}replacement{end color} tuple.
The start color is used before the replacement is done, the
end color after the replacement. The color is not automatically
If an invalid color is given, the declaration will be part of the
replacement. Empty color declaration is allowed (see examples).
--help displays this message
--global do global matching rather than linear
--debug displays how the color, or block, is parsed
--debug_definitions displays regex and defintions before matching
# color trailing spaces, replace tabs with a space, colors 'MI' and 'MINI'
piper '\s+$' 'on_red' '\t' ' ' 'MI(NI)*' green
# reset line color number in blue color 'start' green the rest red
piper '^' reset '\d+' blue start {green}{red}
# color 'start' green the rest red color 'end' green and rest
piper start {green}{red} end {green}{reset}
# color 'start' green, continues in green remove 'end' green and rest
piper start {green} end {}{reset}
# color 'start' green, replace 'end' with green 'the end'
piper start {green} end {green}the end{reset}
# say you want to colorize the output of du -h (also check du's -t option)
kilobytes in green: '^.+K' green
less than 5MB on blue: '^[1-4](,[0-9])*M' on_blue
anything else in MB on red: '^[0-9,]*M' on_red
declare a function
du_col(){ piper '^.+K' green '^[1-4](,[0-9])*M' ... ; }
$ du -h | du_col
#debug variables
my @definitions ;
my $regex_index = 0 ;
my (@rx, @rp) ;
my $rx = shift @ARGV ;
push @rx, $rx ;
$_ = shift @ARGV ;
s/^(?'cd1'\{(?'c1'[^\{\}]*)\})// ;
my ($v1, $c1, $cd1) = (0, $+{c1} // '', $+{cd1} // '') ;
($v1, $c1) = (1, color($c1)) if $c1 !~ /^\s*$/ && colorvalid($c1) ;
$_ = reverse ; # search from end
s/^(?'cd2'\}(?'c2'[^\{\}]*)\{)// ;
my $v2 = 0 ; my $c2 = reverse($+{c2} // '') ; my $cd2 = reverse($+{cd2} // '') ;
($v2, $c2) = (1, color($c2)) if $c2 !~ /^\s*$/ && colorvalid($c2) ;
my $t = reverse $_ ;
($c1, $t) = ('', $cd1 . $t) if !$v1 && $cd1 ne '{}' ;
($c2, $t) = ('', $t . $cd2) if !$v2 && $cd2 ne '{}' ;
($c1, $cd1, $t, $c2, $cd2) = (color($t), ">$t<", $KEEP_MATCH, color('reset'), ">reset<")
if !$v1 && $cd1 ne '{}' && !$v2 && $cd1 ne '{}' && $t !~ /^\s*$/ && colorvalid($t) ;
$t = $KEEP_MATCH if defined $t && $t eq '' && ($v1) ;
push @definitions,
color('grey6') . "[$regex_index]" . color('reset')
. sprintf(" %-25s", $rx)
. " ${c1}$cd1 - @{[$t // '*keep match*']} - ${c2}$cd2 ..."
. color('reset')
if $debug || $debug_definitions ;
push @rp,[$c1, $t, $c2] ;
$regex_index++ ;
my $r = join '|', map {"(?'r$_'" . $rx[$_] . ')' } 0 .. @rx -1 ;
if ($debug_definitions)
warn "$r\n\n" ;
warn join("\n", @definitions), "\n" ;
sub r
my $i = $global_match ? chop $_[0] : $_[0] ;
warn sprintf "%-40s $definitions[$i]\n", '<'.$_[1].'>' if $debug ;
$rp[$i][0] . ($rp[$i][1] // $_[1]) . $rp[$i][2]
if ($global_match)
do {s/($r)/r(%+)/gen ; print } for(<>) ;
my $colored = '' ;
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < @rx ; $i++)
while(m/\G(.*?)($rx[$i])/gc) {$colored .= $1 . r($i, $2) ; last}
if(m/\G(.+)/) {$colored .= $1}
print if $debug ;
print $colored . "\n" ;
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