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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Data.Validation.Aeson where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Semigroup
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Validation
import Data.Vector (toList, (!?))
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
type AesonErrors = [AesonError]
data AesonError = MissingKey T.Text Object
| TypeError String Value
| OutOfBounds Int Array
vObject :: Validate f => Value -> f AesonErrors Object
vObject (Object m) = _Success # m
vObject v = failWithTypeError "Object" v
vArray :: Validate f => Value -> f AesonErrors Array
vArray (Array m) = _Success # m
vArray v = failWithTypeError "Array" v
vList :: (Validate f, Functor (f AesonErrors)) => Value -> f AesonErrors [Value]
vList = fmap toList . vArray
vText :: Validate f => Value -> f AesonErrors T.Text
vText (String s) = _Success # s
vText v = failWithTypeError "String" v
vString :: (Validate f, Functor (f AesonErrors)) => Value -> f AesonErrors String
vString = fmap T.unpack . vText
vNumber (Number s) = _Success # s
vNumber v = failWithTypeError "String" v
vIntegral :: (Integral a, Validate f, Functor (f AesonErrors)) => Value -> f AesonErrors a
vIntegral = fmap floor . vNumber
failWithTypeError :: Validate f => String -> Value -> f AesonErrors a
failWithTypeError t v =_Failure # pure (TypeError t v)
vKey :: Validate f => T.Text -> Object -> f AesonErrors Value
vKey key o = maybeToV (pure $ MissingKey key o) (key `M.lookup` o)
vIx :: Validate f => Int -> Array -> f AesonErrors Value
vIx idx arr = maybeToV [OutOfBounds idx arr] $ arr !? idx
_ValMaybe ::
Validate f =>
Prism (Maybe a) (Maybe b) (f e a) (f e b)
_ValMaybe = prism f2m m2f
where f2m = (^? _Success)
m2f = maybe (Left Nothing) (Right . review _Success)
as v x = (v >>= x) ^. _AccValidation
maybeToV :: Validate v => e -> Maybe a -> v e a
maybeToV e m = fromMaybe (_Failure # e) $ m ^? _ValMaybe
data Widget = Widget String String
parseWidget :: Object -> AccValidation [AesonError] Widget
parseWidget v = Widget <$> ((vKey "name" v >>= vString :: Validation [AesonError] String) ^. _AccValidation :: AccValidation [AesonError] String)
<*> pure "what"
example v = do
x <- vObject v
vKey "at" x <|> vKey "baz" x
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