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Forked from danclien/V.hs
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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-- Not the greatest Haskell code, but it's possible to create a `i -> AccValidation err a` type
-- that can keep help keep track of where errors are.
-- For aeson, may be possible to just put the `[(Text, Value)]`s in place of `[String]`?
-- e.g. * Replace `[String] -> AccValidation [VError] a` with `[(Text, Value)] -> AccValidation [VError] a`
-- where `Text` is the key name, and `Value` is the value being parsed
-- * Make the smart constructor also take in a `Value` so it can `<>` the data.
-- * `VError` would need to be parameterized too to accept `Value` instead of `String`
-- May not be useful, and please ignore the bad code for now. D: I'm tired.
-- # Setup
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens ((#))
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Validation
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.Traversable as TR
type V a = [String] -> AccValidation [VError] a
data VError = MustNotBeEmpty [String] String
| MustBeLessThan32Length [String] String
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Simple
newtype String32 = String32 String deriving (Eq, Show)
string32 :: String -> V String32
string32 t i
| length t == 0 = _Failure # [MustNotBeEmpty i t]
| length t > 32 = _Failure # [MustBeLessThan32Length i t]
| otherwise = _Success # String32 t
-- Complex
data Parent = Parent { parentName :: String32
, favoriteChild :: Child
, parentChildren :: [Child]
} deriving (Show)
data Child = Child { childName :: String32
} deriving (Show)
parent :: V String32 -> V Child -> V [Child] -> V Parent
parent name fav children i = Parent <$>
name (i <> ["name"]) <*>
fav (i <> ["favorite"]) <*>
children (i <> ["children"])
child :: V String32 -> V Child
child name i = Child <$>
name (i <> ["name"])
children :: [V Child] -> V [Child]
children xs i =
let a = zip xs [0..]
b = fmap (\x -> (fst x) (i <> [show $ snd x])) a
in TR.sequenceA b
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ child (string32 "Bob") []
-- AccSuccess (Child {childName = String32 "Bob"})
print $ child (string32 "") []
-- AccFailure [MustNotBeEmpty ["name"] ""]
print $ parent (string32 "Parent") (child (string32 "Bob")) (children []) []
-- AccSuccess (Parent {parentName = String32 "Parent", favoriteChild = Child {childName = String32 "Bob"}, parentChildren = []})
print $ parent (string32 "") (child (string32 "")) (children []) []
-- AccFailure [MustNotBeEmpty ["name"] "",MustNotBeEmpty ["favorite","name"] ""]
print $ parent (string32 "Parent") (child (string32 "Bob")) (children [child (string32 "Bob")]) []
-- AccSuccess (Parent {parentName = String32 "Parent", favoriteChild = Child {childName = String32 "Bob"}, parentChildren = [Child {childName = String32 "Bob"}]})
print $ parent (string32 "") (child (string32 "")) (children [child (string32 "")]) []
-- AccFailure [MustNotBeEmpty ["name"] "",MustNotBeEmpty ["favorite","name"] "",MustNotBeEmpty ["children","0","name"] ""]
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