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Last active April 4, 2017 16:14
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Save nkmathew/43aec97134a204a5228d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script for cloning all projects and gists
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Date: 9th August 2015
Author: nkmathew
A script for cloning all projects and gists from my Github account when I move to a
new environment
Run --help for the help message
+ [Thursday] Feb 11, 2016
- Use argparser
- Ability to clone only gists or repos
- Ability to clone with ssh using the '-ssh' flag
- Now uses the name of the largest file in the gist as the gist foldername instead
of the first encountered file(in alphabetical order)
- Renames gist foldernames in case of any existing folders with same name
+ [Tuesday] Apr 04, 2017
- Add option for limiting the number of commits to clone
import json
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import urllib.request
import colorama as color
import argparse
import collections
from pprint import pprint
REPOS_API_URL = '{0}/repos'
GISTS_API_URL = '{0}/gists'
def brighten(msg):
Make text brighter in terminal
return color.Style.BRIGHT + msg + color.Style.NORMAL
def print_y(msg):
Print information message in yellow
print(brighten(color.Style.BRIGHT + color.Fore.YELLOW + msg + color.Fore.WHITE))
def print_r(msg):
Print error message in red
print(brighten(color.Style.BRIGHT + color.Fore.RED + msg + color.Fore.WHITE))
def download_json(url):
Fetches json from the passed url
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response:
def get_gists(username, use_ssh=False):
Extracts the names of the files and the urls of the gists only from the json
string received:
json --> [{pull_url, repo_name}, {pull_url, repo_name}, ...]
The name of the first file found(where the gist has severall) will be
used as the folder name
url = GISTS_API_URL.format(username)
gists_json = download_json(url)
gists = json.loads(gists_json)
gist_list = []
for gist in gists:
gist_info = {}
pull_url = gist['git_pull_url']
if use_ssh:
pull_url = pull_url.split('/')[-1]
pull_url = '' + pull_url
gist_info['pull_url'] = pull_url
for key in gist:
gist_name = ''
largest_size = 0
if key == 'files':
for fname in gist[key]:
size = gist[key][fname]['size']
if size > largest_size:
largest_size = size
gist_name = fname
if gist_name == '':
# Shouldn't be possible, but handle it anyway
gist_name = 'no-name-gist'
gist_info['repo_name'] = gist_name
gist_list += [gist_info]
return gist_list
def get_repos(username, use_ssh=False):
Extracts clone urls for the users repos and stores them in a list
json --> [{pull_url, repo_name}, {pull_url, repo_name}, ...]
url = REPOS_API_URL.format(username)
repos_json = download_json(url)
repos = json.loads(repos_json)
repo_list = []
for repo in repos:
clone_url = repo['clone_url']
if use_ssh:
clone_url = repo['ssh_url']
repo_list += [{'pull_url': clone_url,
'repo_name': repo['name']}]
return repo_list
def get_commit_log(folder):
Returns commit log in order to detect a valid existing git folder
cwd = os.getcwd()
ret = ""
ret = subprocess.check_output(
['git', 'log', '-1'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('utf8')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex:
ret = ex.output.decode('utf8')
return ret
# Checks if the folder is indeed a git repo and whether its indexes are
# uncorrupted
def proper_git_repo(folder):
Determine if folder is a valid git repo
log = get_commit_log(folder)
return 'fatal' not in log
def create_directory(dirname):
Create a folder with the name is none already exists
if dirname:
if os.path.isfile(dirname):
print('-- {0} is a file'.format(dirname))
elif not os.path.exists(dirname):
'Error occurred when creating folder name {0}'.format(dirname))
def clone(folder, username, what, use_ssh, limit=-1):
Does the actual cloning from Github
repo_list = []
if what == 'gists':
print('\n~~[ Cloning gists to folder {0} ]~~'.format(folder))
repo_list = get_gists(username, use_ssh)
print('\n~~[ Cloning repos to folder {0} ]~~'.format(folder))
repo_list = get_repos(username, use_ssh)
cwd = os.getcwd()
gist_name_count = collections.defaultdict(int)
for repo in repo_list:
repo_name = repo['repo_name']
repo_path = os.path.abspath(repo['repo_name'])
pull_url = repo['pull_url']
# Check if the repos is corrupt and delete it if so
if os.path.exists(repo_path):
if not proper_git_repo(repo_path):
"Repo `{0}' is corrupt, deleting and recloning...".format(repo_name))['rm', '-rf', repo_path])
if what == 'gists':
# Find non clashing folder name for the soon-to-be-cloned gist
count = gist_name_count[repo_name.lower()]
name = repo_name
while os.path.exists(name):
name = '%s~%d' % (repo_name, count)
count = count + 1
print('Count: %d Name: %s' % (count, name))
if count > 0:
repo_name = name
gist_name_count[repo_name.lower()] = count
if not os.path.exists(repo_name):
clone_args = ['git', 'clone', '--recursive', pull_url, repo_name]
if limit != -1:
clone_args += ['--depth={}'.format(limit)]
return len(repo_list)
def run(options=None):
Main runner code. Clone the repos and into their appropriate folders and returns
the number of repos and gists cloned
opts = parse_options(options)
username = opts.username
limit = opts.commit_limit
gist_count = repo_count = 0
if not opts.no_repos:
repo_folder = os.path.abspath(opts.repo_folder)
repo_count = clone(repo_folder, username, 'repos', opts.use_ssh, limit)
if not opts.no_gists:
gist_folder = os.path.abspath(opts.gist_folder)
gist_count = clone(gist_folder, username, 'gists', opts.use_ssh, limit)
return gist_count, repo_count
def desc_elapsed_time(start_time):
Describes elapsed time from upto now in English
elapsed = int(time.time() - start_time)
hours = elapsed // 3600
elapsed = elapsed - hours * 3600
hours, mins, secs = (hours, elapsed // 60, elapsed % 60)
msg = 'Elapsed time: '
if hours:
msg += '{0} Hours {1} Minute(s) {2} seconds'.format(hours, mins, secs)
elif mins:
msg += '{0} Minute(s) {1} seconds'.format(mins, secs)
msg += '{0} seconds'.format(secs)
return msg
def create_args_parser():
""" Return command line parser """
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="A script for cloning repos from someone's Github account",
parser.add_argument('username', help='Github username', type=str, nargs='?',
parser.add_argument('-gist', '-g', dest='gist_folder', help='Gist folder name',
type=str, default='gists')
parser.add_argument('-repo', '-r', dest='repo_folder', help='Repo folder name',
type=str, default='repos')
parser.add_argument('-no-gists', '-ng', help='Do not clone gists',
parser.add_argument('-no-repos', '-nr', help='Do not clone repos',
parser.add_argument('-ssh', help='Clone with ssh', dest='use_ssh',
parser.add_argument('-limit', '-l', help='Commit limit', dest='commit_limit',
type=int, default=-1)
return parser
def parse_options(arguments=None):
""" Reads command-line arguments
>>> parse_options('nkmathew -r=nkmathew-repos -g=nkmathew-gists')
if arguments is None:
arguments = sys.argv[1:]
if isinstance(arguments, str):
arguments = arguments.split()
if isinstance(arguments, argparse.Namespace):
return arguments
parser = create_args_parser()
args = parser.parse_args(arguments)
return args
def main():
Entry point
opts = parse_options()
start = time.time()
ngists, nrepos = run(opts)
print_y('\nCloned {0} gists and {1} repos...'.format(ngists, nrepos))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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