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Created December 24, 2018 05:08
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SentimentalGreenyellowPattern created by nloadholtes -
test_data = """/->-\\
| | /----\\
| /-+--+-\ |
| | | | v |
\\-+-/ \\-+--/
class Cart():
def __init__(self, x, y, facing, cart_id):
self.cart_id = cart_id
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.pos = (x,y)
self.turn_dir = [-3, 0, 3]
if facing == "^":
self.facing = 0
elif facing == ">":
self.facing = 3
elif facing == "v":
self.facing = 6
elif facing == "<":
self. facing = 9
raise Exception(f"Parsing error: Invalid facing: {x},{y}, {facing}")
def turn(self):
val = self.turn_dir.pop(0)
# print(f" {self.cart_id} WAS facing: {self.facing}")
self.facing = (self.facing + val) % 12
# print(f" {self.cart_id} now facing: {self.facing}")
def __repr__(self):
return f"<id: {self.cart_id} x:{self.x}, y:{self.y}, facing:{self.facing}>"
def tick(self, track_map):
# if self.cart_id == 1:
# print(f"WAT: {self}")
# Shortcut to make sure that x and y are correct
y = self.x
x = self.y
if track_map[x][y] == "+":
# print(f"{self.cart_id} Turn!")
elif track_map[x][y] == "\\":
# print(f"Facing(1): {self.cart_id}:{self.facing}")
if self.facing == 3:
self.facing = 6
elif self.facing == 0:
self.facing = 9
elif self.facing == 9:
self.facing = 0
self.facing = 3
# print(f"Facing(1b): {self.cart_id}:{self.facing}")
elif track_map[x][y] == "/":
# print(f"Facing(2): {self.cart_id}:{self.facing}")
if self.facing == 6:
self.facing = 9
elif self.facing == 3:
self.facing = 0
elif self.facing == 9:
self.facing = 6
self.facing = 3
# print(f"Facing(2b): {self.cart_id}:{self.facing}")
if self.facing == 3: # >
self.x += 1
elif self.facing == 9: # <
self.x -= 1
elif self.facing == 0: # ^
self.y -= 1
elif self.facing == 6: # v
self.y += 1
self.pos = (self.x, self.y)
# for r in track_map:
# print("".join(r))
def wreck_check(carts):
positions = [(a.x, a.y) for a in carts]
uniq_positions = set(positions)
if len(uniq_positions) == len(positions):
return False
for x in uniq_positions:
for y in range(len(positions)):
if x == positions[y]:
positions[y] = None
return list(filter(None, positions))
def parse(data):
lines = data.split("\n")
carts = []
output_map = []
cart_id = 0
for line in range(len(lines)):
# print(lines[line])
row = list(lines[line])
# print(row)
for col in range(len(row)):
if row[col] in ("^", ">", "<", "v"):
carts.append(Cart(col, line, row[col], cart_id))
cart_id += 1
if row[col] in ("<", ">"):
row[col] = "-"
if row[col] in ("^", "v"):
row[col] = "|"
if row:
return carts, output_map
def main():
# data = test_data
# print(data)
data = open("map.txt").read()
carts, track_map = parse(data)
from pprint import pprint as pp
# for r in track_map:
# print("".join(r))
# Tick
collision = wreck_check(carts)
max_tock = 28000
tock = 0
while tock < max_tock and len(carts) > 1:
carts.sort(key=lambda c: c.pos) # Really important it turns out
for c in carts:
if c.cart_id:
collision = wreck_check(carts)
if collision:
c.cart_id = None
for x in carts:
if x.pos == collision:
x.cart_id = None
carts = [c for c in carts if c.cart_id]
tock += 1
# print(" ")
# for r in track_map:
# print("".join(r))
[c.tick(track_map) for c in carts]
print(f"WRECK!!! {collision} (tock was: {tock} out of {max_tock})")
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