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Created September 3, 2009 08:12
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Save nmanzi/180176 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
' Title: lastlogon.vbs
' Purpose: Prints out last logon of all users
' Usage: cscript <path> lastlogon.vbs > <outfile>
Option Explicit
Const strProgramName = "lastlogon.vbs"
Const VerNum = "1"
Const LowerBound = 70 ' Array size at which sort switches from 'Insert' to 'Quick'.
Class IndexedArray
Private intTotalNumberOfRows ' How many rows in the array
Private intNumCols ' How many cols in the array
Private intNumRowsInUse ' How many rows currently in use
Private intCmpMethod ' What kind of comparisons to perform : binary or text?
Private intOrderedCol ' The number of the column last used for sorting
Private arrayIndex() ' An array of pointers serving as the index.
Private arrayData() ' The internal data array
' Constructor
Private Sub class_Initialize( )
intTotalNumberOfRows = INITIAL_SIZE_OF_ARRAY
intNumCols = 0
intNumRowsInUse = 0
intOrderedCol = 0
intOrderedCol = 0
intCmpMethod = -1
ReDim arrayIndex( intTotalNumberOfRows )
End Sub
' Called to define how many columns in the array
Public Sub Initialise( ByVal intHowManyCols, ByVal intCmpType )
Dim i
Assert ((intCmpType = vbBinaryCompare) Or (intCmpType = vbTextCompare)), "IndexedArray." _
& "Initialise: Incorrect comparison type."
intNumCols = intHowManyCols
intCmpMethod = intCmpType
ReDim arrayData( intNumCols, intTotalNumberOfRows )
' Initialise index
For i = 1 To intTotalNumberOfRows
arrayIndex(i) = i
End Sub
' Returns how many rows are currently in use.
Public Property Get RowCount
RowCount = intNumRowsInUse
End Property
' Returns how many cols are in the array.
Public Property Get ColCount
ColCount = intNumCols
End Property
' Doubles size of the array when it becomes full
Private Sub DoubleSizeOfArray
Dim i
Dim intOldNumRows
intOldNumRows = intTotalNumberOfRows
intTotalNumberOfRows = intTotalNumberOfRows * 2
ReDim Preserve arrayData( intNumCols, intTotalNumberOfRows )
ReDim Preserve arrayIndex( intTotalNumberOfRows )
For i = intOldNumRows + 1 To intTotalNumberOfRows
arrayIndex( i ) = i
End Sub
' Puts a data element directly into a specified pre-existing array cell
Public Property Let Data( ByVal intRow, ByVal intCol, ByVal objData )
arrayData( intCol, intRow ) = objData
End Property
' Returns the data in the specified cell using absolute row number
' Note that, for reasons I do not currently understand,
' Wscript.Echo a.Data( 1, 1 ) fails, but
' x = 1
' y = 1
' Wscript.Echo( x, y ) works.
' Is this a bug or a feature?
Public Property Get Data( ByVal intRow, ByVal intCol)
Data = arrayData( intCol, intRow )
End Property
' Creates a new row then adds a data element to that row
Public Sub CreateNewRow( ByVal objData, ByVal intCol )
intNumRowsInUse = intNumRowsInUse + 1
arrayData( intCol, intNumRowsInUse ) = objData
If intNumRowsInUse = intTotalNumberOfRows Then DoubleSizeOfArray
End Sub
' Writes data into an element of the current last row.
' Does not create a new row.
Public Sub PutIntoLastRow( ByVal objData, ByVal intCol )
arrayData( intCol, intNumRowsInUse ) = objData
End Sub
' Searches the column specified in the second parameter. Returns the
' number of the row containing the value.
' Because this procedure uses a linear search it is slow. It will,
' however, work on any column. The BinaryLookup function below is
' faster but only works on the sorted row.
Public Property Get Exists( ByVal Object, ByVal intCol )
Dim i
i = 1
Exists = 0
While i <= intNumRowsInUse And Exists = 0
If VComp( Object, arrayData( intCol, i ), intCmpMethod ) = 0 Then
Exists = i
End If
i = i + 1
End Property
' Returns the data in the specified cell using ordered row number.
Public Property Get DataByRank( ByVal intRank, ByVal intCol)
Assert intOrderedCol <> 0 , "IndexedArray.DataByRank : " _
& "Cannot use DataByRank until array has been sorted."
DataByRank = arrayData( intCol, arrayIndex(intRank) )
End Property
' Wrapper for insert sort procedure
Private Sub ISort( ByVal intCol )
InsertSort 1, intNumRowsInUse, intCol
intOrderedCol = intCol
End Sub
' Procedure that does the work for ISort
Private Sub InsertSort( ByVal Lower, ByVal Upper, ByVal intCol )
Dim Pass ' One Pass for each element to be moved
Dim CurPos ' Current position of element as it moves to the left through the array.
Dim Done ' Flag indicates when a shuffle is complete
Dim Temp ' Used in swap
For Pass = Lower+1 To Upper
CurPos = Pass
Done = False
' Shuffle next element left-wards through array until in correct position.
While (CurPos >= Lower+1) And Not done
If VComp( arrayData(intCol,arrayIndex(CurPos)), arrayData(intCol,arrayIndex(CurPos-1)), intCmpMethod ) = -1 Then
' Move element to left by swapping with its left neighbour
Temp = arrayIndex( CurPos )
arrayIndex( CurPos ) = arrayIndex( CurPos - 1 )
arrayIndex( CurPos - 1 ) = Temp
CurPos = CurPos - 1
' Once element is bigger than its left-hand
' neighbour it is correctly positioned.
Done = True
End If
End Sub
' Wrapper for two seperate sort procedures:
' If the array to be sorted has less than 'LowerBound'+1 elements it
' calls 'InsertSort', otherwise it calls 'Quicksort'.
Public Sub Sort( ByVal intCol )
If intNumRowsInUse <= LowerBound Then
InsertSort 1, intNumRowsInUse, intCol
QuickSort 1, intNumRowsInUse, intCol
End If
intOrderedCol = intCol
End Sub
' The internal Quicksort routine
Private Sub QuickSort ( ByVal Lower, ByVal Upper, byVal intCol )
Dim PivotPosition ' The index of the pivotal element.
Partition Lower, Upper, PivotPosition, intCol
' Sort left sub-set
If Lower < PivotPosition-1 Then
If PivotPosition-Lower < LowerBound Then
InsertSort Lower, PivotPosition-1, intCol
QuickSort Lower, PivotPosition-1, intCol
End If
End If
' Sort right sub-set
If Upper > PivotPosition+1 Then
If Upper - PivotPosition < LowerBound Then
InsertSort PivotPosition+1, Upper, intCol
QuickSort PivotPosition+1, Upper, intCol
End If
End If
End Sub
' Manipulates the pointers in the index in order to partition the
' the array into three subsets:
' 1. Somewhere in the middle is a single element chosen as the
' 'PivotValue'. The position of this value is returned through
' the 'ByRef' parameter.
' 2. All elements to the left of the PivotValue are <= the PivotValue
' 3. All elements to the right of the PivotValue are >= the PivotValue
' Uses the 'median of 3' method to pick a pivotal value, hence will
' not work properly on partions with less than three elements. This
' is not a problem here, because 'InserSort' is called once
' partitions get small.
Private Sub Partition ( ByVal intLo, ByVal intHi, ByRef intPivotPosition, ByVal intCol )
Dim objPivotValue ' The value of the pivotal element.
Dim intMedianPosition ' Position of median element.
Dim objTemp ' Used in the swaps.
Dim PointerToobjPivotValue ' Used to remember where in the data array the objPivotValue is.
' Calculate the middle position of the array
intMedianPosition = (intLo+intHi) \ 2 ' \ is integer divison operator
' Re-arrange the pointers so that:
' The first pointer points to the smallest of the three values
' The middle position pointer points to the middle of the three values
' The last pointer points to the the largest of the three values
If VComp( arrayData(intCol,arrayIndex(intMedianPosition)), arrayData(intCol,arrayIndex(intLo)), intCmpMethod ) = -1 Then
objTemp = arrayIndex( intLo )
arrayIndex( intLo ) = arrayIndex( intMedianPosition )
arrayIndex( intMedianPosition ) = objTemp
End If
If VComp( arrayData(intCol,arrayIndex(intHi)), arrayData(intCol,arrayIndex(intMedianPosition)), intCmpMethod ) = -1 Then
objTemp = arrayIndex( intHi )
arrayIndex( intHi ) = arrayIndex( intMedianPosition )
arrayIndex( intMedianPosition ) = objTemp
End If
If VComp( arrayData(intCol,arrayIndex(intMedianPosition)), arrayData(intCol,arrayIndex(intLo)), intCmpMethod ) = -1 Then
objTemp = arrayIndex( intLo )
arrayIndex( intLo ) = arrayIndex( intMedianPosition )
arrayIndex( intMedianPosition ) = objTemp
End If
' By This point the first, middle and last pointers are sorted.
' Set the pivot value to be the value pointed to by the middle pointer.
objPivotValue = arrayData( intCol, arrayIndex(intMedianPosition) )
' Keep a record of where the MedianValue is intLocated.
PointerToobjPivotValue = arrayIndex(intMedianPosition )
' As a result of the above swaps, the elements on the ends must be in
' appropriate partitions therefore no need to process these further.
intLo = intLo + 1
intHi = intHi - 1
arrayIndex( intMedianPosition) = arrayIndex( intLo )
' Step in from both ends of the array until the pointers meet
While intLo < intHi
' Starting from the left, step right until you either find a value
' greater than the objPivotValue or you bump into the 'intHi' pointer
While VComp( objPivotValue, arrayData(intCol,arrayIndex(intHi)), intCmpMethod ) = -1 And (intLo < intHi)
intHi = intHi - 1
If intLo <> intHi Then
arrayIndex( intLo ) = arrayIndex( intHi )
intLo = intLo + 1
End If
' Starting from the right, step left until you either find a value
' less than the objPivotValue or you bump into the 'intLo' pointer
While VComp( arrayData(intCol,arrayIndex(intLo)), objPivotValue, intCmpMethod ) = -1 And (intLo < intHi)
intLo = intLo + 1
If intLo <> intHi Then
arrayIndex( intHi ) = arrayIndex( intLo )
intHi = intHi - 1
End If
' By now the pointers have met (i.e. intLo = intHi). The place where they meet is
' the new pivot position, so make it point to the pivot value.
arrayIndex( intHi ) = PointerToobjPivotValue
' We need to tell the calling procedure where pointers met. This is the
' point that chops the set into subsets. The 'intPivotPosition'
' parameter is passed 'by reference', so setting it here passes this
' information back to the caller.
intPivotPosition = intHi
End Sub
' Performs a binary search of the sorted column.
' Returns the row number of the target in the main data array
Public Function BinaryLookup( ByVal objTarget )
Dim intFirst ' Lower boundary of current partition
Dim intLast ' Upper boundary of current partition
Dim boolFound ' Have we found it yet?
Dim intMidPoint ' Approximate mid-point of current partition
boolFound = False
intFirst = 1
intLast = intNumRowsInUse
While Not boolFound And ( intFirst <= intLast )
intMidPoint = ( intFirst + intLast ) \ 2
If VComp( arrayData(intOrderedCol, arrayIndex(intMidPoint)), objTarget, intCmpMethod ) = 1 Then
intLast = intMidPoint - 1
If VComp( arrayData(intOrderedCol, arrayIndex(intMidPoint)), objTarget, intCmpMethod ) = -1 Then
intFirst = intMidPoint + 1
boolFound = True
End If
End If
If boolFound Then
BinaryLookup = arrayIndex(intMidPoint)
BinaryLookup = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
' Main Program
' Constants to define columns within array of users
Const SAM_NAME = 2
Const CN = 5
' Constants to tell 'QueryDC' function whether we are doing a full query
' of the first DC or a partial query of a subsequent DC.
Const FIRST_DC = True
Const OTHER_DC = False
Dim strFirstDC ' The name of the DC that authenticated the current user
Dim colOtherDCs ' Collection of DCs
Dim strOUName ' The name of the OU from which to start searching
Dim iaUsers ' List of users' details
Dim lngTimeOffset ' The difference between the computer's time and
' Universal time as held in AD
Dim objDC ' Holds each DC in turn
' Create and initialise dynamic array for user details
Set iaUsers = New IndexedArray
iaUsers.Initialise 8, vbTextCompare
' Create dictionary to hold list of DCs
Set colOtherDCs = CreateObject( "scripting.dictionary" )
' Call function to get local time zone
lngTimeOffset = GetLocalTimeZone
' Get OU from command line parameter
strOUName = GetTargetFQDN
' Print program name and version number
WScript.Echo "ll.vbs (v." & VerNum & ")"
WScript.Echo "Date of run = " & Date()
WScript.Echo "Time of run = " & Time() & vbCrLf
' Get a list of all DCs in the domain
GetDCs strFirstDC, colOtherDCs
' Query first DC
QueryDC strFirstDC, FIRST_DC
' Sort users by SAM account name to permit fast updates
iaUsers.Sort( SAM_NAME )
' Query each other DC in turn
For Each objDC In colOtherDCs
' Sort by last login time
iaUsers.Sort( LASTLOGON )
' Display results
' End of main program
' Sub-Routines
' Interprets command line argument to build FQDN of target OU / domain
Function GetTargetFQDN
Dim objRootDSE
Dim strDomain
Dim strArgument0
Dim colTemp ' Temporary collection of objects - used only in error checking
If WScript.Arguments.Count > 1 Then
' More than one argument
End If
' Get FQDN of current domain
Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE")
strDomain = objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
If WScript.Arguments.Count = 1 Then
' One Argument
strArgument0 = UCase(WScript.Arguments(0))
If strComp( strArgument0, "/V" ) = 0 Or _
strComp( strArgument0, "/VER" ) = 0 Then
WScript.Echo strProgramName & " - " & "Version " & verNum
End If
If strComp( strArgument0, "/?" ) = 0 Or _
strComp( strArgument0, "-?" ) = 0 Or _
StrComp( strArgument0, "/H" ) = 0 Then
End If
GetTargetFQDN = addDistinguishers (strArgument0 ) & "," & strDomain
' Check that we can connect to the OU
On Error Resume Next
Set coltemp = GetObject("LDAP://" & GetTargetFQDN )
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
On Error Goto 0
End If
' No OU specified
GetTargetFQDN = strDomain
End If
Set colTemp = Nothing
End Function
' Displays help information
Sub HelpInfo
WScript.Echo strProgramName & " (last logon)"
WScript.Echo "Program dumps last login time for whole domain or specified OU."
WScript.Echo "Usage: cscript " & strProgramName & " [ path_to_OU ] [ > textfile.txt ]"
WScript.Echo " e.g. cscript ll.vbs users.calt.env.holding > c:\calt.txt"
End Sub
' Displays error information
Sub ErrorInfo
WScript.Echo "Could not connect to specified OU."
WScript.Echo VbTab & "- Is path correct?"
WScript.Echo VbTab & "- Do you have the necessary rights?" & VbCrLf
End Sub
' Returns
' a) The name of the DC that authenticated the current login.
' (It is assumed that this will be the closest / fastest.)
' b) A collection of all other DCs in the current domain.
' Pass a string and an empty collection to the procedure via the
' reference paremeters and the procedure will populate them.
' Based on - Scripting Guide p.718 and code by Mueller found on the Net
Sub GetDCs( ByRef strFirstDC, ByRef colOtherDCs )
Dim objRootDSE
Dim objConnection
Dim objCommand
Dim objRecordSet
Dim strConfig
Dim objDC
Dim strDomain
Dim objWshShell
Dim strLogonServerShortName
' Get the shortname of the DC that logged in the current user
Set objWshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
strLogonServerShortName = objWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Logonserver%")
' Chop '\\' off front of name and convert to lower case
strLogonServerShortName = LCase(Right(strLogonServerShortName,Len(strLogonServerShortName)-2))
' Get the current domain
Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE")
strDomain = objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
' Strip out the distiinguishers (CN= etc.)
strDomain = LCase(StripDistinguishers( strDomain ))
' Append the domain to the shortname of the DC
' and convert it all to lower case
strFirstDC = strLogonServerShortname & "." & strDomain
' Get the configuration container for the tree.
' This holds info about the tree's DCs
Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
strConfig = objRootDSE.Get("configurationNamingContext")
' Build a query to get all of the DCs
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
objConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider"
objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
objCommand.CommandText = _
"Select AdsPath from 'LDAP://" & strConfig & "' where objectClass='nTDSDSA'"
objCommand.Properties("Timeout") = 30
objCommand.Properties("Cache Results") = False
' Execute the query
Set objRecordSet = objCommand.Execute
Do Until objRecordSet.EOF
Set objDC = GetObject(GetObject(objRecordSet.Fields("AdsPath")).Parent)
strDCFQDN = LCase(objDC.DNSHostName)
' Check that DC is in current domain - not in a parent
If Instr( strDCFQDN, stripDistinguishers(strDomain) ) > 0 Then
' Avoid re-adding the logon DC
If strComp( strFirstDC, strDCFQDN ) <> 0 Then
colOtherDCs.Add strDCFQDN, ""
End If
End If
End Sub
' Contacts the specified DC and retrieves the spcified list of attributes for aach user
Sub QueryDC( ByVal strDCName, ByVal boolFirstDC )
' Type of object to query for
Const strFilter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user))"
' Subsets of attributes to return
Const strFullAttributes = "distinguishedName,lastLogon,givenName,sn,sAMAccountname,userAccountControl,whenCreated,scriptPath,cn"
Const strPartAttributes = "lastLogon,sAMAccountname"
' Constant used in checking if account is disabled
Dim strBase ' Used to build query
Dim strQuery ' Holds complete query
Dim objCommand ' Used in executing query
Dim objRecordSet ' Record set returned by query
Dim objConnection ' Used in executing query
Dim intPosition ' Position within array of user already seen
Dim strSAMName ' SAM account name of users
Dim lngLastLogon ' Last log on time as returned from AD
Dim dtmLastLogon ' Last log on time after conversion to date / time
Dim lngWhenCreated
Dim strGivenName ' User's first name
Dim strLastName ' User's last name
Dim strName ' Users complete, formatted, name
Dim strDName ' User's distinguihsed name
Dim strCN ' User's common name
Dim boolDisabled ' Is user's account disabled?
Dim strScriptPath ' User's login script
Dim intRecordCount ' Counts number of records being processed
Dim temp
Wscript.Echo "Querying DC: " & strDCName
' Set up query
Set objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
objConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider"
objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
objCommand.CommandText = strQuery
' Setting a 'Page Size' turns on paging.
' Paging tells the server to return the data in chunks. In the line below,
' we will get 100 records per chunk. This is important because if paging
' is not enabled, then only the first 1000 records are returned.
' This is explained at the following URL
' <continued on next line...>
' url=/library/en-us/adsi/adsi/retrieving_large_results_sets.asp
objCommand.Properties("Page Size") = 100
objCommand.Properties("Timeout") = 60
objCommand.Properties("Cache Results") = False
' Query DC
strBase = "<LDAP://" & strDCName & "/" & strOUName & ">"
If boolFirstDC Then
strQuery = strBase & ";" & strFilter & ";" & strFullAttributes & ";subtree"
strQuery = strBase & ";" & strFilter & ";" & strPartAttributes & ";subtree"
End If
objCommand.CommandText = strQuery
On Error Resume Next
Set objRecordSet = objCommand.Execute
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Wscript.Echo vbTab & "DC unavailable."
' Able to contact DC
On Error Goto 0
intRecordCount = 0
Do Until objRecordSet.EOF
' Do these lines for ALL DCs
intRecordCount = intRecordCount + 1
' Get unique name and logon time
strSAMName = objRecordSet.Fields("sAMAccountName")
lngLastLogon = objRecordSet.Fields("Lastlogon")
' Convert last logon time to a readable format
dtmLastLogon = LastLogonDate( lngLastLogon, GetLocalTimeZone )
If boolFirstDC Then
' Do this stuff only on the first DC
' Write username and login time
iaUsers.CreateNewRow dtmLastLogon, LASTLOGON
iaUsers.PutIntoLastRow strSAMName, SAM_NAME
' Get remaining attributes
strGivenName = GetOptionalAttribute( objRecordSet, "givenName" )
strLastName = GetOptionalAttribute( objRecordSet, "sn" )
strDName = GetOptionalAttribute( objRecordSet, "distinguishedName" )
strCN = GetOptionalAttribute( objRecordSet, "cn" )
strName = Proper( strGivenName & " " & strLastName )
Temp = objRecordSet.Fields("userAccountControl")
If IsNull( Temp ) Then
boolDisabled = True
boolDisabled = CBool( Temp And ADS_UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE)
End If
lngWhenCreated = objRecordSet.Fields("WhenCreated")
strScriptPath = GetOptionalAttribute( objRecordSet, "scriptPath" )
' Save remaining attributes
iaUsers.PutIntoLastRow strName, PROPER_NAME
iaUsers.PutIntoLastRow strDName, DISTINGUISHED_NAME
iaUsers.PutIntoLastRow strCN, CN
iaUsers.PutIntoLastRow boolDisabled, ACCOUNT_DISABLED
iaUsers.PutIntoLastRow lngWhenCreated, WHEN_CREATED
iaUsers.PutIntoLastRow strScriptPath, LOGIN_SCRIPT
' Do this for all DCs
' Find this user in order to see if logon time needs updating
intPosition = iaUsers.BinaryLookup( strSAMName )
If intPosition > 0 Then
' Seen him before - so, if necessary, update last logon time.
' Note that we ignore any users encountered on subsequent DCs
' but not on the first. This will only happen with brand new
' user accounts that have yet to be replicated.
' These are of no interest to this program.
If dtmLastLogon > iaUsers.Data( intPosition, LASTLOGON ) Then
iaUsers.Data( intPosition, LASTLOGON ) = dtmLastLogon
End If
End If
End If
Wscript.Echo VbTab & intRecordCount & " accounts processed."
End If
End Sub
' My current understanding is:
' In order to reduce the amount of data moving around the network AD
' does not hold a full set of optional attributes for every user.
' Instead, it only holds those attributes that have been given values.
' Uninitialised attributes literally do not exist.
' If you try to access an attribute that does not exist, then there
' is no vaildation technique that can prevent your code throwing an error.
' For this reason the only way to handle accessing optional attributes
' is by surrounding the access with 'On Error..." statements.
Function GetOptionalAttribute( ByVal objRecord, ByVal strAttributeName )
On Error Resume Next
GetOptionalAttribute = objRecord.Fields( strAttributeName )
On Error Goto 0
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
GetOptionalAtrribute = ""
End If
End Function
' The last logon time returned by AD is expressed as the number of 100 nanosecond intervals
' since 12:00 AM January 1, 1601. This algorithm - pinched off the Internet from R. Mueller
' - converts this to a conventional time and date.
Function LastLogonDate( byVal LastLogon, byVal TimeOffset )
Const TwoToThePower32 = 4294967296
Const PeriodsPerMinute = 600000000
Const StartDate = #1/1/1601#
Const MinutesPerDay = 1440
Dim objDate
Dim lngHigh
Dim lngLow
If IsNull( LastLogon ) Then
LastLogonDate = #1/1/1601#
' Vbscript cannot do arithmetic with 64-bit integers, so we convert it to an object then
' use the in-built HightPart and LowPart methods to split it into two 32-bit components.
Set objDate = LastLogon
lngHigh = objDate.HighPart
lngLow = objDate.LowPart
' The 32nd bit becomes the MSB of the lower half.
' If this bit is 1, then the lower half is interpreted as a negative number
' because vbscript stores integers using two's complement - so it is intepreted as -2^32
' instead of +2^32 - so the overall value is 2 x 2^32 = 2^64 too low. So add one to the
' second 32-bit block to compensate for this.
If lngLow < 0 Then
lngHigh = lngHigh + 1
End If
If (lngHigh = 0) And (lngLow = 0 ) Then
LastLogonDate = #1/1/1601#
LastLogonDate = StartDate + (((lngHigh * TwoToThePower32) + lngLow)/PeriodsPerMinute - (TimeOffset * 60) ) / MinutesPerDay
End If
End If
End Function
' Returns offset from standard time (in hours)
' Reads this info from machine registry.
Function GetLocalTimeZone
Dim objShell
Dim lngBiasKey
Dim i
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
lngBiasKey = objShell.RegRead("HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation\ActiveTimeBias")
If UCase(TypeName(lngBiasKey)) = "LONG" Then
GetLocalTimeZone = lngBiasKey / 60
ElseIf UCase(TypeName(lngBiasKey)) = "VARIANT()" Then
GetLocalTimeZone = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(lngBiasKey)
GetLocalTimeZone = GetLocalTimeZone + (lngBiasKey(i) * 256^i)
GetLocalTimeZone = GetLocalTimeZone / 60
End If
End Function
' Function returns a string changed to 'Title' case,
' and with superflouous spaces removed.
' Jim, 9th June 2004
Function Proper( byVal strInput )
Dim ArrayofWords ' String is split into an array of individual words
Dim objWord ' Used for Each individual word in turn
Dim i ' Used to increment through the string
Dim ch ' The character currently being inspected
Dim chPrevious ' The previously inspected character
Dim strTemp ' Used to hold words while capitalisation is handled
If Not IsNull( strInput ) Then
' Make sure its a string
CStr( strInput )
' Remove leading and trailing spaces.
strInput = Trim( strInput )
' Replace multiple spaces with single spaces
Proper = ""
chPrevious = " "
For i = 1 To Len( strInput )
ch = Mid( strInput, i, 1 )
If ch <> " " Then
Proper = Proper & ch
Else ' Its a space
If chPrevious <> " " Then
Proper = Proper & ch
End If
End If
chPrevious = ch
' Split into words
ArrayOfWords = Split( Proper )
Proper = ""
' Handles capitalisation
For Each objWord In ArrayOfWords
' First letter in upper case
strTemp = UCase( Mid( ObjWord, 1, 1 ) )
' Other letters in lower case
If Len( objWord ) >= 2 Then
For i = 2 To Len( objWord )
strTemp = strTemp & LCase( Mid( ObjWord, i, 1 ) )
End If
' Handle special cases
If StrComp( Mid( strTemp, 1, 2 ), "O'" ) = 0 Then
strTemp = "O'" & UCase( Mid( strTemp, 3, 1 ) ) & Right( strTemp, Len( strTemp ) - 3 )
End If
If StrComp( Mid( strTemp, 1, 2 ), "Mc" ) = 0 Then
strTemp = "Mc" & UCase( Mid( strTemp, 3, 1 ) ) & Right( strTemp, Len( strTemp ) - 3 )
End If
' Append a space between words
Proper = Proper & strTemp & " "
' Trim trailing space
Proper = RTrim( Proper )
End If
End Function
' Implements 'C'-like assertions (except cannot so easily be switched off)
Sub Assert( objQuery, strMessage )
If Not objQuery Then
WScript.Echo VbCrlf & strMessage
End If
End Sub
' Versatile Compare
' Compares first two parameters. Handles nunmbers, characters or strings.
Function VComp( byVal object1, byVal object2, strCompMethod )
Assert TypeName( object1) = TypeName( Object2 ), "Error in VComp - comparisands of different types."
If TypeName( object1 ) = "String" Then
VComp = StrComp( object1, object2, strCompMethod )
If object1 = object2 Then
VComp = 0
If object1 < object2 Then
VComp = -1
VComp = 1
End If
End If
End If
End Function
' Write output to screen.
Sub DisplayResults
Dim i ' Loop control variable
Dim strName ' Users proper name
Dim strOU ' Name of OU holding account
Dim strSAMName ' SAM name of user account
Dim dtmLastLogon ' Date / time of last logon
Dim strLastLogon ' String showing data of last logon
Dim strDisabled ' Is account disabled
Dim strScript ' Login script
Dim objRootDSE ' Used in finding current domain
Dim strDomain ' Current domain - needed in conversion of distinguished name to OU
Dim dtmWhenCreated ' Date/time account was created
Dim strCreationDate ' String showing date account was created
' Get the current domain - again!
Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE")
strDomain = objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
' Display column headings
Wscript.Echo "Last logon" & vbTab & "Date Created" & VbTab & "User name" & VbTab & "Account name" & vbTab & "OU" & vbTab & "Enabled/Disabled" & vbTab & "login script"
For i = 1 To iaUsers.RowCount
' Last logon time
dtmLastLogon = iaUsers.DataByRank( i, LASTLOGON )
If dtmLastLogon = #1/1/1601# Then
strLastLogon = "Never"
strLastLogon = Day(dtmLastLogon) & "/" & Month(dtmLastLogon) & "/" & Year(dtmLastLogon)
End If
' Date created
dtmWhenCreated = iaUsers.DatabyRank( i, WHEN_CREATED )
strCreationDate = Day(dtmWhenCreated) & "/" & Month(dtmWhenCreated) & "/" & Year(dtmWhenCreated)
' Users name
strName = iaUsers.DataByRank( i, PROPER_NAME )
If StrComp( strName, "" ) = 0 Then
strName = "<No Name>"
End If
' Extract OU from distinguished name
strOU = DNtoOU( iaUsers.DataByRank( i, DISTINGUISHED_NAME ), iaUsers.DataByRank( i, CN ), Len( strDomain ) )
strSAMName = iaUsers.DatabyRank( i, SAM_NAME )
' Is account disabled?
If iaUsers.DataByRank( i, ACCOUNT_DISABLED ) Then
strDisabled = "Disabled"
strDisabled = "Enabled"
End If
strScript = iaUsers.DataByRank( i, LOGIN_SCRIPT )
If StrComp( strScript, "" ) = 0 Then
strName = "<No login script>"
End If
' Display details. Use tabs to ease import into Excel
Wscript.Echo strLastlogon & vbTab & strCreationDate & VbTab & strName & VbTab & strSAMName & vbTab & strOU & vbTab & strDisabled & vbTab & strScript
End Sub
' Passed a distingushed name of a directory object, the common name and
' length of the name of the domaion, it returns a string representing the
' list of OUs holding the object.
Function DNtoOU ( ByVal strDN, byVal strCN, ByVal intDomainNameLength )
Dim noDom
Dim commacount
Dim i
Dim CNLength
Dim OU
' Chop the domain of the end (and the comma)
noDom = Left( strDN, Len( strDN ) - intDomainNameLength - 1)
' Every comma in the CN is preceeded by a \ in the DN
' So we need to count them and add them to the total to be removed.
commacount = 0
for i = 1 to len( noDom )
if mid( noDom, i, 1 ) = Chr(92) Then
commacount = commacount + 1
end if
' Chop the CN off the front
CNLength = Len( strCN ) + commacount + 3 ' for prefix
OU = Right ( noDom, Len( noDom ) - CNLength )
' By now, if the object is in the root of the domain, OU will be ""
' otherwise it will still have a leading comma that needs to be removed
if OU = "" Then
DNtoOU = "<None>"
' Remove comma
OU = Right( OU, Len(OU) - 1 )
' Now cut out the OU= and the CN=
OU = Replace( OU, "OU=", "" )
OU = Replace( OU, "CN=", "" )
End If
End Function
' Passed a string of the form "CN=jim,ou=aaa,dc=xxx,o=yyy,dc=12345"
' Returns "" (Note: Commas replaced by full=stops.)
Function stripDistinguishers( ByVal strDName )
Dim arrayParts
Dim i
Dim strtemp
Dim intPosition
arrayParts = Split( strDName, "," )
strTemp = ""
For i = LBound( arrayParts ) To UBound( arrayParts )
intPosition = InStr( arrayParts(i), "=" )
strTemp = strTemp & Right( arrayParts(i), Len(arrayParts(i)) - intPosition ) & "."
stripDistinguishers = Left( strTemp, Len(strTemp) -1 )
End Function
' Passed a string of the form ""
' Returns "ou=a.ou=bb.ou=ccc.ou=dddd" - Note fullstops replaced by commas
Function addDistinguishers( ByVal strRaw )
Dim OUs
Dim i
Dim strTemp
OUs = Split( strRaw, "." )
strTemp = ""
For i = LBound( OUs ) To UBound( OUs )
strTemp = strTemp & "ou=" & OUs(i) & ","
addDistinguishers = Left( strTemp, Len(strTemp) -1 )
End Function
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