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Last active October 25, 2022 03:27
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Dynamic documentation for the 3scale Developer Portal

Dynamic documentation for the 3scale Developer Portal


Generate a dynamic list of the exposed services on the 3scale Developer Portal.

How to install

Replace your built-in "Documentation" page (/docs) in the 3scale CMS with the attached content.


Currently, this module expects that Services and ActiveDocs objects will have the same system_name (in order to match a service with an ActiveDocs).

{% cdn_asset /swagger-ui/2.2.10/swagger-ui.js %}
{% cdn_asset /swagger-ui/2.2.10/swagger-ui.css %}
{% include 'shared/swagger_ui' %}
<div class="api-list-container" style="display: none;">
<h1>API Catalog</h1>
<p>List of all available APIs:</p>
<ul class="api-list">
<script type="text/javascript">
var services = {
{% assign items = |map: "system_name" %}
{% for system_name in items %}
{% if provider.api_specs[system_name] %}
"{{ system_name }}": {
name: "{{[system_name].name|url_encode }}",
url: "{{ provider.api_specs[system_name].url }}",
description: "{{[system_name].description|url_encode }}"
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
$( document ).ready(function() {
var searchParams = new URLSearchParams( ;
if (searchParams.has("api")) {
var api = searchParams.get("api");
$(".api-list-container").css("display", "none");
window.swaggerUi.options['url'] = services[api].url;
} else {
$(".api-list-container").css("display", "block");
var system_names = Object.keys(services).sort();
for (var i = 0; i < system_names.length; i++) {
var name = system_names[i]; // system_name
if (services[system_names[i]].name != null) { // if present, name is a better option
name = decodeURIComponent(services[system_names[i]].name.replace(/\+/g, '%20')) + ": " + decodeURIComponent(services[system_names[i]].description.replace(/\+/g, '%20'));
$("<a>", { "href": "?api=" + system_names[i], text: name }).appendTo($("<li>").appendTo($(".api-list")));
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