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Created August 2, 2023 17:24
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laserprojector animation
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d as a3
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from dataclasses import dataclass
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy
Author: Willem Hengeveld <>
Drawing several objects:
- prisms in multiple orientations and sizes.
- lines for the beam
- calculates two reflections, and finally the projection onto a screen.
- while and animating the rotating prisms.
class Point:
A single point.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.color = kwargs.get('color', [0,0,0,1])
if len(args)==0:
self.coord = []
elif len(args)==1:
arg = args[0]
self.coord = list(arg)
except TypeError:
# handle 1-d Point(1) or Point(1.1)
self.coord = [arg]
self.coord = list(args)
def __add__(lhs, rhs):
return Point(l+r for l, r in zip(lhs.coord, rhs.coord))
def __sub__(lhs, rhs):
return Point(l-r for l, r in zip(lhs.coord, rhs.coord))
def __rmul__(rhs, lhs):
return Point(lhs*x for x in rhs.coord)
def __mul__(lhs, rhs):
return Point(x*rhs for x in lhs.coord)
def __truediv__(lhs, rhs):
return Point(x/rhs for x in lhs.coord)
def __floordiv__(lhs, rhs):
return Point(x//rhs for x in lhs.coord)
def __eq__(lhs, rhs):
return lhs.dim()==rhs.dim() and all(a==b for a, b in zip(lhs.coord, rhs.coord))
def __ne__(lhs, rhs):
return not (lhs==rhs)
def dim(self):
return len(self.coord)
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.coord[i]
def __setitem__(self, i, x):
self.coord[i] = x
def __hash__(self):
return hash(tuple(self.coord))
def frompolar(angle, u, v):
u, v are perpendicular base vectors.
return math.cos(angle)*u + math.sin(angle)*v
def __repr__(self):
return "("+",".join(map(str, self.coord))+")"
def length(self):
return math.sqrt(sum(_**2 for _ in self.coord))
def np(self):
return numpy.array(self.coord)
def draw(self, ax):
ax.scatter([self[0]], [self[1]], color=self.color)
def innerproduct(a, b):
return sum(a*b for a, b in zip(a.coord, b.coord))
def perpendicularBase(Q):
calculate an arbitrary set of vectors perpendicular to the given 'Q'
L = Q.length()
x, y, z = Q.coord
sigma = L if x>0.0 else -L
h = x + sigma
beta = -1.0/(sigma*h)
f = beta*y
yield Point(f*h, 1.0+f*y, f*z)
g = beta*z
yield Point(g*h, g*y, 1.0+g*z)
class LineSegment:
points on the linesegment:
all points: { p1*(1-a)+p2*a, a in [0..1] }
P = p1*(1-a)+p2*a = p1 -a*p1+a*p2 = p1 + a*(p2-p1)
--> P-p1 = a*(p2-p1)
in 2d, and eliminating 'a' you get:
(P.y-p1.y)*(p2.x-p1.x)= (P.x-p1.x)*(p2.y-p1.y)
P.x*(p1.y-p2.y) + P.y*(p2.x-p1.x) = p1.y*p2.x -p1.x*p2.y
intersection P of two lines l and m:
where l is the line through l1 and l2
where m is the line through m1 and m2
P = a*(l2-l1) + l1 = b*(m2-m1) + m1
solve a, b from : a*(l2-l1) + l1 = b*(m2-m1) + m1
a*(l2-l1) + b*(m1-m2) = m1 - l1
matrix equation:
[ (l2-l1), (m1-m2) ] * {a,b} = [ (m1-l1) ]
p0 : Point
p1 : Point
def draw(self, ax):
ax.plot(*list( (x0, x1) for x0, x1 in zip(self.p0.coord, self.p1.coord)), color=[0,0,0,1])
def move(self, delta):
self.p0 += delta
self.p1 += delta
def pointForParams(self, a):
return self.p0 + (self.p1-self.p0)*a
def isintriangle(p, a, b, c):
checks if the point 'p' is inside the triangle formed by {a,b,c}.
all points must be 2D.
def sign(p1, p2, p3):
return (p1[0]-p3[0])*(p2[1]-p3[1]) - (p2[0]-p3[0])*(p1[1]-p3[1])
d1 = sign(p, a, b)
d2 = sign(p, b, c)
d3 = sign(p, c, a)
has_neg = (d1<0) or (d2<0) or (d3<0)
has_pos = (d1>0) or (d2>0) or (d3>0)
return not (has_neg and has_pos)
class Polygon:
a collection of points which are all in the same plane.
the plane is defined by three points: p1,p2,p3
all points P = p1 + (p2-p1)*a + (p3-p1)*b
for all a, b in R*R
in 3d: the normal vector would be:
N = (p2-p1) x (p3-p1) -- cross product
then the plane can be written as:
all points P, which satisfy:
N . (P-p1) == 0 -- dot product
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.color = kwargs.get('color', [0,0,0,1])
if len(args)==0:
self.points = []
elif len(args)==1:
arg = args[0]
self.points = list(arg)
self.points = list(args)
def add(self, pt):
def draw(self, ax):
vtx = self.vertices()
tri = a3.art3d.Poly3DCollection([vtx])
def vertices(self):
return list(_.coord for _ in self.points)
def __repr__(self):
return "["+",".join(map(repr, self.points))+"]"
def normalvector(self):
return a numpy unit normal vector for the plane.
p0, p1, p2 = self.points[:3]
v = numpy.cross((p1-p0).np(), (p2-p0).np())
return v / numpy.linalg.norm(v)
def intersection(self, line):
calc the intersection point of the plane of the poly with the line.
the intersection of a line l with this plane:
line: P = a*(l2-l1) + l1
plane: N . (P-p1) == 0
N . (a*(l2-l1) + l1-p1) == 0
a == (N . (p1-l1)) / (N . (l2-l1))
N = Point(self.normalvector())
nl = innerproduct(N, line.p1-line.p0)
if nl==0:
# no intersection
np = innerproduct(N, self.points[0]-line.p0)
a = np/nl
return line.pointForParams(a)
def contains(self, point):
Check if point is within the boundaries of the polygon
n = Point(self.normalvector())
# determine which axis is NOT paralel to the plane of the polygon.
npcoord = None
for c in range(point.dim()):
axis = Point(int(c==i) for i in range(point.dim()))
if innerproduct(axis, n) > 0.00001:
npcoord = c
coordlist = set(range(point.dim())) - {npcoord}
# reduce to 2D by removing that coordinate.
i, j = list(coordlist)[:2]
p = Point(point[i], point[j])
a = b = c = None
# enumerate all triangles fanning out from the first point.
for q in self.points:
if a is None:
a = Point(q[i], q[j])
b, c = c, Point(q[i], q[j])
if b is not None:
if isintriangle(p, a, b, c):
return True
class Shape:
Baseclass for a shape.
a shape is a collection of polygons.
The shape needs to implement two methods:
- generatePoints, which gets passed all non-keyword arguments from the constructor.
- generateFaces, which should generate the list of polygons which for the faces of the shape.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.color = kwargs.get('color', [0,0,0,1])
self.points = list(self.generatePoints(*args))
self.faces = list(self.generateFaces())
def draw(self, ax):
for f in self.faces:
def __repr__(self):
return "<"+"\n ".join(map(repr, self.points))+">" # "<"+"\n ".join(f"{id(_)}" for _ in self.faces)+">"
class Tetrahedron(Shape):
generate all points for a tetrahedron
def generatePoints(self):
yield Point(0, 0, 0)
for i in range(3):
yield Point(int(i!=j) for j in range(3))
def generateFaces(self):
for p in self.points:
yield Polygon(set(self.points) - {p}, color=self.color.copy())
class Prism(Shape):
Generate a prism, with the specified axis, starting angle, nr of sides and radius.
def generatePoints(self, axis, startangle, n, radius):
u, v = perpendicularBase(axis.p1-axis.p0)
for i in range(n):
p = Point.frompolar(startangle + i * 2*math.pi/n, radius*u, radius*v)
yield axis.p0 + p
yield axis.p1 + p
def generateFaces(self):
yield Polygon(self.points[::2], color=self.color.copy()) # bottom
yield Polygon(self.points[1::2], color=self.color.copy()) # top
plist = self.points * 2
for i in range(len(self.points)//2):
corners = plist[2*i:2*i+4]
corners[2:] = corners[4:1:-1]
yield Polygon(corners, color=self.color.copy())
def intersection(self, line):
# for all faces find the intersection point.
# filter out faces where the intersection point is outside of the
# boundaries of the face.
# then find the one closest to the starting point of the line.
return a face and a point.
found = []
for f in self.faces:
p = f.intersection(line)
if p and f.contains(p):
#print("found", p, " in ", f, " distance=", (p-line.p0).length(), (p-line.p1).length())
found.append((f, p))
elif p:
#print("not in poly:", p, " in ", f, " distance=", (p-line.p0).length(), (p-line.p1).length())
if not found:
return None, None
return min(found, key=lambda fp:(fp[1]-line.p0).length())
def calc_reflection(poly, incomingline):
Calculate a reflection using a householder transformation.
note: bug, sometimes the reflection returned passes through the back of the mirror.
return a LineSegment
intersectionpoint = poly.intersection(incomingline)
normalvector = poly.normalvector()
HH = numpy.identity(3) - 2*numpy.outer(normalvector, normalvector)
pnew = numpy.matmul(HH, +
return LineSegment(intersectionpoint, Point(pnew))
class Path:
Keep track of a set of points.
def __init__(self):
self.path = []
self.color = [0,0,0,1]
def append(self, p):
def draw(self, ax):
ax.scatter(list(p[0] for p in self.path), list(p[1] for p in self.path), list(p[2] for p in self.path), color=self.color)
class World:
Keep track of all objects.
def __init__(self):
# axis of the primary mirror, pointing up from the origin
self.a = LineSegment(Point(0,0,2), Point(0,0,0))
self.acolor = [1, 0, 0, 0.2] # transparent red
# axis of the secondary mirror, located 6 away on the y-axis, halfway the primary prism.
self.b = LineSegment(Point(4,6,1), Point(-4,6,1))
self.bcolor = [0, 1, 0, 0.4] # transparent green
# starting from the side of the small prism
self.c = LineSegment(Point(3, 6, 1), Point(-1, 0, 1))
self.ccolor = [0, 0, 1, 0.2] # transparent blue
self.path = Path()
def update(self, angle):
update world with the given rotation angle.
# create the mirrors, 'a' rotates approx 40 times faster than 'b'.
a = Prism(self.a, 4*angle/180*math.pi, 4, 4.0, color=self.acolor.copy())
b = Prism(self.b, -0.1*angle/180*math.pi, 6, 2.0, color=self.bcolor.copy())
# create the laser beam
l0 = self.c
l0.color = self.ccolor
# create the view screen
s = Polygon(Point(-10, -10, -10), Point(-10, -10, 10), Point(10, -10, 10), Point(10, -10, -10), color=[1,1,1,0.5])
self.objects = [ a, b, s ]
self.calculate_reflection(s, a, b, l0)
def calculate_reflection(self, screen, a, b, l0):
# calc intersection-face F0 of 'l0' with prism 'a'
# calc intersection-point P0 of 'l0' with F0
face0, point0 = a.intersection(l0)
if not face0:
print("no face0")
face0.color[3] = 0.8
self.objects.append(LineSegment(l0.p0, point0))
# calc reflection like l1 at P0
l1 = calc_reflection(face0, l0)
# calc intersection-face F1 of 'l1' with prism 'b'
# calc intersection-point P1 of 'l1' with F1
face1, point1 = b.intersection(l1)
if not face1:
#print("no face1")
face1.color[3] = 0.8
self.objects.append(LineSegment(point0, point1))
# calc reflection like l2 at P1
l2 = calc_reflection(face1, l1)
# calc intersection-point point2 of l2 with the screen
point2 = screen.intersection(l2)
if not point2:
print("no point2")
self.objects.append(LineSegment(point1, point2))
# remember all points on the screen.
def draw(self, ax):
for o in self.objects:
def usage():
Use 'a' to select the primary/red mirror.
Use 'b' to select the secondary/green mirror.
Use 'c' to select the laser position.
Use ESC to deselect.
Then use cursor keys to move the position left/right, up/down.
def main():
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
world = World()
selected = None
def on_press(e):
nonlocal selected
if e.key == 'ctrl+q':
elif e.key == 'a':
world.acolor = [1, 0, 0, 0.5] # transparent red
world.bcolor = [0, 1, 0, 0.4] # transparent green
world.ccolor = [0, 0, 1, 0.2] # transparent blue
selected = world.a
elif e.key == 'b':
world.acolor = [1, 0, 0, 0.2] # transparent red
world.bcolor = [0, 1, 0, 0.8] # transparent green
world.ccolor = [0, 0, 1, 0.2] # transparent blue
selected = world.b
elif e.key == 'c':
world.acolor = [1, 0, 0, 0.2] # transparent red
world.bcolor = [0, 1, 0, 0.4] # transparent green
world.ccolor = [0, 0, 1, 0.5] # transparent blue
selected = world.c
elif e.key == 'escape':
world.acolor = [1, 0, 0, 0.2] # transparent red
world.bcolor = [0, 1, 0, 0.4] # transparent green
world.ccolor = [0, 0, 1, 0.2] # transparent blue
selected = None
elif e.key == 'up':
""" move selected 'up' """
if selected:
selected.move(Point(0, 0, 0.5))
elif e.key == 'down':
""" move selected 'down' """
if selected:
selected.move(Point(0, 0, -0.5))
elif e.key == 'right':
""" move selected 'right' """
if selected:
selected.move(Point(0, 0.5, 0))
elif e.key == 'left':
""" move selected 'left' """
if selected:
selected.move(Point(0, -0.5, 0))
print(e.key, e)
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', on_press)
def update(angle):
ax.set_xlim3d((-10, 10))
ax.set_ylim3d((-10, 10))
ax.set_zlim3d((-10, 10))
ani = FuncAnimation(fig, update, 1000, interval=100)
if __name__=='__main__':
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