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Forked from mbostock/.block
Created July 10, 2012 07:16
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Superformula Tweening (Christophe Viau)

Christophe Viau implemented a new shape type for D3.js based on superformulas. One nice property of these shapes is that you can easily tween between two shapes by simply interpolating the control points. Click on the blue shapes to try it!

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="superformula.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
path {
stroke-width: 1.5px;
path.small {
fill: steelblue;
path.big {
stroke: #666;
fill: #ddd;
path.small:hover {
stroke: steelblue;
fill: lightsteelblue;
<script type="text/javascript">
var size = 1000;
var x = d3.scale.ordinal()
.rangePoints([0, 960], 1);
var svg ="body").append("svg:svg")
.attr("width", 960)
.attr("height", 500);
var small = superformula()
var big = superformula()
.size(size * 50)
.attr("xlink:title", String)
.attr("transform", function(d, i) { return "translate("+ x(d) + ",40)"; })
.attr("class", "small")
.attr("d", small)
.on("mousedown", function() {"fill", "aliceblue"); })
.on("mouseup", function() {"fill", null); })
.on("click", function(d) {".big").transition().duration(500).attr("d", big.type(d)); });
.attr("class", "big")
.attr("transform", "translate(450,250)")
.attr("d", big);
(function() {
var _symbol = d3.svg.symbol(),
_line = d3.svg.line();
superformula = function() {
var type = _symbol.type(),
size = _symbol.size(),
segments = size,
params = {};
function superformula(d, i) {
var n, p = _superformulaTypes[, d, i)];
for (n in params) p[n] = params[n].call(this, d, i);
return _superformulaPath(p,, d, i), Math.sqrt(, d, i)));
superformula.type = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return type;
type = d3.functor(x);
return superformula;
superformula.param = function(name, value) {
if (arguments.length < 2) return params[name];
params[name] = d3.functor(value);
return superformula;
// size of superformula in square pixels
superformula.size = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return size;
size = d3.functor(x);
return superformula;
// number of discrete line segments
superformula.segments = function(x) {
if (!arguments.length) return segments;
segments = d3.functor(x);
return superformula;
return superformula;
function _superformulaPath(params, n, diameter) {
var i = -1,
dt = 2 * Math.PI / n,
r = 0,
points = [];
while (++i < n) {
t = params.m * (i * dt - Math.PI) / 4;
t = Math.pow(Math.abs(Math.pow(Math.abs(Math.cos(t) / params.a), params.n2)
+ Math.pow(Math.abs(Math.sin(t) / params.b), params.n3)), -1 / params.n1);
if (t > r) r = t;
r = diameter * Math.SQRT1_2 / r;
i = -1; while (++i < n) {
x = (t = points[i] * r) * Math.cos(i * dt);
y = t * Math.sin(i * dt);
points[i] = [Math.abs(x) < 1e-6 ? 0 : x, Math.abs(y) < 1e-6 ? 0 : y];
return _line(points) + "Z";
var _superformulaTypes = {
asterisk: {m: 12, n1: .3, n2: 0, n3: 10, a: 1, b: 1},
bean: {m: 2, n1: 1, n2: 4, n3: 8, a: 1, b: 1},
butterfly: {m: 3, n1: 1, n2: 6, n3: 2, a: .6, b: 1},
circle: {m: 4, n1: 2, n2: 2, n3: 2, a: 1, b: 1},
clover: {m: 6, n1: .3, n2: 0, n3: 10, a: 1, b: 1},
cloverFour: {m: 8, n1: 10, n2: -1, n3: -8, a: 1, b: 1},
cross: {m: 8, n1: 1.3, n2: .01, n3: 8, a: 1, b: 1},
diamond: {m: 4, n1: 1, n2: 1, n3: 1, a: 1, b: 1},
drop: {m: 1, n1: .5, n2: .5, n3: .5, a: 1, b: 1},
ellipse: {m: 4, n1: 2, n2: 2, n3: 2, a: 9, b: 6},
gear: {m: 19, n1: 100, n2: 50, n3: 50, a: 1, b: 1},
heart: {m: 1, n1: .8, n2: 1, n3: -8, a: 1, b: .18},
heptagon: {m: 7, n1: 1000, n2: 400, n3: 400, a: 1, b: 1},
hexagon: {m: 6, n1: 1000, n2: 400, n3: 400, a: 1, b: 1},
malteseCross: {m: 8, n1: .9, n2: .1, n3: 100, a: 1, b: 1},
pentagon: {m: 5, n1: 1000, n2: 600, n3: 600, a: 1, b: 1},
rectangle: {m: 4, n1: 100, n2: 100, n3: 100, a: 2, b: 1},
roundedStar: {m: 5, n1: 2, n2: 7, n3: 7, a: 1, b: 1},
square: {m: 4, n1: 100, n2: 100, n3: 100, a: 1, b: 1},
star: {m: 5, n1: 30, n2: 100, n3: 100, a: 1, b: 1},
triangle: {m: 3, n1: 100, n2: 200, n3: 200, a: 1, b: 1}
superformulaTypes = d3.keys(_superformulaTypes);
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