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Created February 1, 2015 10:54
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// gcc -march=native -g -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wextra -O3 symmetric.c -o symmetric -DUSE_ALG
// Or if using with -m markers:
// gcc -march=native -g -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wextra -O3 symmetric.c -o symmetric -DLIKWID -llikwid -lpthread -lm -DUSE_ALG
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define DEFAULT_NUM_ROWS 10000
void dieUsage(char *programName) {
printf("Usage: %s [numRows] [numRepeat] [density]\n", programName);
printf(" Convert an upper right covariance matrix to be symmetric.\n");
printf(" numRows: size of square matrix (default %d)\n", DEFAULT_NUM_ROWS);
printf(" numRepeat: iterations to repeat (default %d\n", DEFAULT_NUM_REPEAT);
printf(" density: fraction of set cell values (default %f)\n", DEFAULT_DENSITY);
#ifdef LIKWID
#include <likwid.h>
#define likwid_markerInit()
#define likwid_markerThreadInit()
#define likwid_markerStartRegion(name)
#define likwid_markerStopRegion(name)
#define likwid_markerClose()
#endif // LIKWID
#if defined(USE_NATE)
// proceed row-by-row through lower left of squareMatrix
// for example, for numRows=4 the order is
// ,0 ,1 ,2 ,3
// ___________
// 0,| * * * *
// 1,| 1 * * *
// 2,| 2 3 * *
// 3,| 4 5 6 *
// [1,0] [2,0] [2,1] [3,0] [3,1] [3,2]
// Since C is "row major" the order through memory is
// 4 : 8, 9 : 12, 13, 14
// The corresponding inputs are
// [1,0] [0,2] [1,2] [0,3] [1,3] [2,3]
// with memory order
// 1 : 2, 6 : 3, 7, 11
void convert(uint32_t *squareMatrix, uint32_t numRows) {
for (uint32_t rowNum = 1; rowNum < numRows; rowNum++) {
uint32_t *outPtr = squareMatrix + rowNum * numRows; // [rowNum, 0]
uint32_t *inPtr = squareMatrix + rowNum; // [0, rowNum]
for (uint32_t colNum = 0; colNum < rowNum; colNum++) {
*outPtr = *inPtr; // copy value from inPtr to outPtr
outPtr = outPtr + 1; // advance outPtr across the row
inPtr = inPtr + numRows; // advance inPtr down the column
#elif defined(USE_KARIM)
* Convert 2D Adjacency Matrix “G” from directed to undirected graph
* dim: array dimension
void convert(uint32_t *G, long dim)
unsigned long rowMajorArrSize;
unsigned long i,h,t,r;
unsigned long currentHeadRow, currentTailRow;
unsigned long symmetricCell;
unsigned long column;
unsigned long dimMinusOne = dim-1;
unsigned long headPointer, tailPointer;
const unsigned long blockSize = 8;
/* assign HEAD and TAIL pointers */
headPointer = 0;
rowMajorArrSize = dim*dim;
// note: dim has to be long or do casting
tailPointer = (rowMajorArrSize)-blockSize;
unsigned long blocksLength = (rowMajorArrSize/blockSize)/2;
for (i = 0; i <blocksLength; i++)
// HEAD block
for (h = 0; h < blockSize ; h++)
currentHeadRow = headPointer/dim;
column = headPointer-currentHeadRow*dim;
symmetricCell = headPointer -(( (currentHeadRow-column)*(dimMinusOne)));;
if ( G[headPointer] ==1 ) G[symmetricCell] = 1;
// TAIL block
for (t = 0; t < blockSize; t++)
currentTailRow = (tailPointer/dim);
column = tailPointer-currentTailRow*dim;
symmetricCell = tailPointer -(( (currentTailRow-column)*(dimMinusOne)));;
if ( G[tailPointer] ==1 ) G[symmetricCell] = 1;
// move TAIL pinter to the next symmetrical block with HEAD
tailPointer = tailPointer - (blockSize*2);
// reversing the last operation since TAIL became smaller than HEAD
tailPointer = tailPointer+blockSize;
for (r = headPointer; r < tailPointer; r++)
currentHeadRow = headPointer/dim;
column = headPointer-currentHeadRow*dim;
symmetricCell = headPointer -(( (currentHeadRow-column)*(dimMinusOne)));;
if ( G[headPointer] ==1 ) G[symmetricCell] = 1;
#elif defined(USE_BASIC)
void convert(uint32_t *G, uint32_t dim) {
uint64_t row, col;
for (row = 0; row < dim; row++) {
for (col = row + 1; col < dim; col++) {
G[col*dim + row] = G[row*dim + col];
#elif defined(USE_CONDITIONAL)
void convert(uint32_t *G, uint32_t dim) {
uint64_t row, col;
for (row = 0; row < dim; row++) {
for (col = row + 1; col < dim; col++) {
uint32_t val = G[row*dim + col];
if (val) G[col*dim + row] = 1;
#error Define USE_NATE, USE_KARIM, USE_BASIC, or USE_CONDITIONAL to specify algorithm
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char *programName = argv[0];
uint64_t numRows = DEFAULT_NUM_ROWS;
if (argc > 1) numRows = atoi(argv[1]);
if (numRows == 0) dieUsage(programName);
uint64_t numRepeat = DEFAULT_NUM_REPEAT;
if (argc > 2) numRepeat = atoi(argv[2]);
if (numRepeat == 0) dieUsage(programName);
double density = DEFAULT_DENSITY;
if (argc > 3) density = atof(argv[3]);
if (density == 0.0) dieUsage(programName);
if (density > 1.0) dieUsage(programName);
uint64_t numCols = numRows; // matrix is always square
uint64_t numCells = numRows * numCols;
uint32_t *squareMatrix = calloc(numCells, sizeof(uint32_t));
if (squareMatrix == NULL) {
double sizeGB = numRows * numCols * sizeof(uint32_t) /
(double) (1000 * 1000 * 1000);
printf("Unable to allocate a %ld x %ld matrix (%.1f GB)\n",
numRows, numCols, sizeGB);
// initialize upper right of matrix according to density
for (uint64_t rowNum = 0; rowNum < numRows; rowNum++) {
// start each row at first entry after the diagonal
uint32_t *outPtr = squareMatrix + rowNum * numCols + rowNum + 1;
for (uint64_t colNum = rowNum + 1; colNum < numRows; colNum++) {
// and write a 1 or 0 until the end of the row
float rand = drand48();
uint32_t cellVal = 0;
if (rand < density) cellVal = 1;
*outPtr++ = cellVal;
// convert the matrix to symmetric (safe to repeat)
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < numRepeat; i++) {
convert(squareMatrix, numRows);
#if 0
for (uint64_t rowNum = 0; rowNum < numRows; rowNum++) {
for (uint64_t colNum = rowNum + 1; colNum < numRows; colNum++) {
uint32_t in = squareMatrix[colNum + rowNum * numCols];
uint32_t out = squareMatrix[rowNum + colNum * numRows];
if (in != out) {
printf("Bad value at [%ld, %ld] / [%ld, %ld]\n",
rowNum, colNum, colNum, rowNum);
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