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Created August 21, 2016 07:08
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Aug 13 21:12:30 2016
@author: Diego
from selenium import webdriver
#from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # For HTML parsing
from time import sleep # To prevent overwhelming the server between connections
from collections import Counter # Keep track of our term counts
from nltk.corpus import stopwords # Filter out stopwords, such as 'the', 'or', 'and'
import pandas as pd # For converting results to a dataframe and bar chart plots
from selenium.webdriver.common import action_chains, keys
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
import numpy as np
import pickle
import re
import csv
def init_glassdoor():
''' Initialize chrome driver'''
chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
driver = '/Users/Diego/Documents/NYCDSA/Project 3/chromedriver'
browser = webdriver.Chrome(driver, chrome_options=chrome_options)
return browser
def searchJobs(jobName, city=None, jobDict = None, link=None):
'''Scrape for job listing'''
q = raw_input('Shall we scrape? (y/n)')
if q=='y':
job = browser.find_element_by_id("KeywordSearch")
location = browser.find_element_by_id("LocationSearch")
#browser.execute_script("arguments[0].value = ''", job)
browser.execute_script("arguments[0].value = ''", location)
# Set up starting page
initial_url = browser.current_url
# Find brief description
for i in range(20):
# Extract useful classes
jobPosting =browser.find_elements_by_class_name('jobListing')
# Create basic job Dictionary - but first check whether the keys exist
newPost = filter(lambda b: b[0] not in jobDict.keys(),
map(lambda a: (a.get_attribute('data-id'), a), jobPosting))
if newPost != []:
# then process the tuple and update the dictionary
jobData = map(lambda (a,b): (a,b.text.encode("utf8").split('\n')[0:4]),newPost)
# Update Dictionary
tmp = map(lambda a: jobDict.update({a[0]:a[1]}),jobData)
# finally find the links: make a tuple with id so that you can use the Dict
link_lst = map(lambda (c,d): (c,d.find_element_by_tag_name('a'). \
get_attribute('href')), newPost)
tmp = map(lambda (c,d): jobDict[c].append(d),link_lst)
# update link
link += link_lst
return jobDict, link
def text_cleaner(text):
This function just cleans up the raw html so that I can look at it.
Inputs: a URL to investigate
Outputs: Cleaned text only
# f = open('/Users/Diego/nltk_data/corpora/stopwords/english')
stopwords = set(stopwords.words("english"))
# f.close()
lines = (line.strip() for line in text.splitlines()) # break into lines
chunks = (phrase.strip() for line in lines for phrase in line.split(" ")) # break multi-headlines into a line each
def chunk_space(chunk):
chunk_out = chunk + ' ' # Need to fix spacing issue
return chunk_out
text = ''.join(chunk_space(chunk) for chunk in chunks if chunk).encode('utf-8') # Get rid of all blank lines and ends of line
# Now clean out all of the unicode junk (this line works great!!!)
text = text.decode('unicode_escape').encode('ascii', 'ignore') # Need this as some websites aren't formatted
except: # in a way that this works, can occasionally throw
return # an exception
text = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z.+3]"," ", text) # Now get rid of any terms that aren't words (include 3 for d3.js)
# Also include + for C++
text = text.lower() # Go to lower case
# # find experience
# try:
# experience ='(\d+).*(years).*(experience)',text).groups()
# exp = ' '.join(experience)
# except:
# pass
text = text.split() # and split them apart
text = [w for w in text if not w in stopwords]
text = list(set(text)) # Last, just get the set of these. Ignore counts (we are just looking at whether a term existed
# or not on the website)
return text
def get_match(cv,jDict):
'''Use the Jaccard similarity measure to choose the best match for a CV'''
# Parse cv according to predifined categories
new_cv = skills_info(cv)
# Flatten, filter and update the dict
# score = map(lambda (x,y): [x, jDict[x][2], jDict[x][3], Jaccard(new_cv,y)],
# map(lambda (x,y): (x, skills_info([y[0]]+y[5])), jDict.items()))
score = map(lambda (x,y): [jDict[x][2], jDict[x][3], jDict[x][1],
Jaccard(new_cv,y[5]), jDict[x][4]],jDict.items())
best = pd.DataFrame(score, columns=['Company','Location','Rating','Similarity','Link'])\
.sort_values(ascending = False, by='Similarity')
return best
def skills_info(jDict):
doc_frequency = Counter() # This will create a full counter of our terms.
if isinstance(jDict,dict):
[doc_frequency.update(jDict[item][5]) for item in jDict.keys()] # List comp
# Now we can just look at our final dict list inside doc_frequency
# Obtain our key terms and store them in a dict. These are the key data science skills we are looking for
prog_lang_dict = Counter({'R':doc_frequency['r'], 'Python':doc_frequency['python'],
'Java':doc_frequency['java'], 'C++':doc_frequency['c++'],
'Ruby':doc_frequency['ruby'], 'Julia':doc_frequency['julia'],
'Perl':doc_frequency['perl'], 'Matlab':doc_frequency['matlab'],
'Mathematica':doc_frequency['mathematica'], 'Php':doc_frequency['php'],
'JavaScript':doc_frequency['javascript'], 'Scala': doc_frequency['scala'],
analysis_tool_dict = Counter({'Excel':doc_frequency['excel'], 'Tableau':doc_frequency['tableau'],
'D3.js':doc_frequency['d3.js'], 'SAS':doc_frequency['sas'],
'SPSS':doc_frequency['spss'], 'D3':doc_frequency['d3'],
'Spotfire': doc_frequency['spotfire'],'Stata':doc_frequency['stata']})
hadoop_dict = Counter({'Hadoop':doc_frequency['hadoop'], 'MapReduce':doc_frequency['mapreduce'],
'Spark':doc_frequency['spark'], 'Pig':doc_frequency['pig'],
'Hive':doc_frequency['hive'], 'Shark':doc_frequency['shark'],
'Oozie':doc_frequency['oozie'], 'ZooKeeper':doc_frequency['zookeeper'],
'Flume':doc_frequency['flume'], 'Mahout':doc_frequency['mahout']})
other_dict = Counter({'Azure':doc_frequency['azure'], 'AWS':doc_frequency['aws']})
database_dict = Counter({'SQL':doc_frequency['sql'], 'NoSQL':doc_frequency['nosql'],
'HBase':doc_frequency['hbase'], 'Cassandra':doc_frequency['cassandra'],
# About Education
edu_dict = Counter({'Bachelor':doc_frequency['bachelor'],'Master':doc_frequency['master'],\
'PhD': doc_frequency['phd'],'MBA':doc_frequency['mba']})
# Calculate requested languages other than english
lang_dict = Counter({'French':doc_frequency['french'],'German':doc_frequency['german'],
# Education counters 2 Useless for analitycs but usefull for model
education_dict = Counter({'Computer Science':doc_frequency['computer-science'],
'Machine Learning':doc_frequency['machine-learning'],
'Software Engineer': doc_frequency['software-engineer'],
'Information System':doc_frequency['information-system'],
'Quantitative Finance':doc_frequency['quantitative-finance']})
overall_total_skills = prog_lang_dict + analysis_tool_dict + hadoop_dict + database_dict + other_dict# Combine our Counter objects
skl_dict = education_dict + lang_dict + edu_dict + overall_total_skills
if len(jDict) > 1 and isinstance(jDict,dict):
skill_frame = pd.DataFrame(overall_total_skills.items(), columns = ['Term', 'NumPostings']) # Convert these terms to a
edu_frame = pd.DataFrame(edu_dict.items(), columns = ['Term', 'NumPostings']) # Convert these terms to a
lang_frame = pd.DataFrame(lang_dict.items(), columns = ['Term', 'NumPostings'])
return skill_frame, edu_frame, lang_frame
skl_lst = filter(lambda x: skl_dict[x] >= 1,skl_dict.keys())
return skl_lst
def checkDict(jDict, link):
# 1- Check number of fields
bad_key = filter(lambda x: len(jDict[x]) < 5 ,jDict.keys())
# 2- Delete bad keys
keys_removed = [jDict.pop(ind) for ind in bad_key]
bad_value = filter(lambda x: len(jDict[x]) > 6,jDict.keys())
values_removed = [jDict[ind].pop(6) for ind in bad_value]
# 2b - Revove key = none
if None in jDict:
del jDict[None]
# 3- filter links whose keys are in Dict ONLY if the bag of words is missing
link = filter(lambda x: (x[0] in jDict) and (len(jDict[x[0]]) == 5), link)
print '###################################################'
print 'Lenght of Dictionary is ' + str(len(jDict))
print 'Lenght of link_lst is ' + str(len(link))
print 'Number of bags of words is ' + str(len(jDict) - len(link))
print '###################################################'
save = raw_input('Shall I save? (y/n)')
if save == 'y':
save_obj(jDict, 'glassDoorDict')
save_obj(link, 'glassDoorlink')
return jDict, link
def get_pause():
return np.random.choice(range(4,6))
def save_obj(obj, name ):
with open(name + '.pkl', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(obj, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def load_obj(name ):
with open(name + '.pkl', 'rb') as f:
return pickle.load(f)
def Jaccard(x,y):
"""returns the jaccard similarity between two lists """
intersection_cardinality = len(set.intersection(*[set(x), set(y)]))
union_cardinality = len(set.union(*[set(x), set(y)]))
return intersection_cardinality/float(union_cardinality)
def get_bestMatch(myCV):
Created on Tue Aug 16 22:48:18 2016
@author: Diego
# load the dictionary
jobDict = load_obj('glassDoorDict')
return 'No dictionary found in the folder'
completeDict = dict(filter(lambda x,: len(x[1]) == 6, jobDict.items()))
finalDict = dict(map(lambda (x,y): (x, y[0:5] + [skills_info([y[0]]+y[5])]), completeDict.items()))
# parse the cv
cv = text_cleaner(myCV)
BestMatch = get_match(cv,finalDict)
return BestMatch.to_csv('BestMatch.csv')
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