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Last active November 24, 2016 07:09
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RaspberryPI images
Containers: 9
Running: 0
Paused: 0
Stopped: 9
Images: 64
Server Version: 1.10.3
Storage Driver: aufs
Root Dir: /var/lib/docker/aufs
Backing Filesystem: extfs
Dirs: 89
Dirperm1 Supported: true
Execution Driver: native-0.2
Logging Driver: json-file
Volume: local
Network: host bridge null
Kernel Version: 4.4.0-1016-raspi2
Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
OSType: linux
Architecture: armv7l
CPUs: 4
Total Memory: 920.1 MiB
Name: ubuntu
WARNING: No cpuset support
REPOSITORY                     TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
rancher/agent                  v1.0.2              5648ce88b99e        4 months ago        324.9 MB
withinboredom/agent            v1.0.2              5648ce88b99e        4 months ago        324.9 MB
withinboredom/agent-instance   v0.8.3              357aa5a8dc0e        4 months ago        236.9 MB
<none>                         <none>              6edbcfa2a60b        4 months ago        1.103 GB
rancher/s6-builder             v2.2.4.3_arm        b67d83f25a11        4 months ago        86.29 MB
<none>                         <none>              7a3d81d462c4        4 months ago        454.6 MB
<none>                         <none>              031c4542a45c        4 months ago        196.6 MB
rancher/server                 latest              53e372ab9d81        4 months ago        842.2 MB
armhf/alpine                   latest              65e22dd58e7d        5 months ago        3.927 MB
ubuntu                         14.04.4             38c759202e30        5 months ago        196.6 MB
armhf/ubuntu                   16.04               df15e3caf57c        6 months ago        100.6 MB
ioft/armhf-ubuntu              trusty              73915db97566        15 months ago       185 MB
rancher/s6-builder             v0.1.0              5817aeb4e5cc        21 months ago       747.7 MB
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                       COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                            PORTS               NAMES
e3dbf8043035        rancher/agent:v1.0.2        "/ http://192.1"   2 minutes ago       Exited (125) About a minute ago                       nauseous_bartik
451b6c089eec        rancher/agent:v1.0.2        "/ http://192.1"   3 minutes ago       Exited (125) 3 minutes ago                            sick_meninsky
32f06dfb7f76        rancher/agent:v1.0.2        "/ http://192.1"   4 months ago        Exited (125) 4 months ago                             romantic_lalande
a8e9be3a6630        rancher/agent:v1.0.2        "/ http://192.1"   4 months ago        Exited (1) 4 months ago                               awesome_euclid
ac587f81e774        rancher/agent:v1.0.2        "/ http://192.1"   4 months ago        Exited (125) 4 months ago                             small_wescoff
32a9a1a0fb19        rancher/agent:v1.0.2        "/ state"          4 months ago        Exited (0) 4 months ago                               rancher-agent-state
82b67d411a61        rancher/agent:v1.0.2        "/ http://192.1"   4 months ago        Exited (125) 4 months ago                             serene_mirzakhani
ebdb749b0129        rancher/s6-builder:v0.1.0   "/opt/"          4 months ago        Created                                               high_cray
4e92c934f2f0        031c4542a45c                "/bin/sh -c 'apt-get "   4 months ago        Created                                               grave_fermi
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