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Last active March 20, 2024 02:05
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Save nlac/cf4feaa94f3487703af9ef071be39270 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A small js snippet to split a merged audio track to parts by silence analysis. Based on ffmpeg "silencedetect" filter and node.js.
* This javascript snippet is able to split a merged audio track to parts by silence analysis
* It is based on ffmpeg (, especially on the silencedetect filter (
* Assumptions:
* - nodejs is installed
* - ffmpeg is installed
* Usage:
* - fill the options object
* - run "node splitter"
const cp = require('child_process');
// to be filled
var options = {
mergedTrack: "songs.mp3", // required
outputDir: "out/", // directory, where to put the tracks (with all the required slashes)
ffmpegPath: "ffmpeg", // path to ffmpeg.exe
artist: "ARTIST", // meta info, optional
album: "ALBUM", // meta info, optional
trackNames: [], // meta info, optional
maxNoiseLevel: -40, // silence is defined below this dB value
minSilenceLength: 1.4, // (sec) we are searching for silence intervals at least of this lenght
minSongLength: 20 // (sec) if a track is sorter than this, we merge it to the previous track
// variables, utilities
var pattern = /silence_start: ([\w\.]+)[\s\S]+?silence_end: ([\w\.]+)/g;
var extension = options.mergedTrack.match(/\w+$/)[0];
var detectCommand = options.ffmpegPath + ' -i "' + options.mergedTrack + '" -af silencedetect=noise=' + options.maxNoiseLevel + 'dB:d=' + options.minSilenceLength + ' -f null -';
var convertCommand = function(i, secStart, secLength) {
var ss = new Date(Math.max(0, parseInt(secStart * 1000)-1)).toISOString().substr(11, 8);
var trackName = options.trackNames[i-1] || ("song" + (i<10?"0"+i:i));
return options.ffmpegPath + ' -ss "' + ss + '" -t ' + parseInt(secLength+3) + ' -i "' + options.mergedTrack
+ '" -metadata title="' + trackName + '" -metadata artist="' + options.artist + '" -metadata album="' + options.artist
+ '" -c:a copy "' + options.outputDir + trackName + "." + extension + '"';
// running silence detection"Start splitting, options: ");
for(var key in options)
console.log(" " + key + " = " + options[key]);
console.log("\Running silence detection, waiting for the output (be patient):\n " + detectCommand + "\n");
var out = cp.spawnSync(detectCommand, {
stdio: "pipe",
shell: process.env.ComSpec
out = out.output.toString();
// extracting tracks
var m, cmd, lastT = 0, counter = 0;
while(m = pattern.exec(out)) {
var len = m[1] - lastT;
if (len < options.minSongLength) {
// song is too short -> merge it to the previous one
cmd = convertCommand(++counter, lastT, len);
console.log("\n\nExtracting track:\n " + cmd + "\n");
cp.spawnSync(cmd, {
stdio: "inherit",
shell: process.env.ComSpec
lastT = m[2];
// extracting last track
cmd = convertCommand(++counter, lastT, 9999);
console.log("\n\nRunning command:\n " + cmd + "\n");
cp.spawnSync(cmd, {
stdio: "inherit",
shell: process.env.ComSpec
});"\nAll done.");
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