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Created May 25, 2018 05:42
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RTOS lab using FreeRTOS 8.0.1 for Atmel studios for a SAMD20J and pre-made PCB board for hardware interfacing. Operating System made from scratch to utilize a better timing management instead of the basic programming. RTOS was utilized to control a PID system for a motor to move at 1500 RPM on command by user input from a keypad. On a separate c…
//***************Lab 7*************/
~Mutex = mutual exclusion
~A semaphore that is used for mutual exclusion must always be returned
~A mutex is a type of semaphore
~To create a mutex type semaphore, use the xSemaphoreCreateMutex() API function.
~xSemaphoreTake( xMutex, portMAX_DELAY );
~ The following line will only execute once the mutex has been successfully obtained.
~xSemaphoreGive( xMutex ); The mutex MUST be given back!
~main() simply creates the mutex, creates the tasks, then starts the scheduler
#include <FreeRTOS.h>
#include <asf.h>
#include <task.h>
//Global Functions
void init_TC(void);
void init_Interrupts(void);
void init_EIC(void);
void init_adc(void);
int read_adc(void);
void display(void);
void SSD_display(char);
void array_conversion(int);
void Simple_Clock_Init(void);
char input_detection(void);
void enable_clocks(void);
void init_ports(void);
void Medium_Priority(void);
void Lowest_Priority(void);
float PID(float);
float PID2(float);
void wait(int);
//Global Pointers
TcCount8* TC_0 = &(TC0->COUNT8);
TcCount8* TC_4 = &(TC4->COUNT8);
TcCount8* TC_6 = &(TC6->COUNT8);
PortGroup *porA = (PortGroup *)PORT;
PortGroup *porB = (PortGroup *)PORT+1;
//Global Variables
volatile int count = 0;
volatile char num[4];
volatile float y, y_1, u, u_1;
volatile int state = 1;
volatile int output = 0;
volatile int position = 0, rpm, lag = 0, counter = 0;
volatile int desired_rpm = 0;
volatile int speed_control, derrivative, new_speed, current_speed, speed_past, past_position, position_correct, current_pos, pos_error;
int PI_speed = 0;
int p = 0;
float Ts = 0.005; //0.0015
float Kp = 0.0005; //0.00122; - 5.2 sec to 1500 rpm, 4.10 to 0 rpm
float Ki = 0.00011;//0.0005;
float kd = 0; //Need for position control
float kff = 0;
float error = 0.0;
float integral = 0;
int col_input[4] = {PORT_PA16,PORT_PA17,PORT_PA18,PORT_PA19};
int row_input[4] = {PORT_PA04,PORT_PA05,PORT_PA06,PORT_PA07};
SemaphoreHandle_t xtask1 = NULL;
SemaphoreHandle_t xtask2 = NULL;
int main (void)
porB->DIRSET.reg = PORT_PB09;
porB->OUTSET.reg = PORT_PB09;
//Set PA04 to PA07 as
for (int i = 4; i < 8; i++)
porA->DIRSET.reg = (1u << i);
//Set PB00 to PB07 as
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
porB->DIRSET.reg = (1u << i);
//Set PA16 to PA19 as
for (int i = 16; i < 20; i++)
porA->DIRCLR.reg = (1u << i);
// Before a semaphore is used it must be explicitly created
xtask1 = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); //create Semaphore
xtask2 = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); //create Semaphore
// Check the semaphore was created successfully. configASSERT() is described in section 11.2.
xTaskCreate(Medium_Priority, "Keypad/Display", 1024, NULL, 1, NULL);
xTaskCreate(Lowest_Priority, "Motor/Pid Control", 1024, NULL, 2, NULL);
//Start the scheduler so the created tasks start executing.
~Medium Priority
~Low-pass filter
~speed and/or position control
void Medium_Priority()
const TickType_t hz_1 = (1000/200);
// As per most tasks, this task is implemented as an infinite loop.
// Obtain the mutex that is protecting access to the display.
if(xSemaphoreTake(xtask1, portMAX_DELAY))
volatile float yee;
//volatile float correct;
u = position*15; //position is position of motor
//if (u < 0)
//u = -u;
// Run through FIR filter
y = 0.03093*u_1 + 0.9691*y_1;
// Recursive assignment
y_1 = y;
u_1 = u;
rpm = y;
//speed_control = PID(u);
yee = position;
past_position = yee;
//position = 0; //if commented out displays current position, but PID becomes erratic
if(state == 2 || state == 4){
speed_control = PID(u);
position = 0;
TC_4->CC[0].reg = speed_control;
TC_4->CC[1].reg = 0;
else if(state == 1){
speed_control = PID(u);
position = 0;
TC_4->CC[0].reg = 0; //hard code 0 RPM in state 1 (idle)
TC_4->CC[1].reg = 0;
else if(state == 3){
speed_control = PID(u);
position = 0;
TC_4->CC[0].reg = 34; //hard code 1500RPM in state 3 (speed control)
TC_4->CC[1].reg = 0;
else if(state == 5){
position_correct = PID2(past_position);
if (past_position < -10){
porB->OUTCLR.reg = PORT_PB09;
TC_4->CC[0].reg = abs(position_correct);
TC_4->CC[1].reg = 0;
if(past_position > 10){
porB->OUTSET.reg = PORT_PB09;
TC_4->CC[0].reg = 0;
TC_4->CC[1].reg = abs(position_correct);
if(past_position>-10 && past_position <10) {
//position = 0;
TC_4->CC[0].reg = 255;
TC_4->CC[1].reg = 255;
float PID(float uu){
error = desired_rpm - uu;
integral += error;
derrivative = (error - speed_past)*200;
new_speed = Kp*error + Ki*integral + kd*derrivative; //PID sum;
current_speed = new_speed; //setting a new speed
speed_past = current_speed; // setting up a temp speed
return current_speed;
float PID2(float past_position){ //Position Control
float Kpp = 0.0002; //0.0005;
float Kii = 0.00025; //0.00011;
float kdd = 6.25e-05; //0.05; //Need for position control
error = 0 - past_position;
integral += error;
derrivative = (error - speed_past)*200;
new_speed = Kpp*error + Kii*integral + kdd*derrivative; //PID sum;
current_speed = new_speed; //setting a new speed
speed_past = current_speed; // setting up a temp speed
return current_speed;
~lowest Priority
~7-segment display
~Keypad interface
~state machine
void Lowest_Priority() //60Hz
const TickType_t hz_2 = (1000/60);
if(xSemaphoreTake(xtask2, portMAX_DELAY))
if(!(state == 5)){
if(state == 5){
unsigned char check = input_detection();
//State Machine: 1 = idle, 2 = accelerate, 3 = speed control, 4 = Decelerate, 5 = position control
if(check == '0' || check =='1' || check =='2'){
if(state == 1 && check == '1'){
state = 2;
else if(state == 2 && check == '2'){
state = 1;
else if(state == 5 && check == '1'){
state = 2;
kd = 0;
else if(state == 5 && check == '0'){
state = 4;
kd = 0;
integral = 0;
derrivative = 0;
new_speed = 0;
current_speed = 0;
speed_past = 0;
new_speed = 0;
else if(state == 1 && check == '2'){
state = 5;
error = 0;
integral = 0;
derrivative = 0;
new_speed = 0;
current_speed = 0;
speed_past = 0;
new_speed = 0;
case '0': {desired_rpm = 0;
case '1': {desired_rpm = 1500;
case '2': {desired_rpm = 0;
if(rpm == 0){
state = 5;
default : {desired_rpm = 0;}
vTaskDelay(hz_2); //Sets interrupt frequency
void EIC_Handler(void){
// Booleans
volatile bool phaseA = (porA->IN.reg & (0x1 << 28));
volatile bool phaseB = (porB->IN.reg & (0x1 << 14));
if(phaseA && phaseB)
else if(phaseA || phaseB)
// Clear Interrupt Flag
char input_detection(void)
volatile char x;
porA -> DIRSET.reg = PORT_PA07 | PORT_PA06| PORT_PA05| PORT_PA04;
porA -> DIRCLR.reg = PORT_PA19 | PORT_PA18 | PORT_PA17 | PORT_PA16;
//Initialization of keypad matrix
unsigned char keypad_key[4][4] = {{'D','C','B','A'},
/* Scan the keypad to find which key has been pressed */
for (int row = 0; row <= 3; row++)
porA -> OUTCLR.reg = row_input[row];
for (int col = 0; col <= 3; col ++)
if((porA->IN.reg) & col_input[col])
if (counter > 10)
x = keypad_key[col][row];
counter = 0; //Reset counter
return x; //Return char that was detected
void enable_clocks(void)
// Enable APB Clock
PM->APBCMASK.bit.ADC_ = 0x1;
PM->APBCMASK.bit.TC0_ = 0x1;
PM->APBCMASK.bit.TC4_ = 0x1;
PM->APBCMASK.bit.TC6_ = 0x1;
// ADC
GCLK->CLKCTRL.bit.ID = 0x17;
GCLK->CLKCTRL.reg |= (0x1 << 14);
// TC0
GCLK->CLKCTRL.bit.ID = 0x13;
GCLK->CLKCTRL.reg |= (0x1 << 14);
// TC4
GCLK->CLKCTRL.bit.ID = 0x15;
GCLK->CLKCTRL.reg |= (0x1 << 14);
// TC6
GCLK->CLKCTRL.bit.ID = 0x16;
GCLK->CLKCTRL.reg |= (0x1 << 14);
// EIC
GCLK->CLKCTRL.bit.ID = 0x3;
GCLK->CLKCTRL.reg |= (0x1 << 14);
void init_ports(void)
// Set PA_11 to ADC Peripheral
porA->PINCFG[11].bit.PMUXEN = 0x1;
porA->PMUX[5].bit.PMUXO = 0x1;
// SET PA_28 to EIC Peripheral
porA->PINCFG[28].bit.PMUXEN = 0x1;
porB->PINCFG[14].bit.PMUXEN = 0x1;
porA->PMUX[14].bit.PMUXE = 0x0;
// Port PA_22 to TC
porA->PINCFG[22].bit.PMUXEN = 0x1;
porA->PMUX[11].bit.PMUXE = 0x5; // TC Peripheral
// Port PA_23 to TC
porA->PINCFG[23].bit.PMUXEN = 0x1;
porA->PMUX[11].bit.PMUXO = 0x5; // TC Peripheral
// Display
porA->DIRSET.reg = 0xF0;
porB->DIRSET.reg = 0xFF;
// EIC
porB->DIRCLR.reg = (0x1 << 14);
porA->DIRCLR.reg = (0x1 << 28);
void init_Interrupts(void){
// Enable TC0 for MC0 and TC6 for display/keypad
NVIC->ISER[0] = (0b1 << 13) | (0b1 << 19);
TC_0->INTENSET.bit.OVF |= 0b1;
TC_6->INTENSET.bit.OVF |= 0b1;
// Enable EIC and EXTINT for PA28
NVIC->ISER[0] |= (0b1 << 4);
// Set priority levels
NVIC->IP[1] = (0b00 << 6); // EIC -- high
NVIC->IP[3] = (0b10 << 14); // 13 TC0 -- medium
NVIC->IP[4] = (0b11 << 30); // 19 TC6 -- low
void init_adc(void)
ADC->REFCTRL.reg |= 0x2; // Set Reference Voltage
ADC->SAMPCTRL.reg |= 0x0; // Sample Time
ADC->CTRLB.bit.DIFFMODE = 0x0; // Single Ended
ADC->CTRLB.bit.RESSEL = 0x0; // 12-bit
ADC->CTRLB.bit.PRESCALER |= 0x7; // div512
ADC->INPUTCTRL.bit.GAIN |= 0xF; // Set Gain (1/2) (SET GAIN (bits 24-27) HIGH)
// Mux Select
ADC->INPUTCTRL.bit.MUXPOS |= 0x13; // Ain[19]
// Enable ADC
ADC->CTRLA.reg = (1u << 1);
int read_adc(void)
// start the conversion
ADC->SWTRIG.reg |= 0x2;
// bit 0 is RESRDY (means conversion result is available)
while(!(ADC->INTFLAG.bit.RESRDY)); //wait for conversion to be available
// Return register where ADC stores result
return((unsigned int) ADC->RESULT.reg);
void init_EIC(void)
EIC->INTENSET.reg |= (0b1 << 8);
EIC->CONFIG[1].reg |= (0x3); //PA28
EIC->CTRL.reg |= (0b1 << 1);
void init_TC(void)
// TC4
TC_4->CTRLA.bit.WAVEGEN |= 0x2; // Set waveform gen to Match PWM
TC_4->CTRLA.bit.MODE |= 0x1; // Set counter to 8-bit mode
while(TC_4->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY); // Check for Synchronization
TC_4->PER.reg = 100;
while(TC_4->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY); // Check for Synchronization
TC_4->CC[1].reg = 50;
TC_4->CC[0].reg = 50;
while(TC_4->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY); // Check for Synchronization
TC_4->CTRLC.bit.CPTEN1 = 0x1; // Enable CC[1]
TC_4->CTRLC.bit.CPTEN0 = 0x1; // Enable CC[0]
/*Enable TC*/
TC_4->CTRLA.reg |= (1u << 1);
// Check for Synchronization
void array_conversion(int number)
num[0] = (char) ((number % 10) + '0');
number /= 10;
num[1] = (char) ((number % 10) + '0');
number /= 10;
num[2] = (char) ((number % 10) + '0');
number /= 10;
num[3] = (char) (number + '0');
void display()
// Digit A (PA_07)
porA->OUTCLR.reg = 0x80;
porB->OUTSET.reg = 0xFF;
porA->OUTSET.reg = 0x80;
// Digit B
porA->OUTCLR.reg = 0x40;
porB->OUTSET.reg = 0xFF;
porA->OUTSET.reg = 0x40;
// Digit C
porA->OUTCLR.reg = 0x20;
porB->OUTSET.reg = 0xFF;
porA->OUTSET.reg = 0x20;
// Digit D (PA_04)
porA->OUTCLR.reg = 0x10;
porB->OUTSET.reg = 0xFF;
porA->OUTSET.reg = 0x10;
//Selects which digit to display based on row/column
void SSD_display(char digit)
// Turn all segments off (high)
porB->OUTSET.reg = 0xFF;
switch(digit) {
case '9': porB->OUTCLR.reg = 0x67; break; //9
case '8': porB->OUTCLR.reg = 0x7F; break; //8
case '7': porB->OUTCLR.reg = 0x07; break; //7
case '6': porB->OUTCLR.reg = 0x7D; break; //6
case '5': porB->OUTCLR.reg = 0x6D; break; //5
case '4': porB->OUTCLR.reg = 0x66; break; //4
case '3': porB->OUTCLR.reg = 0x4F; break; //3
case '2': porB->OUTCLR.reg = 0x5B; break; //2
case '1': porB->OUTCLR.reg = 0x06; break; //1
case '0': porB->OUTCLR.reg = 0x3F; break; //0
default: porB->OUTCLR.reg = 0x40; break; //-
//time delay function
void wait(int t)
count = 0;
while (count < t*1000)
//Simple Clock Initialization
void Simple_Clock_Init(void)
/* Various bits in the INTFLAG register can be set to one at startup.
This will ensure that these bits are cleared */
system_flash_set_waitstates(0); //Clock_flash wait state =0
SYSCTRL_OSC8M_Type temp = SYSCTRL->OSC8M; /* for OSC8M initialization */
temp.bit.PRESC = 0; // no divide, i.e., set clock=8Mhz (see page 170)
temp.bit.ONDEMAND = 1; // On-demand is true
temp.bit.RUNSTDBY = 0; // Standby is false
SYSCTRL->OSC8M = temp;
SYSCTRL->OSC8M.reg |= 0x1u << 1; // SYSCTRL_OSC8M_ENABLE bit = bit-1 (page 170)
PM->CPUSEL.reg = (uint32_t)0; // CPU and BUS clocks Divide by 1 (see page 110)
PM->APBASEL.reg = (uint32_t)0; // APBA clock 0= Divide by 1 (see page 110)
PM->APBBSEL.reg = (uint32_t)0; // APBB clock 0= Divide by 1 (see page 110)
PM->APBCSEL.reg = (uint32_t)0; // APBB clock 0= Divide by 1 (see page 110)
PM->APBAMASK.reg |= 01u<<3; // Enable Generic clock controller clock (page 127)
/* Software reset Generic clock to ensure it is re-initialized correctly */
GCLK->CTRL.reg = 0x1u << 0; // Reset gen. clock (see page 94)
while (GCLK->CTRL.reg & 0x1u ) { /* Wait for reset to complete */ }
// Initialization and enable generic clock #0
*((uint8_t*)&GCLK->GENDIV.reg) = 0; // Select GCLK0 (page 104, Table 14-10)
GCLK->GENDIV.reg = 0x0100; // Divide by 1 for GCLK #0 (page 104)
GCLK->GENCTRL.reg = 0x030600; // GCLK#0 enable, Source=6(OSC8M), IDC=1 (page 101)
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