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Created November 16, 2017 16:26
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" Settings
set nosmoothscroll
set noautofocus " The opposite of autofocus; this setting stops
" sites from focusing on an input box when they load
set typelinkhints
let searchlimit = 30
let scrollstep = 70
let barposition = "bottom"
let hintchars = hjklasdfgyuiopqwertnmzxcvb
set scalehints
set sortlinkhints
set showtabindices
let searchengine duckduckgo = ["", ""]
let searchalias ddg = "duckduckgo"
" alias ':g' to ':tabnew google'
command g tabnew google
command ddg tabnew duckduckgo
let completionengines = ["duckduckgo", "wikipedia", "imdb", "amazon"]
let searchalias g = "google" " Create a shortcut for search engines.
" For example, typing ':tabnew g example'
" would act the same way as ':tabnew google example'
" Open all of these in a tab with `gnb` or open one of these with <N>goa where <N>
"let qmark a = ["", "", ""]
" disables cVim on these sites
" let blacklists = ["*", "*://*", "@*"]
" blacklists prefixed by '@' act as a whitelist
let mapleader = ","
" Mappings
map <Leader>r reloadTabUncached
map <Leader>x :restore<Space>
" You can use <Space>, which is interpreted as a
" literal " " character, to enter buffer completion mode
map gb :buffer<Space>
" Create a variable that can be used/referenced in the command bar
"let @@reddit_prog = ''
"let @@top_all = 'top?sort=top&t=all'
"let @@top_day = 'top?sort=top&t=day'
"" TA binding opens '' in a new tab
"map TA :tabnew @@reddit_prog/@@top_all<CR>
"map TD :tabnew @@reddit_prog/@@top_day<CR>
" Use paste buffer in mappings
map P :tabnew @"<CR>
" Code blocks (see below for more info)
getIP() -> {{
httpRequest({url: '', json: true},
function(res) { Status.setMessage('IP: ' + res.ip); });
" Displays your public IP address in the status bar
map ci :call getIP<CR>
" Script hints
"echo(link) -> {{
" alert(link.href);
"map <C-f> createScriptHint(echo)
let configpath = '~/.cvimrc'
set localconfig " Update settings via a local file (and the `:source` command) rather
" than the default options page in chrome
" As long as localconfig is set in the .cvimrc file. cVim will continue to read
" settings from there
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