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Last active March 31, 2020 13:12
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To call called function in another interpreter (or anyother) and return returned.
class TeleCaller:
"""It is usefull for calling the called function in another interperter.
prefix (list): prefix to the call_string
modules (list): modules needed to import, added like "import module1, module2, ... ;"
before call_string.
encoder : passes through before calling
decoder : passed through before returning
>>>import shutil
>>>TeleCaller.caller = print # For understanding
>>>shutil_ = TeleCaller(['shutil'])
>>>TeleCaller.caller = lambda x:eval(x,globals())
caller = print
encoder = lambda code : code
decoder = lambda code : code
def __init__(self,prefix=[],modules=[]):
self.prefix = prefix
self.modules = modules
self.caller = self.__class__.caller
self.encoder = self.__class__.encoder
self.decoder = self.__class__.decoder
def __getattr__(self,attr):
return TeleCaller(self.prefix+[attr],self.modules)
def __call__(self,*args,**kwargs):
importstr = 'import '+', '.join(self.modules)+'; ' if len(self.modules) else ''
argstr = [repr(arg) for arg in args]+[repr(key)+'= '+repr(val) for key,val in kwargs.items()]
call_string = importstr+ '.'.join(self.prefix)+'('+', '.join(argstr)+')'
if self.encoder: call_string = self.encoder(call_string)
Return = self.caller(call_string)
if self.decoder: Return = self.decoder(Return)
return Return
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