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Last active April 30, 2020 22:30
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# For the final part of your assignment, you will
# pretend you are an epidemiologist writing a report
# on the spread of Covid-19 in a particular country,
# and commenting on what you can tell about the effectiveness
# of interventions at this point.
# You will use ML to fit three (3) or more SIR models
# to some country's Covid-19 active cases. You will
# then compare these model fits with AIC.
# You will have to choose what "regimes" to use --
# i.e., the points at which R0 might change due to
# the citizenry doing physical distancing, lockdown,
# and/or release of these.
# This means you will have to decide how many days
# after the first case to start each regime. You
# will do this by changing "time" as before. These
# decisions are made by you, the researcher, based on
# looking at the chart of case counts, and/or based
# on using google etc. to research when a particular
# country went into lockdown.
# You might also manually change "delay_val," which
# represents "how long after a change in R0, do you
# start to see it show up in the active cases data?"
# I found that a "delay_val" of 14 worked well, but
# you are welcome to change it if you want.
# There are 2 ways to do this assignment:
# RELIABLE INTERNET. Use country case count
# data provided by the European Union.
# OR HAVE WEAK INTERNET, you might not
# be able to access the online EU data
# from your R session. Instead, update
# the New Zealand data
# by hand so that it extends to the present
# day, and then fit your models to that.
# You can get the updated data from the
# "Total and active cases" chart at:
# Hancock, Faith (2020). Covid-19 in NZ. NZ Herald.
# We just want the "active cases" count (hover your
# mouse over the blue line to see the numbers).
# I am providing example scripts for both options. These
# scripts will include all of the required functions.
# You will just have to:
# 1. Copy the whole example script to a text editor where
# you can make/save changes.
# 2. Copy-paste the whole script into R
# and run it once,
# just to make sure it works for you. If you hit some
# problem with Option #1, go to the Option #2 script and
# try it.
# 3. Modify the script as follows:
# For option #1, change the country you want to study
# from something other than New Zealand. Change the
# "time" options for each model as desired.
# For option #2, edit the New Zealand active cases data
# in the script to make it up-to-date. Change the "time"
# options for each model as desired.
# You are free to experiment with other changes if you
# like, of course. (E.g., changing plot titles, line
# colors, other features of the model, whatever.)
# 4. Get the log-likelihoods under each model.
# 5. Calculate AIC, relative likelihoods, and AIC weights
# for each model. You can do it in R, or modify the
# Excel or Google-Sheet examples I have provided.
# 6. In a Discussion post:
# * include a screenshot of your AIC table, including
# at least these columns:
# - Model name
# - log-likelihood
# - number of free parameters
# - AIC
# - AIC model weights
# * include a screenshot that plots your AIC-best
# model against the data for your country
# * Summarize your results and critically evaluate:
# E.g., "I fit 4 SIR models
# to the active-case data from country X. The models
# had 1, 2, 3, or 4 regimes with different R0 values.
# The AIC-best model was Model 3, gaining 55% of the
# AIC weight. Under this best model, R0 was 6.1 for
# the first phase of the epidemic, indicating extremely
# rapid spread. However, after the country imposed a
# lockdown on day 14, R0 dropped to 0.1. However,
# political disputes in the country led to the lockdown
# being lifted after 7 days, causing a second wave of
# cases with R0 estimated as 4.5. This wave appears to
# be ongoing.
# Based on these model results, country X clearly needs
# to return to lockdown. However, visual inspection of
# the plot of the best-fit SIR model against the data
# suggests that the available models were not a
# perfect fit, perhaps because of a change in case
# definitions on Day 23 that made it appear as if
# 1000 cases occurred suddenly on that day. A more
# sophisticated model would account for this change
# in case definition, as well as XYZ.
# References (if any)
# 7. Comment on at least one other student's summary,
# pointing out what you found interesting, making
# suggestions, or asking questions. As always, stay
# professional.
# Example script for Option #1, Week 6 Discussion assignment
# (doing the assignment on a computer with R installed)
# Download EU worldwide data
data = read.csv("", na.strings = "", fileEncoding = "UTF-8-BOM")
# See the list of countries named in the database:
# Subset by country
country_name = "New_Zealand" # NOTE how the underscore ("_") is required in the country name!
TF = data$countriesAndTerritories == country_name # TF = TRUE/FALSE for rows matching the country
d1 = data[TF,]
# Convert the dates to R's "Date" format, then order d by date
dates = as.Date(d1$dateRep, format="%d/%m/%Y")
d2 = cbind(dates, d1)
d2 = d2[order(d2$dates),]
# Find the first day with 1 case
TF = d2$cases > 0
first_row_with_case = (1:nrow(d2))[TF][1]
# Subset the country's table to start with the first case in that country
d3 = d2[first_row_with_case:nrow(d2),]
# Messy code to "add-in" in any missing days
d4 = NULL
numdays = d3$dates[nrow(d3)] - d3$dates[1] + 1
d3_rownum = 0
for (i in 1:numdays)
if (i == 1)
d3_rownum = d3_rownum + 1
d4 = rbind(d4, d3[d3_rownum,])
} else {
if ( (d3$dates[d3_rownum+1] - d4[(i-1),]$dates[1]) == 1 )
d3_rownum = d3_rownum + 1
d4 = rbind(d4, d3[d3_rownum,])
} else {
newdate = d4[(i-1),]$dates[1] + 1
day = format(newdate, "%d")
month = format(newdate, "%m")
year = format(newdate, "%Y")
dateRep = paste(day, month, year, sep="/")
newrow =, dateRep, day, month, year, 0, 0, country_name, d4[(i-1),]$geoId[1], d4[(i-1),]$countryterritoryCode[1], d4[(i-1),]$popData2018[1], d4[(i-1),]$continentExp[1]), nrow=1), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
names(newrow) = c("dates", "dateRep", "day", "month", "year", "cases", "deaths", "countriesAndTerritories", "geoId", "countryterritoryCode", "popData2018", "continentExp")
newrow$dates[1] = as.character(as.Date(paste(year, month, day, sep="-"), format="%Y-%m-%d"))
d4 = rbind(d4, newrow)
class(d4[,1]) = "Date"
# The number of cumulative cases on a particular day equals the new cases that day,
# plus the number of cases on the 13 previous days (Note: we are ASSUMING the Duration of
# Infection, D_inf, equals 14 here - this database doesn't collect the number of
# Recovered).
D_inf = 14
active_cases = NULL
recovered = NULL
for (i in 1:nrow(d4))
startrow = i - (D_inf-1)
if (startrow <= 1)
startrow = 1
tmp_recovered = 0
} else {
tmp_recovered = sum(as.numeric(d4$cases[1:(startrow-1)]))
tmp_active = sum(as.numeric(d4$cases[startrow:i]))
# Store these results
active_cases = c(active_cases, tmp_active)
recovered = c(recovered, tmp_recovered)
} # END for (i in 1:nrow(d4))
# Add in the new columns:
d5 = cbind(d4, active_cases, recovered)
# Look at your data table:
head(d5) # look at first 6 rows
tail(d5) # look at last 6 rows
dim(d5) # look at the number of rows & columns
# Plot the data:
plot(x=d5$dates, y=d5$active_cases, xlab="Date", ylab="Active cases", col="firebrick2")
titletxt = paste0("Active COVID-19 cases in ", country_name, "\n(EUDC data, assuming D_inf=14)")
points(x=d5$dates, y=d5$recovered, col="green3")
likelihood_single_point <- function(data.point, model.point, log=TRUE)
# Get the probability density of the count, assuming
# the observed count is a poisson process with an
# average value matching the true process.
# This allows for variation, e.g. if a case is reported
# days after it occurs.
likelihood = dpois(x=data.point, lambda=model.point, log=log)
# Return the likelihood value
} # END of likelihood_single_point
likelihood_time_series <- function(data.points, model.points, log=TRUE)
# Error check - return a stop() message if check fails
if (length(data.points) != length(model.points))
{ stop("ERROR in likelihood_time_series(): the lengths of data.points and model.points must match.") }
# Calculate the likelihoods of the data.points
likelihoods = mapply(FUN=likelihood_single_point, data.point=data.points, model.point=model.points, MoreArgs=list(log=log))
# If you calculated log-likelihoods, then sum them
# If you calculated raw likelihoods, then multiply them
if (log == TRUE)
total_likelihood = sum(likelihoods)
} else {
total_likelihood = prod(likelihoods) # prod=take the product
} # END if/else statement: if (log == TRUE)
# Return that value
return (total_likelihood)
} # END of likelihood_time_series
# Functions from Week 5
SIR_ode <- function(time, state, parameters)
# The above inputs are:
# time = a time point
# state = an R list of the 3 state values, i.e. the
# population sizes of S, I, and R
# parameters = an R list of the parameters R0 and D_inf
# Convert the input parameters "R0" and "D_inf"
# into the rates "beta" and "nu"
beta <- parameters[["R0"]] / parameters[["D_inf"]]
nu <- 1 / parameters[["D_inf"]]
# Extract the current values of the states S, I, and R
S <- state[["S"]]
I <- state[["I"]]
R <- state[["R"]]
# Calculate N, the total of S+I+R,
# i.e. the population size
N <- S + I + R
# Write out the system of
# Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)
dS <- -beta * I/N * S
dI <- beta * I/N * S - nu * I
dR <- nu * I
# Return the current rates of change of S, I, and R:
return(list(c(dS, dI, dR)))
} # End of function SIR_ode
simulate_SIR <- function(theta, init.state, times)
trajectory <- data.frame(ode(y = init.state,
times = times,
func = SIR_ode,
parms = theta,
method = "ode45"))
} # End of simulate_SIR()
simulate_SIR_changes <- function(thetas_states_df, times)
# Loop through the rows
trajectory = NULL
for (rn in 1:nrow(thetas_states_df))
if (rn == 1)
init.state = c(S=thetas_states_df$S[rn], I=thetas_states_df$I[rn], R=thetas_states_df$R[rn])
theta = list(R0=thetas_states_df$R0[rn], D_inf=thetas_states_df$D_inf[rn])
} else {
last_row = trajectory[nrow(trajectory),]
init.state = c(S=last_row$S+thetas_states_df$S[rn], I=last_row$I+thetas_states_df$I[rn], R=last_row$R+thetas_states_df$R[rn])
theta = list(R0=thetas_states_df$R0[rn], D_inf=thetas_states_df$D_inf[rn])
# Read in the parameters for the initial, versus later, time-bins
if (rn >= nrow(thetas_states_df))
start_time = thetas_states_df$time[rn]
end_time = max(times)
} else {
start_time = thetas_states_df$time[rn]
end_time = thetas_states_df$time[rn+1]
TF1 = times >= start_time
TF2 = times <= end_time
TF = (TF1 + TF2) == 2
tmp_times = times[TF]
tmp_trajectory = simulate_SIR(theta=theta, init.state=init.state, times=tmp_times)
if (rn == 1)
trajectory = rbind(trajectory, tmp_trajectory)
} else {
trajectory_minus_last_state = trajectory[-nrow(trajectory),]
trajectory = rbind(trajectory_minus_last_state, tmp_trajectory)
} # if (rn == 1)
} # END for (rn in 1:nrow(thetas_states_df))
} # End simulate_SIR_changes()
params_to_likelihood_v1 <- function(params, data.points, thetas_states_df, delay_val=14, printvals=TRUE, makePlots=FALSE)
# The times are just the length of the data.points
times = 1:length(data.points)
# (1) input the free parameters
thetas_states_temp = thetas_states_df
TF = thetas_states_temp == "free"
thetas_states_temp[TF] = params
# Error check
if ((max(thetas_states_temp$time)+delay_val) > max(times))
stop("ERROR in params_to_likelihood_v1: there is a 'thetas_states_df$time'+delay_val greater than found in 'times'")
# Make sure everything in thetas_states_df is numeric, instead of character
for (i in 1:ncol(thetas_states_temp))
thetas_states_temp[,i] = as.numeric(thetas_states_temp[,i])
# Ad2 the delay (allows time for interventions to show up
# in the detections)
thetas_states_temp$time[2:length(thetas_states_temp$time)] = thetas_states_temp$time[2:length(thetas_states_temp$time)] + delay_val
# Calculate the trajectory given the parameters,
# input into model.points
trajectory = simulate_SIR_changes(thetas_states_df=thetas_states_temp, times)
model.points = trajectory$I
lnL = likelihood_time_series(data.points, model.points, log=TRUE)
if (is.finite(lnL)== FALSE)
# Print, if desired
if (printvals == TRUE)
cat("log-likelihood = ", lnL, "\n", sep="")
# Make plots, if desired
if (makePlots == TRUE)
plot_trajectory_lines(trajectory, theta=NULL, thetas_states_df=thetas_states_df, title_prefix="Plot #5:")
} # END params_to_likelihood_v1
# Model 1: A 1-regime model
times = 1:nrow(d5) # Number of days since first case
time = c(1, nrow(d5)-1) # The 2nd entry is the 2nd-to-last day,
# this forces most of the data to
# use the first R0
R0 = c(3.0, 2.5)
D_inf = c(14.0, 14.0)
S = c(as.numeric(d5$popData2018[1]), 0) # putting in the country's population size
I = c(1, 0)
R = c(0, 0)
thetas_states_table = cbind(time, R0, D_inf, S, I, R)
thetas_states_df =, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
thetas_states_df$R0[1] = "free"
thetas_states_df$I[1] = "free"
# Run the params_to_likelihood_v1() function once, to see your starting likelihood
data.points = d5$active_cases
params = c(2.5, 0.03) # starting parameter values
params_to_likelihood_v1(params, data.points, thetas_states_df, delay_val=0, printvals=TRUE, makePlots=FALSE)
# Running the Maximum Likelihood search with the optim() function.
delay_val = 0
ML_results = optim(par=params, fn=params_to_likelihood_v1, data.points=data.points, thetas_states_df=thetas_states_df, delay_val=delay_val, printvals=TRUE, method="L-BFGS-B", lower=0.0, control=list(fnscale=-1))
# Graphing the ML model
# Take the learned parameters from "ML_results", put them
# into a theta_states data.frame for simulation and plotting
thetas_states_ML = thetas_states_df
TF = thetas_states_ML == "free"
thetas_states_ML[TF] = ML_results$par
for (i in 1:ncol(thetas_states_ML))
{ thetas_states_ML[,i] = as.numeric(thetas_states_ML[,i]) }
thetas_states_ML$time[2:length(thetas_states_ML$time)] = thetas_states_ML$time[2:length(thetas_states_ML$time)] + delay_val
# Plot the results
trajectory = simulate_SIR_changes(thetas_states_df=thetas_states_ML, times=times)
maxy = max(max(trajectory$I), max(data.points))
xvals = c(trajectory$time, times)
yvals = c(trajectory$I, data.points)
plot(x=xvals, y=yvals, pch=".", col="white", xlim=c(0, max(trajectory$time)), ylim=c(0, maxy), xlab="Day", ylab="Number of individuals")
lines(x=trajectory$time, y=trajectory$I, lwd=3, col="firebrick2")
points(times, data.points)
legend(x="topleft", legend=c("Active COVID-19 case count", 'ML-fitted projection of "I" (Infected)'), lty=c("blank", "solid"), lwd=c(1,3), pch=c(1, "."), col=c("black","firebrick2"), cex=0.8)
titletxt = paste0("ML fit, EUDC active cases from: ", country_name, "\nModel 1 (a 1-regime model) max lnL = ", round(ML_results$value, 2))
# Save this model's parameters and log-likelihood
thetas_states_ML_model1 = thetas_states_ML
total_lnL_Model1 = ML_results$value
# Model 2: A 2-regime model
times = 1:nrow(d5) # Number of days since first case
time = c(1, 24) # NZ Level 4 lockdown went in on March 26, day 24 since 1st case
R0 = c(3.0, 0.3)
D_inf = c(14.0, 14.0)
S = c(as.numeric(d5$popData2018[1]), 0) # putting in the country's population size
I = c(1, 0)
R = c(0, 0)
thetas_states_table = cbind(time, R0, D_inf, S, I, R)
thetas_states_df =, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Make some parameters into "free" parameters, to be inferred
thetas_states_df$R0 = c("free", "free")
thetas_states_df$I[1] = "free"
# Run the params_to_likelihood_v1() function once, to see your starting likelihood
data.points = d5$active_cases
params = c(3.0, 0.3, 0.03) # starting parameter values
params_to_likelihood_v1(params, data.points, thetas_states_df, delay_val=14, printvals=TRUE, makePlots=FALSE)
# Running the Maximum Likelihood search with the optim() function.
delay_val = 14
ML_results = optim(par=params, fn=params_to_likelihood_v1, data.points=data.points, thetas_states_df=thetas_states_df, delay_val=delay_val, printvals=TRUE, method="L-BFGS-B", lower=0.0, control=list(fnscale=-1))
# Graphing the ML model
# Take the learned parameters from "ML_results", put them
# into a theta_states data.frame for simulation and plotting
thetas_states_ML = thetas_states_df
TF = thetas_states_ML == "free"
thetas_states_ML[TF] = ML_results$par
for (i in 1:ncol(thetas_states_ML))
{ thetas_states_ML[,i] = as.numeric(thetas_states_ML[,i]) }
thetas_states_ML$time[2:length(thetas_states_ML$time)] = thetas_states_ML$time[2:length(thetas_states_ML$time)] + delay_val
# Plot the results
trajectory = simulate_SIR_changes(thetas_states_df=thetas_states_ML, times=times)
maxy = max(max(trajectory$I), max(data.points))
xvals = c(trajectory$time, times)
yvals = c(trajectory$I, data.points)
plot(x=xvals, y=yvals, pch=".", col="white", xlim=c(0, max(trajectory$time)), ylim=c(0, maxy), xlab="Day", ylab="Number of individuals")
lines(x=trajectory$time, y=trajectory$I, lwd=3, col="firebrick2")
points(times, data.points)
legend(x="topleft", legend=c("Active COVID-19 case count", 'ML-fitted projection of "I" (Infected)'), lty=c("blank", "solid"), lwd=c(1,3), pch=c(1, "."), col=c("black","firebrick2"), cex=0.8)
titletxt = paste0("ML fit, EUDC active cases from: ", country_name, "\nModel 2 (a 2-regime model) max lnL = ", round(ML_results$value, 2))
# Save this model's parameters and log-likelihood
thetas_states_ML_model2 = thetas_states_ML
total_lnL_Model2 = ML_results$value
# Model 3: A 3-regime model
times = 1:nrow(d5) # Number of days since first case
time = c(1, 16, 24) # NZ Level 4 lockdown went in on March 26, day 24 since 1st case
R0 = c(3.0, 1.0, 0.3)
D_inf = c(14.0, 14.0, 14.0)
S = c(as.numeric(d5$popData2018[1]), 0, 0) # putting in the country's population size
I = c(1, 0, 0)
R = c(0, 0, 0)
thetas_states_table = cbind(time, R0, D_inf, S, I, R)
thetas_states_df =, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Make some parameters into "free" parameters, to be inferred
thetas_states_df$R0 = c("free", "free", "free")
thetas_states_df$I[1] = "free"
# Run the params_to_likelihood_v1() function once, to see your starting likelihood
data.points = d5$active_cases
params = c(3.0, 2.0, 0.3, 0.03) # starting parameter values
params_to_likelihood_v1(params, data.points, thetas_states_df, delay_val=14, printvals=TRUE, makePlots=FALSE)
# Running the Maximum Likelihood search with the optim() function.
delay_val = 14
ML_results = optim(par=params, fn=params_to_likelihood_v1, data.points=data.points, thetas_states_df=thetas_states_df, delay_val=delay_val, printvals=TRUE, method="L-BFGS-B", lower=0.0, control=list(fnscale=-1))
# Graphing the ML model
# Take the learned parameters from "ML_results", put them
# into a theta_states data.frame for simulation and plotting
thetas_states_ML = thetas_states_df
TF = thetas_states_ML == "free"
thetas_states_ML[TF] = ML_results$par
for (i in 1:ncol(thetas_states_ML))
{ thetas_states_ML[,i] = as.numeric(thetas_states_ML[,i]) }
thetas_states_ML$time[2:length(thetas_states_ML$time)] = thetas_states_ML$time[2:length(thetas_states_ML$time)] + delay_val
# Plot the results
trajectory = simulate_SIR_changes(thetas_states_df=thetas_states_ML, times=times)
maxy = max(max(trajectory$I), max(data.points))
xvals = c(trajectory$time, times)
yvals = c(trajectory$I, data.points)
plot(x=xvals, y=yvals, pch=".", col="white", xlim=c(0, max(trajectory$time)), ylim=c(0, maxy), xlab="Day", ylab="Number of individuals")
lines(x=trajectory$time, y=trajectory$I, lwd=3, col="firebrick2")
points(times, data.points)
legend(x="topleft", legend=c("Active COVID-19 case count", 'ML-fitted projection of "I" (Infected)'), lty=c("blank", "solid"), lwd=c(1,3), pch=c(1, "."), col=c("black","firebrick2"), cex=0.8)
titletxt = paste0("ML fit, EUDC active cases from: ", country_name, "\nModel 3 (a 3-regime model) max lnL = ", round(ML_results$value, 2))
# Save this model's parameters and log-likelihood
thetas_states_ML_model3 = thetas_states_ML
total_lnL_Model3 = ML_results$value
# Model 4: A 4-regime model
times = 1:nrow(d5) # Number of days since first case
time = c(1, 16, 20, 24) # NZ Level 4 lockdown went in on March 26, day 24 since 1st case
R0 = c(3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.3)
D_inf = c(14.0, 14.0, 14.0, 14.0)
S = c(as.numeric(d5$popData2018[1]), 0, 0, 0) # putting in the country's population size
I = c(1, 0, 0, 0)
R = c(0, 0, 0, 0)
thetas_states_table = cbind(time, R0, D_inf, S, I, R)
thetas_states_df =, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Make some parameters into "free" parameters, to be inferred
thetas_states_df$R0 = c("free", "free", "free", "free")
thetas_states_df$I[1] = "free"
# Run the params_to_likelihood_v1() function once, to see your starting likelihood
data.points = d5$active_cases
params = c(3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.3, 0.03) # starting parameter values
params_to_likelihood_v1(params, data.points, thetas_states_df, delay_val=14, printvals=TRUE, makePlots=FALSE)
# Running the Maximum Likelihood search with the optim() function.
delay_val = 14
ML_results = optim(par=params, fn=params_to_likelihood_v1, data.points=data.points, thetas_states_df=thetas_states_df, delay_val=delay_val, printvals=TRUE, method="L-BFGS-B", lower=0.0, control=list(fnscale=-1))
# Graphing the ML model
# Take the learned parameters from "ML_results", put them
# into a theta_states data.frame for simulation and plotting
thetas_states_ML = thetas_states_df
TF = thetas_states_ML == "free"
thetas_states_ML[TF] = ML_results$par
for (i in 1:ncol(thetas_states_ML))
{ thetas_states_ML[,i] = as.numeric(thetas_states_ML[,i]) }
thetas_states_ML$time[2:length(thetas_states_ML$time)] = thetas_states_ML$time[2:length(thetas_states_ML$time)] + delay_val
# Plot the results
trajectory = simulate_SIR_changes(thetas_states_df=thetas_states_ML, times=times)
maxy = max(max(trajectory$I), max(data.points))
xvals = c(trajectory$time, times)
yvals = c(trajectory$I, data.points)
plot(x=xvals, y=yvals, pch=".", col="white", xlim=c(0, max(trajectory$time)), ylim=c(0, maxy), xlab="Day", ylab="Number of individuals")
lines(x=trajectory$time, y=trajectory$I, lwd=3, col="firebrick2")
points(times, data.points)
legend(x="topleft", legend=c("Active COVID-19 case count", 'ML-fitted projection of "I" (Infected)'), lty=c("blank", "solid"), lwd=c(1,3), pch=c(1, "."), col=c("black","firebrick2"), cex=0.8)
titletxt = paste0("ML fit, EUDC active cases from: ", country_name, "\nModel 4 (a 4-regime model) max lnL = ", round(ML_results$value, 2))
# Save this model's parameters and log-likelihood
thetas_states_ML_model4 = thetas_states_ML
total_lnL_Model4 = ML_results$value
# Calculate AIC and AIC model weights by
# (Option A) Re-purposing the R code from
# the Week 6 exercise
# (Option B) Editing the example Excel or Google Sheet files:
# Example spreadsheet calculating AIC and AIC model weights:
# Excel file on Canvas:
# BIOSCI 220 -> Files -> Module 2 -> Week 6 -> Week6_AIC_with_SIRs_fit_to_NZ_EUDC_data.xlsx
# On public web:
# On Google Sheets:
# (You will have to copy-paste to your own Google Sheet, this one is edit-locked.)
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