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Last active January 15, 2017 21:46
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import estimation.RobustEstimator
import geometry.{Line, Point}
import scala.math.abs
import scala.util.Random
object TestRANSAC extends App {
val n_outliers = 100
val n_inliers = 100
val aux = Line(Point.nextGaussian)
val original_model = if (abs(aux.x) < abs(aux.y)) aux else Line(aux.y, aux.x)
val sigma = 0.2
val data = generate_data(n_outliers, n_inliers, original_model, sigma)
val ransac = new RobustEstimator(pick_point_pair, get_line_from_point_pair, test_point_closer_than(3 * sigma))
val iterations = 10
val estimated_model = ransac.estimate(data, iterations)
println(s"Original model $original_model")
println(s"Estimated model: $estimated_model")
def pick_point_pair(data: Seq[Point]): (Point, Point) = {
val List(p1, p2) = sample_without_replacement(2, data)
(p1, p2)
def get_line_from_point_pair(point_pair: (Point, Point)): Line = {
val (p1, p2) = point_pair
val delta = p2 - p1
val x = delta.y * (p1 cross p2) / delta.sqnorm
val y = -delta.x * (p1 cross p2) / delta.sqnorm
Line(x, y)
def test_point_closer_than(threshold: Double)(l: Line)(p: Point): Boolean = {
abs(l distance p) < threshold
def sample_without_replacement[D](N: Int, data: Seq[D], sample: List[D] = List.empty): List[D] = {
if (N <= 0) sample else {
val el = Random.nextInt(data.size)
val remaining_data = data.take(el) ++ data.drop(el + 1)
sample_without_replacement(N - 1, remaining_data, sample :+ data(el))
def generate_data(n_outliers: Int, n_inliers: Int, line: Line, noise: Double) = {
val r = 10.0 // Size of test space
val outliers = List.fill(n_outliers) { (Point.nextUniform - Point(0.5, 0.5)) * r }
val inliers = List.fill(n_inliers) {
val x = (Random.nextDouble - 0.5) * r / 2
Point(x, line(x)) + Point.nextGaussian * noise
outliers ++ inliers
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