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BWAPI idiomatic Rust binding variant 2 from Migi
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::cell::Cell;
pub struct Game<'g> {
// Putting the lifetime 'g into a PhantomData<Cell<&'g ()>> instead of a
// PhantomData<&'g ()> makes 'g invariant instead of covariant.
// I don't know if that's necessary here, but better be safe than sorry.
// See for more info.
phantom: PhantomData<Cell<&'g ()>>,
pub struct Unit<'g> {
phantom: PhantomData<Cell<&'g ()>>,
impl<'g> Game<'g> {
pub fn some_fn_that_returns_a_unit(&mut self) -> Unit<'g> {
Unit { phantom: PhantomData }
// The crux of this "solution" is this function.
// It takes a closure that gets called every time a new game starts.
// This closure takes the game as an argument, and this game has a certain lifetime 'g associated with it,
// and everything you want to do with the game (accessing units etc.) must use that lifetime 'g.
// The lifetime that 'g will actually be is 'static, but the closure doesn't know that.
// It must work with all possible lifetimes 'g. Furthermore, it can't know that when the closure
// gets called again later (when a second game starts), that the lifetime is the same,
// so it should be impossible to "store" a unit and use it in a different game.
// This closure gets leaked actually, but there should only be one so it's mostly ok.
// This can be fixed in nightly by using Box instead of *mut, but in current stable,
// you can't have statics with destructors.
pub fn init_bwapi<F:'static + for<'g> FnMut(&mut Game<'g>) -> Box<EventHandler<'g> + 'g>>(f:F) {
unsafe {
assert!(on_start_handler_ptr.is_none(), "init_bwapi can only be called once");
on_start_handler_ptr = Some(Box::into_raw(Box::new(f)));
pub trait EventHandler<'g> {
fn on_end(&mut self, game: &mut Game<'g>);
fn on_frame(&mut self, game: &mut Game<'g>);
fn on_unit_create(&mut self, game: &mut Game<'g>, unit: Unit<'g>);
// etc
static mut on_start_handler_ptr : Option<*mut FnMut(&mut Game<'static>) -> Box<EventHandler<'static>>> = None;
static mut game_ptr : Option<*mut Game> = None;
static mut event_handler_ptr : Option<*mut EventHandler> = None;
// The fact that these pointers above are wrapped in Options is only because
// I don't know how to initialize them otherwise.
// This can be solved with the lazy_static crate I think, but you can't use crates here
// on the playground.
fn _dll_callback_on_start() {
unsafe {
game_ptr = Some(Box::into_raw(Box::new(Game { phantom: PhantomData })));
let game = &mut *game_ptr.unwrap();
let on_start = &mut *on_start_handler_ptr.unwrap();
event_handler_ptr = Some(Box::into_raw(on_start(game)));
fn _dll_callback_on_end() {
unsafe {
let game = &mut *game_ptr.unwrap();
let event_handler = &mut *event_handler_ptr.unwrap();
// delete game and event_handler
fn _dll_callback_on_frame() {
unsafe {
let game = &mut *game_ptr.unwrap();
let event_handler = &mut *event_handler_ptr.unwrap();
fn _dll_callback_on_unit_create() {
unsafe {
let game = &mut *game_ptr.unwrap();
let event_handler = &mut *event_handler_ptr.unwrap();
let unit = game.some_fn_that_returns_a_unit();
event_handler.on_unit_create(game, unit);
////////// USER CODE /////////////
struct MyEventHandler<'g> {
last_unit: Option<Unit<'g>>
impl<'g> EventHandler<'g> for MyEventHandler<'g> {
fn on_end(&mut self, _game: &mut Game<'g>) {
println!("game ended");
fn on_frame(&mut self, _game: &mut Game<'g>) {
println!("New frame. Unit exists? {}", self.last_unit.is_some());
fn on_unit_create(&mut self, _game: &mut Game<'g>, unit: Unit<'g>) {
println!("unit created");
self.last_unit = Some(unit);
fn main() {
init_bwapi(|_game| {
println!("new game");
Box::new(MyEventHandler {
last_unit: None
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