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Created April 10, 2019 18:31
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  • Save nmattam/8ec723bb637f98391a69ae6ea4caf274 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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==> f_default: * ruby_block[restart-splunk-for-ulimit] action run
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T18:22:04+00:00] INFO: ruby_block[restart-splunk-for-ulimit] called
==> f_default:
==> f_default: - execute the ruby block restart-splunk-for-ulimit
==> f_default:
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T18:22:04+00:00] INFO: ruby_block[restart-splunk-for-ulimit] sending touch action to file[splunk-marker] (immediate)
==> f_default: Recipe: cerner_splunk::_restart_marker
==> f_default: * file[splunk-marker] action touch
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T18:22:04+00:00] INFO: file[splunk-marker] updated atime and mtime to 2019-04-10 18:22:04 +0000
==> f_default:
==> f_default: - update utime on file /var/chef/cache/.restart_splunk
==> f_default:
==> f_default: Recipe: cerner_splunk::_start
==> f_default: * ruby_block[start-splunk] action run
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T18:22:04+00:00] INFO: ruby_block[start-splunk] called
==> f_default:
==> f_default:
==> f_default: - execute the ruby block start-splunk
==> f_default:
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T18:22:04+00:00] INFO: ruby_block[start-splunk] sending start action to service[splunk] (immediate)
==> f_default: Recipe: cerner_splunk::_install
==> f_default: * service[splunk] action start
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T18:22:36+00:00] INFO: service[splunk] started
==> f_default:
==> f_default: - start service service[splunk]
==> f_default:
==> f_default:
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T18:22:38+00:00] INFO: service[splunk] sending delete action to file[splunk-marker] (immediate)
==> f_default: Recipe: cerner_splunk::_restart_marker
==> f_default:
==> f_default: * file[splunk-marker] action delete
==> f_default: bash: line 4: 6522 Killed chef-client --config /tmp/vagrant-chef/client.rb --json-attributes /tmp/vagrant-chef/dna.json --log_level info --force-formatter
Chef never successfully completed! Any errors should be visible in the
output above. Please fix your recipes so that they properly complete.
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nmattam commented Apr 10, 2019

==> f_default: Recipe: cerner_splunk::_generate_password
==> f_default:   * execute[change-admin-password] action run
==> f_default: 
==> f_default:     
==> f_default: 
==> f_default:     
==> f_default: ================================================================================
==> f_default:     
==> f_default: Error executing action `run` on resource 'execute[change-admin-password]'
==> f_default:     
==> f_default: ================================================================================
==> f_default:     
==> f_default: 
==> f_default:     
==> f_default: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed
==> f_default:     ------------------------------------
==> f_default:     Expected process to exit with [0], but received ''
==> f_default:     ---- Begin output of /opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk edit user admin -password 799d603bd6b031d854f032478024a1bffa9acfccb66ce51155ad94db0dec1998219e3d9c -roles admin -auth admin:changeme ----
==> f_default:     STDOUT: 
==> f_default:     STDERR: 
==> f_default:     ---- End output of /opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk edit user admin -password 799d603bd6b031d854f032478024a1bffa9acfccb66ce51155ad94db0dec1998219e3d9c -roles admin -auth admin:changeme ----
==> f_default:     
==> f_default: Ran /opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk edit user admin -password 799d603bd6b031d854f032478024a1bffa9acfccb66ce51155ad94db0dec1998219e3d9c -roles admin -auth admin:changeme returned 
==> f_default:     
==> f_default:     Resource Declaration:
==> f_default:     ---------------------
==> f_default:     # In /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/cerner_splunk/recipes/_generate_password.rb
==> f_default:     
==> f_default:      24: execute 'change-admin-password' do # ~FC009
==> f_default:      25:   command "#{node['splunk']['cmd']} edit user admin -password #{new_password} -roles admin -auth admin:#{old_password}"
==> f_default:      26:   environment 'HOME' => node['splunk']['home']
==> f_default:      27:   not_if { new_password == old_password }
==> f_default:      28: end
==> f_default:     
==> f_default:  29: 
==> f_default:     
==> f_default:     Compiled Resource:
==> f_default:     
==> f_default: ------------------
==> f_default:     # Declared in /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/cerner_splunk/recipes/_generate_password.rb:24:in `from_file'
==> f_default:     
==> f_default:     execute("change-admin-password") do
==> f_default:       action [:run]
==> f_default:       default_guard_interpreter :execute
==> f_default:       command "/opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk edit user admin -password 799d603bd6b031d854f032478024a1bffa9acfccb66ce51155ad94db0dec1998219e3d9c -roles admin -auth admin:changeme"
==> f_default:       backup 5
==> f_default:     
==> f_default:   declared_type :execute
==> f_default:       cookbook_name "cerner_splunk"
==> f_default:       recipe_name "_generate_password"
==> f_default:       user nil
==> f_default:       domain nil
==> f_default:       environment {"HOME"=>"/opt/splunkforwarder"}
==> f_default:       not_if { #code block }
==> f_default:     
==> f_default: end
==> f_default:     
==> f_default: 
==> f_default:     System Info:
==> f_default:     ------------
==> f_default:     chef_version=14.11.21
==> f_default:     
==> f_default: platform=centos
==> f_default:     platform_version=7.6.1810
==> f_default:     ruby=ruby 2.5.3p105 (2018-10-18 revision 65156) [x86_64-linux]
==> f_default:     program_name=/bin/chef-client
==> f_default:     executable=/opt/chef/bin/chef-client
==> f_default:     
==> f_default: 
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T18:13:31+00:00] INFO: Running queued delayed notifications before re-raising exception
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T18:13:31+00:00] INFO: ruby_block[splunk-delayed-restart] sending restart action to service[splunk-restart] (delayed)
==> f_default: Recipe: cerner_splunk::_install
==> f_default:   * service[splunk-restart] action restart
==> f_default:  (skipped due to only_if)
==> f_default: 
==> f_default: Running handlers:
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T18:13:31+00:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
==> f_default: Running handlers complete
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T18:13:31+00:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
==> f_default: Chef Client failed. 50 resources updated in 04 minutes 07 seconds
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T18:13:32+00:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /var/chef/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T18:13:32+00:00] FATAL: Please provide the contents of the stacktrace.out file if you file a bug report
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T18:13:32+00:00] FATAL: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: execute[change-admin-password] (cerner_splunk::_generate_password line 24) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit with [0], but received ''
==> f_default: ---- Begin output of /opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk edit user admin -password 799d603bd6b031d854f032478024a1bffa9acfccb66ce51155ad94db0dec1998219e3d9c -roles admin -auth admin:changeme ----
==> f_default: STDOUT: 
==> f_default: STDERR: 
==> f_default: ---- End output of /opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk edit user admin -password 799d603bd6b031d854f032478024a1bffa9acfccb66ce51155ad94db0dec1998219e3d9c -roles admin -auth admin:changeme ----
==> f_default: Ran /opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk edit user admin -password 799d603bd6b031d854f032478024a1bffa9acfccb66ce51155ad94db0dec1998219e3d9c -roles admin -auth admin:changeme returned 
Chef never successfully completed! Any errors should be visible in the
output above. Please fix your recipes so that they properly complete.

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nmattam commented Apr 10, 2019

==> f_default: - restore selinux security context
==> f_default: 
==> f_default: 
==> f_default:   * directory[/testlogs/one] action create
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T17:49:30+00:00] INFO: directory[/testlogs/one] created directory /testlogs/one
==> f_default: 
==> f_default:     
==> f_default: - create new directory /testlogs/one
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T17:49:30+00:00] INFO: directory[/testlogs/one] owner changed to 1000
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T17:49:30+00:00] INFO: directory[/testlogs/one] group changed to 1000
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T17:49:30+00:00] INFO: directory[/testlogs/one] mode changed to 750
==> f_default: 
==> f_default:     
==> f_default: - change mode from '' to '0750'
==> f_default:     - change owner from '' to 'vagrant'
==> f_default:     
==> f_default: - change group from '' to 'vagrant'
==> f_default: 
==> f_default:     - restore selinux security context
==> f_default: 
==> f_default: 
==> f_default:   * template[/testlogs/one/access1.log] action create
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T17:49:30+00:00] INFO: template[/testlogs/one/access1.log] created file /testlogs/one/access1.log
==> f_default:     - create new file /testlogs/one/access1.log
==> f_default: [2019-04-10T17:49:30+00:00] INFO: template[/testlogs/one/access1.log] updated file contents /testlogs/one/access1.log
==> f_default: bash: line 4:  6511 Killed                  chef-client --config /tmp/vagrant-chef/client.rb --json-attributes /tmp/vagrant-chef/dna.json --log_level info --force-formatter
Chef never successfully completed! Any errors should be visible in the
output above. Please fix your recipes so that they properly complete.

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