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Last active January 12, 2021 15:34
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jotai-like API for recoil
import {
atom as recoilAtom,
} from "recoil";
import type {
} from "jotai/core/types";
import { RecoilRoot } from "recoil";
// import { Getter, Setter, PrimitiveAtom } from 'jotai/core/types';
// import { atom, useAtom } from 'jotai';
// export { useAtom } from 'jotai';
let key = 0;
export type { Atom, WritableAtom } from "jotai";
export type Setter = <Value, Update = Value>(
atom: WritableAtom<Value, Update>,
update?: Update | ((old: Value) => Update)
) => void;
export function atom<Value, Update = Value>(
read: (get: Getter) => Value | Promise<Value>,
write: (get: Getter, set: Setter, update: Update) => void | Promise<void>
): WritableAtom<Value, Update>;
export function atom<Value, Update = Value>(
read: Function,
write: (get: Getter, set: Setter, update: Update) => void | Promise<void>
): never;
export function atom<Value, Update = Value>(
read: Value,
write: (get: Getter, set: Setter, update: Update) => void | Promise<void>
): WritableAtom<Value, Update> & WithInitialValue<Value>;
export function atom<Value, Update extends never = never>(
read: (get: Getter) => Value | Promise<Value>
): Atom<Value>;
export function atom<Value, Update = Value>(read: Function): never;
export function atom<Value, Update extends never = never>(
initialValue: Value
): PrimitiveAtom<Value> & WithInitialValue<Value>;
export function atom<Value, Update = Value>(
read: any,
write?: any,
effects?: ReadonlyArray<AtomEffect<Value>>
): Atom<Value> {
if (write || typeof read === "function") {
var k = key++;
return selector({
key: k.toString(),
get: ({ get }) => (typeof read === "function" ? read(get) : read),
set: write ? ({ get, set }, val) => write(get, set, val) : undefined,
}) as any;
} else {
var k = key++;
return recoilAtom({
key: k.toString(),
effects_UNSTABLE: effects ?? [],
default: read,
}) as any;
export function atomFamily<Value, Param = string, Update = Value>(
read: (id: Param) => (get: Getter) => Value | Promise<Value>,
write?: (
id: any
) => (get: Getter, set: Setter, update: Update) => void | Promise<void>
): (param: Param) => WritableAtom<Value, Update>;
export function atomFamily<Value, Param = string, Update = Value>(
read: (id: Param) => Function,
write?: (
id: Param
) => (get: Getter, set: Setter, update: Update) => void | Promise<void>
): (param: Param) => WritableAtom<Value, Update>;
export function atomFamily<Value, Param = string, Update = Value>(
read: (id: Param) => Value,
write?: (
id: Param
) => (get: Getter, set: Setter, update: Update) => void | Promise<void>
): (param: Param) => WritableAtom<Value, Update>;
export function atomFamily<Value, Param = string, Update = Value>(
read: (id: Param) => Value,
write?: (
id: Param
) => (get: Getter, set: Setter, update: Update) => void | Promise<void>
): (param: Param) => WritableAtom<Value, Update> {
const cache = {};
return (id: any) => {
if (cache[id]) {
return cache[id];
} else {
const lread = read(id);
const lwrite = write ? write(id) : undefined;
cache[id] = atom(lread, lwrite);
return cache[id];
export function Provider({ initialValues, children }) {
return (
initializeState={(snapshot) => {
initialValues.forEach(([atom, value]) => {
snapshot.set(atom, value);
export function useAtom<Value>(atom: Atom<Value>) {
return useRecoilState((atom as unknown) as RecoilState<Value>);
export function useUpdateAtom<Value>(atom: Atom<Value>) {
return useSetRecoilState((atom as unknown) as RecoilState<Value>);
export type ValueOf<T> = T extends PrimitiveAtom<infer U> ? U : null;
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