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Last active November 24, 2016 02:00
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def get_analytics():
Created on Tue Aug 16 22:48:18 2016
@author: Diego
import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter # Keep track of our term counts
from helperP3 import load_obj, skills_info
jobDict = load_obj('glassDoorDict')
return 'No dictionary found in the folder'
completeDict = dict(filter(lambda x,: len(x[1]) == 6, jobDict.items()))
finalDict = dict(map(lambda (x,y): (x, y[0:5] + [skills_info([y[0]]+y[5])]), completeDict.items()))
# Calculate top locations
location_dict = Counter()
location_dict.update([finalDict[item][3] for item in finalDict.keys()])
location_frame = pd.DataFrame(location_dict.items(), columns = ['Term', 'NumPostings'])
# Calculate top companies - (company, rating) , Num posting
company_dict = Counter()
company_dict.update([(finalDict[item][2],finalDict[item][1]) for item in finalDict.keys()])
company_frame = pd.DataFrame(company_dict.items(), columns = ['Term', 'NumPostings'])
# Calculate other analytics
skill_frame, edu_frame, lang_frame = skills_info(completeDict)
return location_frame, company_frame, skill_frame, edu_frame, lang_frame
def getWordCloud(skill_frame):
from wordcloud import WordCloud
from scipy.misc import imread
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
words = zip(skill_frame.Term,skill_frame.NumPostings)
tmp = WordCloud(width=800, height=330,ranks_only=True,background_color='white',margin = 5).generate_from_frequencies(words)
default_colors = tmp.to_array()
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