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A quick guide to deploying some Security Docker Containers.


Grab a copy of Docker for your platform here: Follow the installation guide and tune the docker system to run with as much memory and CPU as you're willing to feed to it.

Docker Containers I find useful for general security tasks:

Local Debian instance: debian:latest

Metasploit: remnux/metasploit

Chrome via VNC (Useful for investingating malware sites): siomiz/chrome

WordPress Scan: wpscanteam/wpscan

OpenVAS Scanner: mikesplain/openvas

Splunk Enterprise w/20GB/Day License!: store/splunk/enterprise

Google Rapid Response: grrdocker/grr:latest

All instances can be acquired with docker pull - For example: docker pull debian:latest

General Notes:

If you want to save the state of a container, use : docker commit <container id> yourname/containername:latest

Once you create a container, you can delete the original repository you pulled it from with: docker rmi [original/location] - If its a local container you can keep overwriting the name.

To Pause a docker instance: docker pause [containerid]

To Stop a docker instance: docker stop [containerid/name]

To purge it from running processes: docker rm [container id/name]

To restart a stopped/paused instance: docker start [container id/name]

To execute an interactive session when a machine is already up and running another cmd: docker exec -it [container id/name]

To Detach from an interactive session but leave running: CTRL-SHIFT-P then CTRL-SHIFT-Q

Resume from a detached session with: docker attach [container id/name]

Copy Docker Containers from one Host to another (via USB/ETC): docker save -o fileimage [container id/name]

Then on the new host: docker load -I fileimage

Get a list of running docker containers with: docker ps

You can adjust networking settings within docker using: docker network

All docker commands come with useful help. For example: docker network help

Individual Docker Container Usage

SPLUNK LOG COLLECTOR (Comes with 20GB/day license valid for 1 Year!):

There are other Log Collection technologies out there, such as Graylog, ELK, OSSIM, etc. However in my opinion, Splunk is the Microsoft of log collecting, and you're likely to encounter it at most businesses; so its a good tool to learn. This doesn't mean you shouldn't use the others too!

Splunk is kind enough to provide a free docker template for Temporary/IR/Labs/Training usage. This container allows the collection of up to 20GB/Day of any type of log, and the license is valid for a full year.

First you need to create a persistent data store for logging; without this the logs will disappear when you stop the container:

docker run --name vsplunk -v /opt/splunk/etc -v /opt/splunk/var busybox

Then you should start Splunk. Read the license agreement here: Then, if you accept:

docker run -d -e "SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license" -e "SPLUNK_USER=root" -p "8000:8000" -p "514:514/udp" -p "1514:1514/udp" -p "514:514" -p "1514:1514" -p "8089:8089" -p "9997:9997" --volumes-from=vsplunk store/splunk/enterprise

Then you can connect to it by visiting

You can only have one user with this license and the password is default at admin:changeme

You can make your updates, such as change the hostname, install Applications, change the web password, update the system, etc. Once finished, use:

docker commit <container id> yourname/splunk_image:latest

CHROME VIA VNC -- Starts a secure Chrome browser accessible via localhost port 5900:

This is especially useful if you're a Windows user and want to investigate a suspicious site without the risk of infecting your local machine.
The browser is not high performance and CUT/PASTE is a pain in the butt with VNC - but it gets the job done.

docker run -p -id siomiz/chrome

OpenVAS - Security Scanner

OpenVAS is a community fork of Tenable Nessus; shortly before Nessus went commercial some folks forked it and built their own platform. Now; its a decent "free" competitor to the Nessus product, with a community of security folks developing plugins.

The web interface makes it easy for anyone with just a little experience scanning to get started.

docker run -d -p 443:443 --name openvas mikesplain/openvas

Once launched, login to the web interface via https://localhost:443 and accept the certificate. You can adjust the -p 443:443 if you need to use a different port. Credentials are simply:

Username: admin Password: admin

Metasploit - Exploitation Framework

Because, what security microservices package would be complete without Metasploit?

docker run --rm -it -p 4444:4444 -v ~/.msf4:/root/.msf4 -v /tmp/msf:/tmp/data remnux/met

Set the data directories (.msf and /tmp/msf) and port (4444) to match your needs. The updates (gems/plugins/etc) will take 2-5 minutes. Once done you'll be in your tmp/data directory.

Run: ./msfconsole and pwn away.

GRR (Google Rapid Response)

Google Rapid Response is an excellent tool for remote host system analysis. There is a host of things you can do with this tool and the good folks maintaining it are adding more capabilities every week.

We wont tell OpenText you're using it instead of Encase. :)

docker run -e EXTERNAL_HOSTNAME="" -e ADMIN_PASSWORD="GoogleRapidResponse" --ulimit nofile=1048576:1048576 -p -p grrdocker/grr:latest

WPScan (Wordpress Scan)

For folks running Wordpress - its probably a pretty good idea to also check it with WPSCAN pretty regularly.

Maintaining WPSCAN takes time and resources. Or you can just use the Docker Image and let the folks over at WPScanTeam take care of the maint for you:

Launching a scan is as simple as: docker run -it --rm wpscanteam/wpscan -u

RetDec (Retargetable Decompiler)

Malware reverse engineering is a highly specialized skill - but the folks at Avast are trying to help by providing a decompiler that converts 32bit binaries into human understandable C or Python representations.

Its not always perfect, but it does an excellent job and is even integrated into various platforms like Alienvault's OTX.

To output a python representation of a Win32 Bit binary:

docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/samples blacktop/retdec -k -l py --cleanup [file]

Or just run it without -l py if you prefer C.

You will need to change `pwd` to reflect the path you're using if you run this on Windows. OSX/Linux will interpret that as your current working directory.

NOTE: This image is pretty large - at ~5 GB. it is the largest in this list.

There are so many other Docker packages available, you should look at for the packages you're interested in.

From IDS (Suricata/Snort) to Honeypots (Dionaea, ModernHoneyNet) to full blown images of Kali Linux.

The only limit to Docker containers is your imagination.

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