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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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# Create empty file
- user: root
- group: root
- mode: 644
- template: jinja
- source: salt://shorewall/rules.jinja2
- replace: False
# Add managed rules block
- name: /etc/shorewall/rules
- marker_start: "### START SALT MANAGED SECTION ###"
- marker_end: "### END SALT MANAGED SECTION ###"
- append_if_not_found: True
- filename: /etc/shorewall/rules
- name: rules-block-accumulator
- text: |
?COMMENT Allow SSH traffic in at a rate of 3 per min
SSH(ACCEPT) net fw - - - - s:ssh:3/min:5
- require_in:
- file: /etc/shorewall/rules-block
- filename: /etc/shorewall/rules
- name: rules-block-accumulator
- text: |
?COMMENT Allow Ping traffic
Ping(ACCEPT) net fw
- require_in:
- file: /etc/shorewall/rules-block
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