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Created November 29, 2018 16:24
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Adaptive Orientation
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.lucene.geo;
public class Orientation {
private static double check;
private static double lastcheck;
private static boolean everyOther;
private static double epsilon;
private static double splitter;
private static final double half = 0.5d;
private static final double resulterrbound;
private static final double ccwerrboundA;
private static final double ccwerrboundB;
private static final double ccwerrboundC;
static {
everyOther = true;
epsilon = 1.0;
splitter = 1.0;
check = 1.0;
/* Repeatedly divide `epsilon' by two until it is too small to add to */
/* one without causing roundoff. (Also check if the sum is equal to */
/* the previous sum, for machines that round up instead of using exact */
/* rounding. Not that this library will work on such machines anyway. */
do {
lastcheck = check;
epsilon *= half;
if (everyOther == true) {
splitter *= 2.0;
everyOther = !everyOther;
check = 1.0 + epsilon;
} while ((check != 1.0) && (check != lastcheck));
splitter += 1.0;
/* Error bounds for orientation and incircle tests. */
resulterrbound = (3.0 + 8.0 * epsilon) * epsilon;
ccwerrboundA = (3.0 + 16.0 * epsilon) * epsilon;
ccwerrboundB = (2.0 + 12.0 * epsilon) * epsilon;
ccwerrboundC = (9.0 + 64.0 * epsilon) * epsilon * epsilon;
public static double orient2d(double ax, double ay, double bx, double by, double cx, double cy) {
double detleft, detright, det;
double detsum, errbound;
detleft = (ax - cx) * (by - cy);
detright = (ay - cy) * (bx - cx);
det = detleft - detright;
if (detleft > 0.0) {
if (detright <= 0.0) {
return det;
} else {
detsum = detleft + detright;
} else if (detleft < 0.0) {
if (detright >= 0.0) {
return det;
} else {
detsum = -detleft - detright;
} else {
return det;
errbound = ccwerrboundA * detsum;
if ((det >= errbound) || (-det >= errbound)) {
return det;
return orient2dadapt(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, detsum);
private static double orient2dadapt(double ax, double ay, double bx, double by, double cx, double cy, double detsum)
double acx = ax - cx;
double acy = ay - cy;
double bcx = bx - cx;
double bcy = by - cy;
double acxtail, acytail, bcxtail, bcytail;
double detleft, detright;
double detlefttail, detrighttail;
double det, errbound;
double[] B;
double[] C1 = new double[8];
double[] C2 = new double[12];
double[] D = new double[16];
int C1length, C2length, Dlength;
double[] u;
detleft = acx * bcy;
detlefttail = twoProductTail(acx, bcy, detleft);
detright = acy * bcx;
detrighttail = twoProductTail(acy, bcx, detright);
B = twoTwoDiff(detleft, detlefttail, detright, detrighttail);
det = estimate(B);
errbound = ccwerrboundB * detsum;
if ((det >= errbound) || (-det >= errbound)) {
return det;
acxtail = twoDiffTail(ax, cx, acx);
bcxtail = twoDiffTail(bx, cx, bcx);
acytail = twoDiffTail(ay, cy, acy);
bcytail = twoDiffTail(by, cy, bcy);
if ((acxtail == 0.0) && (acytail == 0.0)
&& (bcxtail == 0.0) && (bcytail == 0.0)) {
return det;
errbound = ccwerrboundC * detsum + resulterrbound * Math.abs(det);
det += (acx * bcytail + bcy * acxtail)
- (acy * bcxtail + bcx * acytail);
if ((det >= errbound) || (-det >= errbound)) {
return det;
double[] s = twoProduct(acxtail, bcy);
double[] t = twoProduct(acytail, bcx);
u = twoTwoDiff(s[0], s[1], t[0], t[1]);
C1length = fastExpansionSumZeroelim(4, B, 4, u, C1);
s = twoProduct(acx, bcytail);
t = twoProduct(acy, bcxtail);
u = twoTwoDiff(s[0], s[1], t[0], t[1]);
C2length = fastExpansionSumZeroelim(C1length, C1, 4, u, C2);
s = twoProduct(acxtail, bcytail);
t = twoProduct(acytail, bcxtail);
u = twoTwoDiff(s[0], s[1], t[0], t[1]);
Dlength = fastExpansionSumZeroelim(C2length, C2, 4, u, D);
return(D[Dlength - 1]);
private static int fastExpansionSumZeroelim(int elen, double[] e, int flen, double[] f, double[] h) /* h cannot be e or f. */
double Q;
double Qnew;
double hh;
int eindex, findex, hindex;
double enow, fnow;
enow = e[0];
fnow = f[0];
eindex = findex = 0;
if ((fnow > enow) == (fnow > -enow)) {
Q = enow;
enow = e[++eindex];
} else {
Q = fnow;
fnow = f[++findex];
hindex = 0;
if ((eindex < elen) && (findex < flen)) {
if ((fnow > enow) == (fnow > -enow)) {
double[] temp = fastTwoSum(enow, Q);
Qnew = temp[0];
hh = temp[1];
enow = e[++eindex];
} else {
double[] temp = fastTwoSum(fnow, Q);
Qnew = temp[0];
hh = temp[1];
fnow = f[++findex];
Q = Qnew;
if (hh != 0.0) {
h[hindex++] = hh;
while ((eindex < elen) && (findex < flen)) {
if ((fnow > enow) == (fnow > -enow)) {
double[] temp;
temp = twoSum(Q, enow);
Qnew = temp[0];
hh = temp[1];
enow = e[++eindex];
} else {
double[] temp;
temp = twoSum(Q, fnow);
Qnew = temp[0];
hh = temp[1];
fnow = f[++findex];
Q = Qnew;
if (hh != 0.0) {
h[hindex++] = hh;
while (eindex < elen) {
double[] temp;
temp = twoSum(Q, enow);
Qnew = temp[0];
hh = temp[1];
enow = e[++eindex];
Q = Qnew;
if (hh != 0.0) {
h[hindex++] = hh;
while (findex < flen) {
double[] temp = twoSum(Q, fnow);
Qnew = temp[0];
hh = temp[1];
fnow = f[++findex];
Q = Qnew;
if (hh != 0.0) {
h[hindex++] = hh;
if ((Q != 0.0) || (hindex == 0)) {
h[hindex++] = Q;
return hindex;
private static double[] twoProduct(double a, double b) {
double[] result = new double[2];
result[0] = a * b;
result[1] = twoProductTail(a, b, result[0]);
return result;
private static double estimate(double[] e) {
double q = e[0];
for (int eindex = 1; eindex < e.length; ++eindex) {
q += e[eindex];
return q;
private static double twoProductTail(double a, double b, double x) {
double[] aSplit = split(a);
double[] bSplit = split(b);
double err1 = x - (aSplit[0] * bSplit[0]);
double err2 = err1 - (aSplit[1] * bSplit[0]);
double err3 = err2 - (aSplit[0] * bSplit[1]);
return (aSplit[1] * bSplit[1]) - err3;
/** splits into double[0] = aHi, double[1] = aLo */
private static double[] split(double a) {
double c = splitter * a;
double abig = (c - a);
double[] result = new double[2];
result[0] = c - abig;
result[1] = a - result[0];
return result;
private static double twoDiffTail(double a, double b, double x) {
double bvirt = a - x;
double avirt = x + bvirt;
double bround = bvirt - b;
double around = a - avirt;
return around + bround;
private static double[] twoDiff(double a, double b) {
double[] result = new double[2];
result[0] = a - b;
result[1] = twoDiffTail(a, b, result[0]);
return result;
private static double twoSumTail(double a, double b, double x) {
double bvirt = x - a;
double avirt = x - bvirt;
double bround = b - bvirt;
double around = a - avirt;
return around + bround;
private static double[] twoSum(double a, double b) {
double[] result = new double[2];
result[0] = a + b;
result[1] = twoSumTail(a, b, result[0]);
return result;
private static double fastTwoSumTail(double a, double b, double x) {
double bvirt = x - a;
return b - bvirt;
private static double[] fastTwoSum(double a, double b) {
double[] result = new double[2];
result[0] = a + b;
result[1] = fastTwoSumTail(a, b, result[0]);
return result;
private static double[] twoOneDiff(double a1, double a0, double b) {
double[] twoDiff = twoDiff(a0, b);
double[] twoSum = twoDiff(a1, twoDiff[0]);
return new double[] {twoDiff[1], twoSum[0], twoSum[1]};
private static double[] twoTwoDiff(double a1, double a0, double b1, double b0) {
double[] twoOneDiffA = twoOneDiff(a1, a0, b0);
double[] twoOneDiffB = twoOneDiff(twoOneDiffA[0], twoOneDiffA[1], b1);
return new double[] {twoOneDiffB[0], twoOneDiffB[1], twoOneDiffB[2], twoOneDiffA[2]};
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iverase commented Nov 30, 2018

It seems there is a small bug, I get in some situation an AAOB exception. I think in method fastExpansionSumZeroelim the conditions should be like:

while ((eindex < elen - 1) && (findex < flen - 1)) {

I have run some performance test for points:

||Approach||Index time (sec)||Force merge time (sec)||Index size (GB)||Reader heap (MB)||
          ||Dev||Base||Diff ||Dev  ||Base  ||diff   ||Dev||Base||Diff||Dev||Base||Diff ||
|points|231.3s|224.7s| 3%|0.0s|0.0s| 0%|0.51|0.51| 0%|1.72|1.72| 0%|
||Approach||Shape||M hits/sec      ||QPS            ||Hit count      ||
                 ||Dev||Base ||Diff||Dev||Base||Diff||Dev||Base||Diff||
|points|poly 10|84.62|87.94|-4%|53.51|55.61|-4%|355809475|355809475| 0%|
|points|distance|79.76|78.90| 1%|46.86|46.36| 1%|382961957|382961957| 0%|
|points|polyRussia|17.93|19.14|-6%|5.11|5.45|-6%|3508846|3508846| 0%|
|points|polyMedium|9.68|9.64| 0%|118.65|118.10| 0%|2693559|2693559| 0%|
|points|nearest 10|0.02|0.02|-1%|1555.49|1564.59|-1%|60844404|60844404| 0%|
|points|box|79.82|79.79| 0%|81.22|81.19| 0%|221118844|221118844| 0%|
|points|sort|42.58|41.64| 2%|43.33|42.37| 2%|221118844|221118844| 0%|

and for shapes:

|Approach||Index time (sec)||Force merge time (sec)||Index size (GB)||Reader heap (MB)||
          ||Dev||Base||Diff ||Dev  ||Base  ||diff   ||Dev||Base||Diff||Dev||Base||Diff ||
|shapes|1337.8s|1294.1s| 3%|0.0s|0.0s| 0%|2.15|2.15| 0%|1.82|1.82| 0%|
||Approach||Shape||M hits/sec      ||QPS            ||Hit count      ||
                 ||Dev||Base ||Diff||Dev||Base||Diff||Dev||Base||Diff||
|shapes|poly 10|22.12|23.03|-4%|13.99|14.56|-4%|355809475|355809475| 0%|
|shapes|polyRussia|2.99|2.84| 5%|0.85|0.81| 5%|3508846|3508846| 0%|
|shapes|polyMedium|1.42|1.37| 4%|17.43|16.81| 4%|2693559|2693559| 0%|
|shapes|box|37.23|36.06| 3%|37.88|36.69| 3%|221118844|221118844| 0%|

Maybe we can assume that the performance hit is around ~5%, not too bad.

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