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Last active December 20, 2022 23:16
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  • Save nlitsme/41b05201e1d1feb586af to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nlitsme/41b05201e1d1feb586af to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
perl script for decoding raw hex sms PDU data
#!perl -w
# by Willem Hengeveld <>
# license:
use strict;
# this script decodes raw smsses, as used with the
# AT+CMT, or AT+CMGR, or AT+CMGS commands
# either parses hex strings on the commandline, or from stdin.
# prefix a string with '<' or '>' to specify if the message was incoming or outgoing
# 27.005 - Use of Data Terminal Equipment - Data Circuit terminating Equipment (DTE-DCE) interface for Short Message Service (SMS) and Cell Broadcast Service (CBS)
# describes the at-commands involved in sending/receiving smsses
# 23.040 - Technical realization of Short Message Service (SMS)
# describes the encoding of smsses
# 23.038 - Technical realization of Short Message Service (SMS)
# describes the data coding schemes
# todo: add support for decoding cell broadcast message pdu's -> 23.041
# ms = mobilestation
# SC = servicecenter
my @pdutypes= (
# ms->SC | SC->ms
[ 'deliver-report', 'deliver' ], # 0
[ 'submit', 'submit-report' ], # 1
[ 'command', 'status-report' ], # 2
[ 'unknown-out', 'unknown-in' ], # 3
# RP = Reply-Path
# H = UDHI - userdata header indicator
# SRI = status report indicator
# SRR = status report requested
# MMS = moremessages
# RD = reject dups
# VPF = validity period format
# MR = message reference
# OA = origination address
# DA = destination address
# VP = validity period
# PID = protocol id
# DCS = data coding scheme
#SCTS = sc timestamp
# DT = discharge time
# UDL = userdata lenght
# UD = user data
# FCS = failure cause -- encoded as 'i'
# PI = parameter indicator : bitmask
# CT = command type
# MN = message number
# CDL = commandata length
# CD = command data
my %typeinfo= ( # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 |
'deliver-report'=> ",FCS,PI,PID,DCS,UDL,UD,", # - H - - - MTI | FCS, PI, PID, DCS, UDL, UD
'submit-report'=> ",FCS,PI,SCTS,PID,DCS,UDL,UD,", # - H - - - MTI | FCS, PI, SCTS, PID, DCS, UDL, UD
'status-report'=> ",MR,RA,SCTS,DT,ST,PI,PID,DCS,UDL,UD,",# - H SRQ - MMS MTI | MR, RA, SCTS, DT, ST, PI, PID, DCS, UDL, UD
'command'=> ",MR,PID,CT,MN,DA,CDL,CD,", # - H SRR - - MTI | MR, PID, CT, MN, DA, CDL, CD
sub hasfield {
my ($pdutype, $field)= @_;
return $typeinfo{$pdutype} =~ /,$field,/i;
my @numtypes= ( 'unknown', 'international', 'national', 'network', 'subscriber', 'alpha', 'abbrev', 'reserved' );
my @plantypes= ( 'Unknown', 'ISDN_e164', 'undef2', 'Data_x121', 'Telex', 'SCspec5', 'SCspec6', 'undef7', 'National', 'Private', 'ERMES', 'undefb', 'undefc', 'undefd', 'undefe', 'Reserved');
# TP-PID protocol identifier
# bit7,6 == 00, bit5=0 : sme-to-sme protocol
# bit7,6 == 00, bit5=1 : telematic interworking
# 00000 implicit - device type is specific to this SC, or can be concluded on the basis of the address
# 00001 telex (or teletex reduced to telex format)
# 00010 group 3 telefax
# 00011 group 4 telefax
# 00100 voice telephone (i.e. conversion to speech)
# 00101 ERMES (European Radio Messaging System)
# 00110 National Paging system (known to the SC)
# 00111 Videotex (T.100 [20] /T.101 [21])
# 01000 teletex, carrier unspecified
# 01001 teletex, in PSPDN
# 01010 teletex, in CSPDN
# 01011 teletex, in analog PSTN
# 01100 teletex, in digital ISDN
# 01101 UCI (Universal Computer Interface, ETSI DE/PS 3 01-3)
# 01110..01111 (reserved, 2 combinations)
# 10000 a message handling facility (known to the SC)
# 10001 any public X.400-based message handling system
# 10010 Internet Electronic Mail
# 10011..10111 (reserved, 5 combinations)
# 11000..11110 values specific to each SC, usage based on mutual agreement between the SME and the SC (7 combinations available for each SC)
# 11111 A GSM/UMTS mobile station. The SC converts the SM from the received TP-DCS to any data coding scheme supported by the MS ( default )
# bit7,6=01
# 000000 Short Message Type 0
# 000001 Replace Short Message Type 1
# 000010 Replace Short Message Type 2
# 000011 Replace Short Message Type 3
# 000100 Replace Short Message Type 4
# 000101 Replace Short Message Type 5
# 000110 Replace Short Message Type 6
# 000111 Replace Short Message Type 7
# 001000..011101 Reserved
# 011110 Enhanced Message Service (Obsolete)
# 011111 Return Call Message
# 100000..111011 Reserved
# 111100 ANSI-136 R-DATA
# 111101 ME Data download
# 111110 ME De-personalization Short Message
# 111111 (U)SIM Data download
# these sections are in gsm standard 27.005
# section 4.3: AT+CMGS=<length><CR>PDUDATA<CTRLZ>
# length excluding smsc address
# section 4.2: AT+CMGR=<index><CR>
# -> +CMGR: <stat>,[alpha],<length><CRLF>pdu
# +CMT: [<alpha>],<length><CRLF>pdu
# type
# 91 1 - international
# a1 2 - national
# d0 5 - 7bit ascii
# 01 0
# 81 0
# struct address {
# char nrofdigits;
# struct {
# int onebit:1
# int numbertype:3;
# int numberingplan:4;
# } type;
# char value[ceil(nrofdigits/2)]
# }
# numbertype
# 0 Unknown
# 1 International number
# 2 National number
# 3 Network specific number
# 4 Subscriber number
# 5 Alphanumeric, (coded according to 3GPP TS 23.038 [9] GSM 7-bit default alphabet)
# 6 Abbreviated number
# 7 Reserved for extension
# numberingplan
# 0 Unknown
# 1 ISDN/telephone numbering plan (E.164 [17]/E.163[18])
# 2
# 3 Data numbering plan (X.121)
# 4 Telex numbering plan
# 5 Service Centre Specific plan 1)
# 6 Service Centre Specific plan 1)
# 7
# 8 National numbering plan
# 9 Private numbering plan
# a ERMES numbering plan (ETSI DE/PS 3 01-3)
# b
# c
# d
# e
# f Reserved for extension
# sms-submit:
# bb
# 01 MR
# 02 TP-DA
# ..
# ..
# b b b b bb
# 01 TP-DA
# These section numbers refer to gsm standard 23.040
# - TP-Message-Type-Indicator (TP-MTI)
# bits 1,0 of byte0 of all pdu's
# xmit | recv
# 3 - | -
# - TP-More-Messages-to-Send (TP-MMS)
# bit 2 of byte0 of SMS-DELIVER and SMS-STATUS-REPORT
# 0 More messages are waiting for the MS in this SC
# 1 No more messages are waiting for the MS in this SC
# TP-Reject-Duplicates (TP-RD)
# bit 2 of byte0 of SMS-SUBMIT
# 0 Instruct the SC to accept an SMS-SUBMIT for an SM still held in the SC which has the same TP-MR and the same TP-DA as a previously submitted SM from the same OA.
# 1 Instruct the SC to reject an SMS-SUBMIT for an SM still held in the SC which has the same TP-MR and the same TP-DA as the previously submitted SM from the same OA.
# - TP-Validity-Period-Format (TP-VPF)
# bit 4,3 of byte0 of SMS-SUBMIT
# 0 TP-VP field not present
# 1 TP-VP field present - relative format
# 2 TP-VP field present - enhanced format
# 3 TP-VP field present - absolute format
# - TP-Status-Report-Indication (TP-SRI)
# bit 5 of byte0 of SMS-DELIVER
# 0 A status report shall not be returned to the SME
# 1 A status report shall be returned to the SME
# - TP-Status-Report-Qualifier (TP-SRQ)
# bit 5 of byte0 of SMS-STATUS-REPORT
# 0 The SMS-STATUS-REPORT is the result of a SMS-SUBMIT.
# 1 The SMS-STATUS-REPORT is the result of an SMS-COMMAND
# - TP-Status-Report-Request (TP-SRR)
# bit 5 of byte0 of SMS-SUBMIT, SMS-COMMAND
# 0 A status report is not requested
# 1 A status report is requested
# - TP-User-Data-Header-Indicator (TP-UDHI)
# bit 6 of byte0 of all pdu's
# 0 The TP-UD field contains only the short message
# 1 The beginning of the TP-UD field contains a Header in addition to the short message.
# - TP-Reply-Path (TP-RP)
# bit 7 of byte0 of SMS-DELIVER and SMS--SUBMIT
# 0 TP-Reply-Path parameter is not set in this SMS-SUBMIT/DELIVER
# 1 TP-Reply-Path parameter is set in this SMS-SUBMIT/DELIVER
if (@ARGV) {
my $x= shift;
if ($x =~ /([<>])?(\w+)/) {
decodesms($1 ? ($1 eq "<" ? 1 : 0) : undef, $2);
else {
my $n=0;
while (<>) {
if (/([<>])?(\w+)/) {
decodesms($1 ? ($1 eq "<" ? 1 : 0) : undef, $2);
if ($n==0) {
while (<>) {
if (/^([<>])(\w{8,})/ || /"(<>)(\w+)"/) {
print "decoding $_\n";
decodesms($1 ? ($1 eq "<" ? 1 : 0) : undef, $2);
else {
print $_;
my %msgtypename=(
0=> {0=>'DELIVER-REPORT', 1=>'DELIVER'},
1=> {0=>'SUBMIT', 1=>'SUBMIT-REPORT'},
2=> {0=>'COMMAND', 1=>'STATUS-REPORT'},
3=> {0=>'-', 1=>'-'},
sub decodesms {
my ($dir, $smshex)=@_;
my $data= pack("H*", $smshex);
my $ofs= 0;
my $smsclen= unpack("C", substr($data, $ofs++, 1));
my $smscdata= substr($data, $ofs, $smsclen);
printf("smsc: %s\n", decode_address($smscdata));
# if direction not known, assume it is outgoing when the smsc length == 0
my $incoming= defined $dir ? $dir : $smsclen!=0;
my $pduhdr= unpack("C", substr($data, $ofs++, 1));
my $mti= ($pduhdr&3);
my $pdutype= $pdutypes[$mti][$incoming];
printf("%s %s\n", $pdutype, $mti?"done":"");
if (hasfield($pdutype, "MR")) {
# message reference
my $mr= unpack("C", substr($data, $ofs++, 1));
printf("MR: %02x\n", $mr);
if (hasfield($pdutype, "DA") || hasfield($pdutype, "OA")) {
# destination/originating address
my $srclen= unpack("C", substr($data, $ofs++, 1));
my $srcnum= substr($data, $ofs, ($srclen-1)/2+2);
$ofs += ($srclen-1)/2+2;
printf("%s: %s\n", hasfield($pdutype, "DA")?"DA":hasfield($pdutype, "OA")?"OA":"??",
if (hasfield($pdutype, "PID")) {
# protocol id
# todo
my $protocol= unpack("C", substr($data, $ofs++, 1));
printf("prot: %02x\n", $protocol);
# 0x00
# 0x0b
# 0x0d
# 0x10
my $dcs;
if (hasfield($pdutype, "DCS")) {
# data coding scheme
# todo , see 23.038
$dcs= unpack("C", substr($data, $ofs++, 1));
printf("dcs: %02x\n", $dcs);
if (hasfield($pdutype, "VP") && ($pduhdr&0x18)) {
# validity period
my $vpf= ($pduhdr&0x18)>>3;
my @fmt=qw(- rel enh abs);
# rel: 1 byte
# abs: 7 bytes
# enh: 7 bytes
if ($vpf==1) {
my $vp= unpack("C", substr($data, $ofs++, 1));
printf("VP: %s %d\n", $fmt[$vpf], $vp);
else {
my $vp= substr($data, $ofs, 7);
printf("VP: %s %s\n", $fmt[$vpf], unpack 'H*',$vp);
if (hasfield($pdutype, "SCTS")) {
# sc timestamp
my $scts= unpack 'H*', unpack("a7", substr($data, $ofs, 7));
$scts =~ s/(\w)(\w)/$2$1/g;
printf("scts: %s\n", $scts);
my $udl;
if (hasfield($pdutype, "UDL")) {
# userdata length, in septets ( 7 bit units )
$udl= unpack("C", substr($data, $ofs++, 1));
if (hasfield($pdutype, "UD")) {
# user data
# $dcs&c == 00 : 7bit
# $dcs&c == 04 : 8bit
# $dcs&c == 08 : unicode
if ($dcs&0x20) {
printf("compressed[%02x]: %s\n", $udl, unpack("H*", substr($data, $ofs)));
elsif (($dcs&0x0c)==0) {
# 7 bit data
my $nroctets= int(($udl*7)/8)+1;
my $ud= substr($data, $ofs, $nroctets);
$ofs += $nroctets;
my $uofs= 0;
if ($pduhdr&0x40) {
my $udhilen= unpack("C", substr($ud, 0, 1));
printf("udhi: %s\n", unpack("H*", substr($ud, 0, $udhilen+1)));
$uofs+= $udhilen+1;
my @msg= sms7to8bit($ud);
my $skip7= ($uofs*8+6)/7;
printf("msg: '%s'\n", join "", @msg[$skip7..$udl-1]);
elsif (($dcs&0x0c)==0x04) {
# 8 bit data
my $ud= substr($data, $ofs, $udl);
$ofs += ($udl*7)/8;
printf("msg: '%s'\n", $ud);
elsif (($dcs&0x0c)==0x08) {
# ucs2 data
my $ud= substr($data, $ofs, $udl);
$ofs += $udl;
printf("msg: U'%s'\n", pack("U*", unpack("n*",$ud)));
# 0x91
# 0xd0
else {
printf("msg: unknown encoding: %s\n", unpack("H*", substr($data, $ofs)));
printf("leftover: %d\n", length($data)-$ofs);
sub decode_address {
return "-" if ($_[0] eq "");
my ($typebyte, $addr)= unpack("Ca*", $_[0]);
my ($one, $type, $plan)=(($typebyte>>7)&1, ($typebyte>>4)&7, $typebyte&0xf);
return sprintf("%d.%s.%s:%s", $one, $numtypes[$type], $plantypes[$plan], decodenumber($addr, $type))
sub sms7to8bit {
my @xlat= (
"@", "£", "\$", "¥", "è", "é", "ù", "ì", "ò", "Ç", "\n", "Ø", "ø", "\r", "Å", "å",
"∆", "_", "Φ", "Γ", "Λ", "Ω", "Π", "Ψ", "Σ", "Θ", "Ξ", "\x1b", "Æ", "æ", "ß", "É",
"\x20", "!", "\x22", "#", "¤", "%", "&", "\x27", "(", ")", "*", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/",
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "?",
"¡", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O",
"P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "Ä", "Ö", "Ñ", "Ü", "§",
"¿", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o",
"p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "ä", "ö", "ñ", "ü", "à",
# \x03 : pagebreak
# \x1b : reserved for more extensions
my @xlat2= (
" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "\x03", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ",
" ", " ", " ", " ", "^", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "\x1b", " ", " ", " ", " ",
" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "{", "}", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "\\",
" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "[", "~", "]", " ",
"|", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ",
" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ",
" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "€", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ",
" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ",
# printf("xx-%s\n", unpack("H*", $_[0]));
my $bits= unpack("b*", $_[0]);
my $esc;
my @str;
for (my $bit=0 ; $bit<length($bits) ; $bit+=7) {
my $c= unpack "C", pack("b*", substr($bits, $bit, 7));
if ($esc) {
push @str, $xlat2[$c];
elsif ($c==0x1b) {
else {
push @str, $xlat[$c];
return @str;
sub decodenumber {
my ($numdata, $type)= @_;
if ($type==5) {
my $str= join "", sms7to8bit($numdata);
$str =~ s/\x00$//;
return $str;
else {
(my $nr= unpack 'H*', $numdata) =~ s/(\w)(\w)/$2$1/g;
return $nr;
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@mwarning lol, my apologies! I grabbed the wrong user name! 😊

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@nlitsme I had intended this one for you: Your helpful comments reference section numbers, but don't say which GSM spec version they are in relation to. Could you add that info? Thank you for sharing this!

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nlitsme commented Aug 21, 2022

I added them, it a long time ago that I wrote this script, around 2008 I think. back when I still used perl.

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@nlitsme OK, thank you. This does indeed appear to refer to the GSM 03.40 specification. I'm not a major Perl fan myself, but I've inherited some Perl code. I can do this part in an external executable however, but there are no libs that work with Iridium's strange format "off the shelf."

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nlitsme commented Aug 23, 2022

GSM 03.40 is the 'old' (1996) number of the newer 'GSM 23.040' (since about 2000) standard, which is also known as 'ETSI TS 123 040'

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