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Last active February 25, 2024 14:38
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Materials to fetch for DS2002 S3

S3 Sample Data

Fetch dummy data folders and files

curl > \
  bundle.tar.gz && \
  tar -xzvf bundle.tar.gz && \
  rm bundle.tar.gz

AWS Command Line Interface

Common Commands

List buckets

aws s3 ls

Make a bucket

aws s3 mb s3://BUCKET

List bucket contents

aws s3 ls s3://BUCKET/

Copy a file

aws s3 cp FILE s3://BUCKET/

Remove a file

aws s3 rm s3://BUCKET/FILE

Sync a directory

aws s3 sync folder1/ s3://BUCKET/
aws s3 sync folder2/ s3://BUCKET/PATH/MORE/

Remove files recursively

aws s3 rm s3://BUCKET/ --recursive

Delete a bucket

aws s3 rb s3://BUCKET/


import boto3

# name the class object something useful, i.e. the same name as the service
# this will become a reusable handle to call all methods against that service
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
ec2 = boto3.client('ec2')
sqs = boto3.clielnt('sqs')

Common Commands

List buckets

response = s3.list_buckets()

Make a bucket

BUCKET_NAME = "mybucket"
response = s3.create_bucket(Bucket=BUCKET_NAME)

List bucket contents

BUCKET_NAME = "mybucket"
response = s3.list_objects(Bucket=BUCKET_NAME)

Copy a file

BUCKET_NAME = "mybucket"
FILE_NAME = "myfile.txt"
KEY_NAME = "folderX/myfile.txt"
response = s3.put_object(

Remove a file

BUCKET_NAME = "mybucket"         # bucket name
KEY_NAME = "folder1/myfile.txt"  # path to file within bucket
response = s3.delete_object(

Delete a bucket

BUCKET_NAME = "mybucket"     # bucket name / must be empty
response = s3.delete_bucket(
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