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Created March 5, 2023 20:35
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FC macro to draw folding lines
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import FreeCAD
from math import floor
from DraftGeomUtils import isPtOnEdge, findIntersection
def getPlaneCenter(plane: Part.Plane) -> FreeCAD.Vector:
return FreeCAD.Vector(plane.Position.x, plane.Position.y, plane.Position.z)
def getWireMaxBoundBox(wire: Part.Wire) -> float:
return max(wire.BoundBox.XMax, wire.BoundBox.YMax, wire.BoundBox.ZMax)
def getIntersectionPoint(line: Part.Line, wire: Part.Wire) -> FreeCAD.Vector | None:
dists = line.distToShape(wire)
if not len(dists) > 1:
return None
if not len(dists[1]) > 0:
return None
if not len(dists[1][0]) > 1:
return None
return dists[1][0][1]
def getEdgeOnWhichPointIsOn(point, edges) -> Part.Edge | Part.Line | None:
for edge in edges:
if isPtOnEdge(point, edge):
return edge
return None
def getEdgeEndClosestToPoint(point: FreeCAD.Vector, edge: Part.Edge | Part.Line) -> FreeCAD.Vector:
vertexes = edge.Vertexes
end1 = vertexes[0].Point
if not len(vertexes) > 1:
return end1
end2 = vertexes[1].Point
dist1 = point.distanceToPoint(end1)
dist2 = point.distanceToPoint(end2)
if dist1 < dist2:
return end1
return end2
def getVectorBewteenTwoPlanes(pa: Part.Plane, pb: Part.Plane) -> FreeCAD.Vector:
"""Returns a vector aligned with the given planes centers.
pa : Part.Plane
pb : Part.Plane
aCenter = getPlaneCenter(pa)
bCenter = getPlaneCenter(pb)
nVec: FreeCAD.Vector = None
aLength = aCenter.Length
bLength = bCenter.Length
if aLength > bLength:
nVec = aCenter.sub(bCenter)
nVec = bCenter.sub(aCenter)
return nVec
def solveRayInitVertexes(wireA: Part.Wire, wireB: Part.Wire, planeB: Part.Plane) -> (FreeCAD.Vector, FreeCAD.Vector):
"""Returns a tuple of vertexes to use on planeA and planeB to initialize the
first ray orientation (i.e. the ray goes by the plane center and this vertex).
wireA : Part.Wire
wireB : Part.Wire
planeB: Part.Plane
(rayInitVertexA: FreeCAD.Vector, rayInitVertexB: FreeCAD.Vector)
rayInitVertexA = FreeCAD.Vector(wireA.Vertexes[0].Point)
projectionPlaneCenter = getPlaneCenter(planeB)
planeAxis = FreeCAD.Vector(planeB.Axis)
projectionPlane = Part.Plane(projectionPlaneCenter, planeAxis)
# project the rayInitVertexA on planeB
aProjection = FreeCAD.Vector(rayInitVertexA)
aProjection.projectToPlane(projectionPlaneCenter, planeAxis)
rayLength = getWireMaxBoundBox(wireB)
ray = Part.makeLine(projectionPlaneCenter, buildInitialRayEndVertice(projectionPlaneCenter, aProjection, rayLength))
intersectionPoint = getIntersectionPoint(ray, wireB)
edge = getEdgeOnWhichPointIsOn(intersectionPoint, wireB.Edges)
if not intersectionPoint or not edge:
# fallback to naive solution using the closest points bewteen the two wires
dists = wireFaceA.distToShape(wireFaceB)
rayInitVertexA = dists[1][0][0]
rayInitVertexB = dists[1][0][1]
return (rayInitVertexA, rayInitVertexB)
rayInitVertexB = getEdgeEndClosestToPoint(intersectionPoint, edge)
return (rayInitVertexA, rayInitVertexB)
def buildInitialRayEndVertice(planeCenter: FreeCAD.Vector, rayInitVertex: FreeCAD.Vector, rayLength: float) -> FreeCAD.Vector:
"""Builds and returns the vertice used to draw a line of length `rayLength`
starting at `planeCenter` and going through `rayInitVertex`.
rayInitLength = planeCenter.distanceToPoint(rayInitVertex)
# @see
rayInitVector = rayInitVertex.sub(planeCenter)
if (rayInitLength < rayLength):
# make the initial ray as long as rayLength
rayInitVector.multiply(rayLength / rayInitLength)
return planeCenter.add(rayInitVector)
def solveRayAngleFaceB(planeA, planeB, planesAxis, rayInitVertexA, rayInitVertexB, angle):
"""Depending on the faces orientation, the ray angle could be in the opposite
direction for the B face.
This fn returns either angle or angle * -1.
aCenter = getPlaneCenter(planeA)
bCenter = getPlaneCenter(planeB)
projectionPlaneCenter = bCenter
projectionPlane = Part.Plane(projectionPlaneCenter, planesAxis)
rayLength = 100.0
aRay = Part.makeLine(aCenter, buildInitialRayEndVertice(aCenter, rayInitVertexA, rayLength))
bRay = Part.makeLine(bCenter, buildInitialRayEndVertice(bCenter, rayInitVertexB, rayLength))
bBisRay = Part.makeLine(bCenter, buildInitialRayEndVertice(bCenter, rayInitVertexB, rayLength))
aRotationAxis = FreeCAD.Vector(planeA.Axis)
bRotationAxis = FreeCAD.Vector(planeB.Axis)
aRay.rotate(aCenter, aRotationAxis, angle)
bRay.rotate(bCenter, bRotationAxis, angle)
bBisRay.rotate(bCenter, bRotationAxis, angle * -1)
aProjection = FreeCAD.Vector(aRay.Vertexes[1].Point)
aProjection.projectToPlane(projectionPlaneCenter, planesAxis)
bProjection = FreeCAD.Vector(bRay.Vertexes[1].Point)
bProjection.projectToPlane(projectionPlaneCenter, planesAxis)
bBisProjection = FreeCAD.Vector(bBisRay.Vertexes[1].Point)
bBisProjection.projectToPlane(projectionPlaneCenter, planesAxis)
distAB = aProjection.distanceToPoint(bProjection)
distABBis = aProjection.distanceToPoint(bBisProjection)
if (distAB < distABBis):
return angle
return angle * -1
def buildFoldingPointsOnWire(w, wPlane, rayInitVertex, angle, showRays):
rayLength = getWireMaxBoundBox(w)
planeCenter = getPlaneCenter(wPlane)
rotationAxis = FreeCAD.Vector(wPlane.Axis)
refRay = Part.makeLine(planeCenter, buildInitialRayEndVertice(planeCenter, rayInitVertex, rayLength))
ray = refRay.rotated(planeCenter, rotationAxis, 0)
rays = []
stepCount = floor(360 / abs(angle))
currentStep = 0
foldingPoints = []
while currentStep < stepCount:
intersectionPoint = getIntersectionPoint(ray, w)
if showRays:
rays.append(Part.makeLine(ray.Vertexes[0].Point, ray.Vertexes[1].Point))
# prepare next iteration
currentStep += 1
ray = refRay.rotated(planeCenter, rotationAxis, currentStep * angle)
if not intersectionPoint:
relatedEdge = getEdgeOnWhichPointIsOn(intersectionPoint, w.Edges)
# @TODO? : add relatedEdge start and end points and be able to filter them.
# ALso check if we're on an edge start/end.
# If not, it may require to change the angle to add the edge start/end
# when it is close enough. Also make sure to keep the amount of points
# equal with the other face's wire.
# do not place a bend end on a line, as it should stay straight
if relatedEdge and isinstance(relatedEdge.Curve, Part.Line):
intersectionPoint = getEdgeEndClosestToPoint(intersectionPoint, relatedEdge)
if showRays:
return foldingPoints
def arePointsIdentical(pointA, pointB):
return 0.0 == pointA.distanceToPoint(pointB)
def filterPoints(pointsA, pointsB):
"""When consecutive points are on the same emplacement, skip them.
filteredPointsA = []
filteredPointsB = []
for i in range(len(pointsA)):
currentPointA = pointsA[i]
currentPointB = pointsB[i]
if i > 0:
if arePointsIdentical(currentPointA, pointsA[0]) and arePointsIdentical(currentPointB, pointsB[0]):
if arePointsIdentical(currentPointA, pointsA[i - 1]) and arePointsIdentical(currentPointB, pointsB[i - 1]):
return (filteredPointsA, filteredPointsB)
def connectPointsOn3DShape(pointsA, pointsB):
"""Draw the folding lines on the 3D shape
foldingLines = []
for i in range(len(pointsA)):
foldingLines.append(Part.makeLine(pointsA[i], pointsB[i]))
def flattenSection(pointsA, pointsB, i, previousAFlat, previousBFlat):
"""Computes the points of a flatten folding line"""
if (i < 1):
aStepLength = pointsA[i - 1].distanceToPoint(pointsA[i])
bStepLength = pointsB[i - 1].distanceToPoint(pointsB[i])
distAB = pointsA[i].distanceToPoint(pointsB[i])
diagLength = pointsA[i - 1].distanceToPoint(pointsB[i])
# use circles to find the position of the bFlat point
circleBStep = Part.makeCircle(bStepLength, previousBFlat)
circleDiag = Part.makeCircle(diagLength, previousAFlat)
bFlat = findIntersection(circleBStep, circleDiag)[0]
# use circles to find the position of the aFlat point
circleAStep = Part.makeCircle(aStepLength, previousAFlat)
circleAFlatBFlat = Part.makeCircle(distAB, bFlat)
aFlat = findIntersection(circleAStep, circleAFlatBFlat)[-1]
return (aFlat, bFlat)
def flattenWiresPoints(pointsA, pointsB):
"""Computes the points of the flatten folding lines"""
flattenPointsA = []
flattenPointsB = []
i = 0
aFlat = FreeCAD.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
distAB = pointsA[i].distanceToPoint(pointsB[i])
bFlat = FreeCAD.Vector(distAB, 0.0, 0.0)
previousAFlat = aFlat
previousBFlat = bFlat
i += 1
while (i < len(pointsA)):
previousAFlat, previousBFlat = flattenSection(pointsA, pointsB, i, previousAFlat, previousBFlat)
i += 1
return (flattenPointsA, flattenPointsB)
def buildEdges(points, edges = []):
"""Link the given points by making edges, and add the created edges to the
given edges array parameter.
i = 1
while (i < len(points)):
previousPoint = points[i - 1]
currentPoint = points[i]
i += 1
if (arePointsIdentical(previousPoint, currentPoint)):
edges.append(Part.makeLine(previousPoint, currentPoint))
def drawFlattenRepresentation(flattenPointsA, flattenPointsB):
"""Draw the flatten representation of the shape and folding lines.
edges = []
i = 0
pointsCount = len(flattenPointsA)
# the flat edges of A & B wires
buildEdges(flattenPointsA, edges)
buildEdges(flattenPointsB, edges)
while (i < pointsCount):
# the folding lines
edges.append(Part.makeLine(flattenPointsA[i], flattenPointsB[i]))
i += 1
# Sometimes there's a `BRepAdaptor_Curve::No geometry` error when trying to draw
# the flatten representation as a compound. If this occurs, you can still
# downgrade the shape into multiple edges using the Draft->downgrade button
# and place all the edges into a directory (i.e. a group).
def main():
# @TODO : GUI to set angle, showRays opt, show folding lines on 3D shape opt
angle = 10.0
showRays = False
# @TODO : sanitise selection
faceA = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[0]
faceB = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[1]
wireFaceA = faceA.Wires[0]
wireFaceB = faceB.Wires[0]
planeA = wireFaceA.findPlane()
planeB = wireFaceB.findPlane()
planesAxis = getVectorBewteenTwoPlanes(planeA, planeB)
# where to place the initial ray on each face
rayInitVertexA, rayInitVertexB = solveRayInitVertexes(wireFaceA, wireFaceB, planeB)
rayAngleFaceA = angle
# could be in the opposite direction of rayAngleFaceA
rayAngleFaceB = solveRayAngleFaceB(planeA, planeB, planesAxis, rayInitVertexA, rayInitVertexB, angle)
pointsWireA = buildFoldingPointsOnWire(wireFaceA, planeA, rayInitVertexA, rayAngleFaceA, showRays)
pointsWireB = buildFoldingPointsOnWire(wireFaceB, planeB, rayInitVertexB, rayAngleFaceB, showRays)
if len(pointsWireA) != len(pointsWireB):
# should have the same amount of points
pointsWireA, pointsWireB = filterPoints(pointsWireA, pointsWireB)
connectPointsOn3DShape(pointsWireA, pointsWireB)
flattenPointsA, flattenPointsB = flattenWiresPoints(pointsWireA, pointsWireB)
drawFlattenRepresentation(flattenPointsA, flattenPointsB)
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