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python implementation of ecdsa calculations, demonstrating how to recover a private key from two signatures with identical 'r', and demonstrating how to find the public key from a signature and message, or from two signatures.
from __future__ import print_function, division
By Willem Hengeveld <>
ecdsa implementation in python
demonstrating several 'unconventional' calculations,
like finding a public key from a signature,
and finding a private key from 2 signatures with identical 'r'
# (gcd,c,d) = GCD(a, b) ===> a*c+b*d==gcd
def GCD(a, b):
prevx, x = 1, 0
prevy, y = 0, 1
while b:
q = a//b
x, prevx = prevx - q*x, x
y, prevy = prevy - q*y, y
a, b = b, a%b
return a, prevx, prevy
def modinv(x, m):
(gcd, c, d) = GCD(x,m)
return c
def samefield(a,b):
determine if a uses the same field
if a.field!=b.field:
raise Exception("field mismatch")
return True
class FiniteField:
FiniteField implements a value modulus a number.
class Value:
represent a value in the FiniteField
this class forwards all operations to the FiniteField class
def __init__(self, field, value):
self.field = field
self.value = int(value)
# Value * int
def __add__(self, rhs): return self.field.add(self, self.field.value(rhs))
def __sub__(self, rhs): return self.field.sub(self, self.field.value(rhs))
def __mul__(self, rhs): return self.field.mul(self, self.field.value(rhs))
def __div__(self, rhs): return self.field.div(self, self.field.value(rhs))
def __truediv__(self, rhs): return self.__div__(rhs)
def __floordiv__(self, rhs): return self.__div__(rhs)
def __pow__(self, rhs): return self.field.pow(self, rhs)
# int * Value
def __radd__(self, lhs): return self.field.add(self.field.value(lhs), self)
def __rsub__(self, lhs): return self.field.sub(self.field.value(lhs), self)
def __rmul__(self, lhs): return self.field.mul(self.field.value(lhs), self)
def __rdiv__(self, lhs): return self.field.div(self.field.value(lhs), self)
def __rtruediv__(self, lhs): return self.__rdiv__(lhs)
def __rfloordiv__(self, lhs): return self.__rdiv__(lhs)
def __rpow__(self, lhs): return self.field.pow(self.field.value(lhs), self)
def __eq__(self, rhs): return self.field.eq(self, self.field.value(rhs))
def __ne__(self, rhs): return not (self==rhs)
def __str__(self): return "0x%x" % self.value
def __neg__(self): return self.field.neg(self)
def sqrt(self, flag): return self.field.sqrt(self, flag)
def inverse(self): return self.field.inverse(self)
def __nonzero__(self): return self.field.nonzero(self)
def __bool__(self): return self.__nonzero__() != 0
def __int__(self): return self.field.intvalue(self)
def __init__(self, p):
self.p = p
several basic operators
def add(self, lhs, rhs): return samefield(lhs, rhs) and self.value((lhs.value + rhs.value) % self.p)
def sub(self, lhs, rhs): return samefield(lhs, rhs) and self.value((lhs.value - rhs.value) % self.p)
def mul(self, lhs, rhs): return samefield(lhs, rhs) and self.value((lhs.value * rhs.value) % self.p)
def div(self, lhs, rhs): return samefield(lhs, rhs) and self.value((lhs.value * rhs.inverse()) % self.p)
def pow(self, lhs, rhs): return self.value(pow(lhs.value, int(rhs), self.p))
def eq(self, lhs, rhs): return (lhs.value-rhs.value) % self.p == 0
def neg(self, val): return self.value(self.p-val.value)
def sqrt(self, val, flag):
calculate the square root modulus p
if not val:
return val
sw = self.p % 8
if sw==3 or sw==7:
res = val**((self.p+1)//4)
elif sw==5:
x = val**((self.p+1)//4)
if x==1:
res = val**((self.p+3)//8)
res = (4*val)**((self.p-5)//8)*2*val
raise Exception("modsqrt non supported for (p%8)==1")
if res.value%2==flag:
return res
return -res
def inverse(self, value):
calculate the multiplicative inverse
return modinv(value.value, self.p)
def nonzero(self, x):
return 1 if not (x.value % self.p)==0 else 0
def value(self, x):
converts an integer or FinitField.Value to a value of this FiniteField.
return x if isinstance(x, FiniteField.Value) and x.field==self else FiniteField.Value(self, x)
def zero(self):
returns the additive identity value
meaning: a + 0 = a
return FiniteField.Value(self, 0)
def one(self):
returns the multiplicative identity value
meaning a * 1 = a
return FiniteField.Value(self, 1)
def intvalue(self, x):
return x.value % self.p
class EllipticCurve:
EllipticCurve implements a point on a elliptic curve
class Point:
represent a value in the EllipticCurve
this class forwards all operations to the EllipticCurve class
def __init__(self, curve, x, y):
self.curve = curve
self.x = x
self.y = y
# Point + Point
def __add__(self, rhs): return self.curve.add(self, rhs)
def __sub__(self, rhs): return self.curve.sub(self, rhs)
# Point * int or Point * Value
def __mul__(self, rhs): return self.curve.mul(self, rhs)
def __div__(self, rhs): return self.curve.div(self, rhs)
def __truediv__(self, rhs): return self.__div__(rhs)
def __floordiv__(self, rhs): return self.__div__(rhs)
def __eq__(self, rhs): return self.curve.eq(self, rhs)
def __ne__(self, rhs): return not (self==rhs)
def __str__(self): return "(%s,%s)" % (self.x, self.y)
def __neg__(self): return self.curve.neg(self)
def __nonzero__(self): return self.curve.nonzero(self)
def __bool__(self): return self.__nonzero__() != 0
def isoncurve(self):
return self.curve.isoncurve(self)
def __init__(self, field, a, b):
self.field = field
self.a = field.value(a)
self.b = field.value(b)
def add(self, p, q):
perform elliptic curve addition
if not p: return q
if not q: return p
# calculate the slope of the intersection line
if p==q:
if p.y==0:
l = (3* p.x**2 + self.a) // (2* p.y)
elif p.x==q.x:
l = (p.y-q.y)//(p.x-q.x)
# calculate the intersection point
x = l**2 - ( p.x + q.x )
y = l*(p.x-x)-p.y
return self.point(x,y)
# subtraction is : a - b = a + -b
def sub(self, lhs, rhs): return lhs + -rhs
# scalar multiplication is implemented like repeated addition
def mul(self, pt, scalar):
scalar = int(scalar)
accumulator =
shifter = pt
while scalar != 0:
bit = scalar % 2
if bit:
accumulator += shifter
shifter += shifter
scalar //= 2
return accumulator
def div(self, pt, scalar):
scalar division: P / a = P * (1/a)
scalar is assumed to be of type FiniteField(grouporder)
return pt * (1//scalar)
def eq(self, lhs, rhs): return lhs.x==rhs.x and lhs.y==rhs.y
def neg(self, pt):
return self.point(pt.x, -pt.y)
def nonzero(self, pt):
return 1 if pt.x or pt.y else 0
def zero(self):
Return the additive identity point ( aka '0' )
P + 0 = P
return self.point(,
def point(self, x, y):
construct a point from 2 values
return EllipticCurve.Point(self, self.field.value(x), self.field.value(y))
def isoncurve(self, p):
verifies if a point is on the curve
return not p or (p.y**2 == p.x**3 + self.a*p.x + self.b)
def decompress(self, x, flag):
calculate the y coordinate given only the x value.
there are 2 possible solutions, use 'flag' to select.
x = self.field.value(x)
ysquare = x**3 + self.a*x+self.b
return self.point(x, ysquare.sqrt(flag))
class ECDSA:
Digital Signature Algorithm using Elliptic Curves
def __init__(self, ec, G, n): = ec
self.G = G
self.GFn = FiniteField(n)
def calcpub(self, privkey):
calculate the public key for private key x
return G*x
return self.G * self.GFn.value(privkey)
def sign(self, message, privkey, secret):
sign the message using private key and sign secret
for signsecret k, message m, privatekey x
return (G*k, (m+x*r)/k)
m = self.GFn.value(message)
x = self.GFn.value(privkey)
k = self.GFn.value(secret)
R = self.G * k
r = self.GFn.value(R.x)
s = (m + x*r) // k
return (r, s)
def verify(self, message, pubkey, rnum, snum):
Verify the signature
for message m, pubkey Y, signature (r,s)
r = xcoord(R)
verify that : G*m+Y*r=R*s
this is true because: { Y=G*x, and R=G*k, s=(m+x*r)/k }
G*m+G*x*r = G*k*(m+x*r)/k ->
G*(m+x*r) = G*(m+x*r)
several ways to do the verification:
r == xcoord[ G*(m/s) + Y*(r/s) ] <<< the standard way
R * s == G*m + Y*r
r == xcoord[ (G*m + Y*r)/s) ]
m = self.GFn.value(message)
r = self.GFn.value(rnum)
s = self.GFn.value(snum)
R = self.G * (m//s) + pubkey * (r//s)
# alternative methods of verifying
#RORG =, 0)
#RR = self.G * m + pubkey * r
#print("#1: %s .. %s" % (RR, RORG*s))
#print("#2: %s .. %s" % (RR*(1//s), r))
#print("#3: %s .. %s" % (R, r))
return R.x == r
def findpk(self, message, rnum, snum, flag):
find pubkey Y from message m, signature (r,s)
Y = (R*s-G*m)/r
note that there are 2 pubkeys related to a signature
m = self.GFn.value(message)
r = self.GFn.value(rnum)
s = self.GFn.value(snum)
R =, flag)
#return (R*s - self.G * m)*(1//r)
return R*(s//r) - self.G * (m//r)
def findpk2(self, r1, s1, r2, s2, flag1, flag2):
find pubkey Y from 2 different signature on the same message
sigs: (r1,s1) and (r2,s2)
returns (R1*s1-R2*s2)/(r1-r2)
R1 =, flag1)
R2 =, flag2)
rdiff = self.GFn.value(r1-r2)
return (R1*s1-R2*s2)*(1//rdiff)
def crack2(self, r, s1, s2, m1, m2):
find signsecret and privkey from duplicate 'r'
signature (r,s1) for message m1
and signature (r,s2) for message m2
s1 = (m1 + x*r)/k
s2 = (m2 + x*r)/k
subtract -> (s1-s2) = (m1-m2)/k -> k = (m1-m2)/(s1-s2)
-> privkey = (s1*k-m1)/r .. or (s2*k-m2)/r
sdelta = self.GFn.value(s1-s2)
mdelta = self.GFn.value(m1-m2)
secret = mdelta // sdelta
x1 = self.crack1(r, s1, m1, secret)
x2 = self.crack1(r, s2, m2, secret)
if x1 != x2:
print("x1=%s" % x1)
print("x2=%s" % x2)
return (secret, x1)
def crack1(self, rnum, snum, message, signsecret):
find privkey, given signsecret k, message m, signature (r,s)
x = (s*k-m)/r
m = self.GFn.value(message)
r = self.GFn.value(rnum)
s = self.GFn.value(snum)
k = self.GFn.value(signsecret)
return (s*k-m)//r
def secp256k1():
create the secp256k1 curve
GFp = FiniteField(2**256 - 2**32 - 977)
ec = EllipticCurve(GFp, 0, 7)
generator = ec.point( 0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798, 0x483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8 )
grouporder = 2**256 - 432420386565659656852420866394968145599
return ECDSA(ec, generator, grouporder)
def verifytest(calced, expected, descr):
verifytest is used to verify test results
if type(calced)!=type(expected):
if type(expected)==str:
calced = "%s" % calced
if calced!=expected:
print("ERROR in %s: got %s, expected %s" % (descr, calced, expected))
def test_gfp():
gfp = FiniteField(37)
verifytest(gfp.value(2)**16, "0x9", "<2>^16")
verifytest(2**gfp.value(16), "0x9", "2^<16>")
verifytest(gfp.value(1)//4, "0x1c", "<1>/4")
verifytest(1//gfp.value(4), "0x1c", "1/<4>")
verifytest(gfp.value(1)==38, "True", "<1>==38")
verifytest(1==gfp.value(38), "True", "1==<38>")
verifytest(gfp.value(1)!=38, "False", "<1>!=38")
verifytest(gfp.value(16)*16, "0x22", "<16>*16")
verifytest(16*gfp.value(16), "0x22", "16*<16>")
def test_ec():
GFp = FiniteField(2**256 - 2**32 - 977)
GFn = FiniteField(2**256 - 432420386565659656852420866394968145599)
ec = EllipticCurve(GFp, 0, 7)
G = ec.point( 0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798, 0x483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8 )
verifytest(G.isoncurve(), True, "oncurve")
a = 901283019823
b = 100980987879
P = G*a
Q = G*b
verifytest(G*a+G*b, G*(a+b), "p(a+b)=pa+pb")
verifytest((P+Q)*a, P*a+Q*a, "(p+q)a=pa+qa")
verifytest(P//GFn.value(a), G, "P/a")
def test_dsa():
dsa = secp256k1()
priv = 0x1234
pubkey = dsa.calcpub(priv)
signsecret1 = 0x1111
signsecret2 = 0x2222
msg1 = 0x1234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234
(r1,s1) = dsa.sign(msg1, priv, signsecret1)
check1 = dsa.verify(msg1, pubkey, r1, s1)
verifytest(pubkey, "(0x37a4aef1f8423ca076e4b7d99a8cabff40ddb8231f2a9f01081f15d7fa65c1ba,0xb96ced90a1b8f9b43a18fc900ff55af2be0e94b90a434fca5b9e226b835024cd)", "pubkey")
verifytest(priv, dsa.crack1(r1, s1, msg1, signsecret1), "crack1")
verifytest(r1, "0x7592aab5d43618dda13fba71e3993cd7517a712d3da49664c06ee1bd3d1f70af", "r1")
verifytest(s1, "0x8e578a508331374bcbb1618ea3a8c9c63d49e9d42e0ed605b8c74910cfa50c11", "s1")
verifytest(check1, True, "verify1")
msg2 = 0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
(r2,s2) = dsa.sign(msg2, priv, signsecret1)
check2 = dsa.verify(msg2, pubkey, r2, s2)
verifytest(r2, "0x7592aab5d43618dda13fba71e3993cd7517a712d3da49664c06ee1bd3d1f70af", "r2")
verifytest(s2, "0x351a200607d9aae72e3fb30fe41cf92dcd0b22117f57123df005974290d9429b", "s2")
verifytest(check2, True, "verify2")
verifytest(r1, r2, "rvalues")
(crackedsecret, crackedprivkey) = dsa.crack2(r1, s1, s2, msg1, msg2)
verifytest(crackedsecret, signsecret1, "crackedsecret")
verifytest(crackedprivkey, "0x%x" % priv, "crackedpriv")
Note that we can find public keys, which can validate a signature, but did not sign it!
for flag in range(2):
pk1 = dsa.findpk(msg1, r1, s1, flag)
check1 = dsa.verify(msg1, pk1, r1, s1)
print("%d -> %s pk1=%s" % (flag, check1, pk1))
pk2 = dsa.findpk(msg2, r2, s2, flag)
check2 = dsa.verify(msg2, pk2, r2, s2)
print("%d -> %s pk2=%s" % (flag, check2, pk2))
only one of these 4 verifies our msg correctly
(r3,s3) = dsa.sign(msg1, priv, signsecret2)
for flag1 in range(2):
for flag2 in range(2):
pk = dsa.findpk2(r1,s1,r3,s3,flag1,flag2)
check1 = dsa.verify(msg1, pk, r1,s1)
check3 = dsa.verify(msg1, pk, r3,s3)
print("%d,%d : %s %s -> %s" % (flag1, flag2, check1, check3, pk))
def test_crack():
Demonstrate cracking an actual bitcoin key, see
pk=(0xdbd0c61532279cf72981c3584fc32216e0127699635c2789f549e0730c059b81, 0xae133016a69c21e23f1859a95f06d52b7bf149a8f2fe4e8535c8a829b449c5ff)
# k:0x7a1a7e52797fc8caaa435d2a4dace39158504bf204fbe19f14dbb427faee50ae
# x:0xc477f9f65c22cce20657faa5b2d1d8122336f851a508a1ed04e479c34985bf96
E = secp256k1()
k, x = E.crack2(r, s1, s2, m1, m2)
print("k = %s" % k)
print("x = %s" % x)
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
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tor888 commented Dec 28, 2014

It be work if my wallet encrypted and do not have output transactions?

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nlitsme commented Jan 11, 2021

I added a description of how to get the m1 and m2 values here:

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nlitsme commented Jan 11, 2021

And update the script to work with python3

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nlitsme commented Jan 11, 2021

corrected an incorrect 'gcd' implementation, now the script works with the real world example from

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nlitsme commented Jan 11, 2021

And the latest update: using bool and int operators to get a bit more readable code.

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nlitsme commented Mar 3, 2021

I made a new repository: doing the above, and more in javascript.

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