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Created June 10, 2016 18:58
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FIxed BVP benchmarks
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
import inspect
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_, assert_allclose
from scipy import linalg, interpolate, special
from scipy.integrate import solve_bvp
class TwoPointBVP(object):
A generic two-point boundary value problem::
u_i^{m_i}(x) = f_i(x, u), i = 1 .. N
g_j(u_a, u_b) = 0, M = m_1 + ... + mnp
where ``a`` and ``b`` are some given positions.
m = [] # Degrees of derivatives of variables
a = 0 # Left boundary
b = 1 # Right boundary
linear = False # Is this problem linear?
homogenous = None # If the problem is linear, is it homogenous?
vectorized = False # Are the functions vectorizable over x?
dtype = np.float64 # Problem's dtype
# If boundary conditions are separated, ``n_a`` indicates
# that ``g[0:n_a]`` corresponds to boundary conditions at ``a``,
# and ``g[n_a:]`` to boundary conditions at ``b``.
# If boundary conditions are not separated, ``n_a`` must be ``None``.
n_a = None
def f(self, x, u):
Function ``f`` at position ``x``.
def df(self, x, u):
Partial derivatives of function ``f`` at position ``x``.
def g(self, u_a, u_b):
The function ``g``.
def dg(self, u_a, u_b):
Partial derivatives of the function g at ``a`` and at ``b``.
def guess(self, x):
Evaluate an initial guess for the exact solution at ``x``.
def exact_solution(self, x):
Evaluate the exact solution at ``x``.
class FirstOrderConverter(object):
Convert a higher-order differential equation system to
a first-order system
def __init__(self, problem):
"""Convert the underlying ``problem`` to a first-order system"""
self.problem = problem
self.mstar = sum(problem.m)
self.f_map = np.zeros([len(problem.m)], np.int_)
self.y_map = np.zeros([self.mstar - len(problem.m)], np.int_)
self.m = [1]*self.mstar
# Ugh, looks like someone is writing Fortran in Python
i = 0
j = 0
for k, mval in enumerate(problem.m):
for p in range(mval-1):
self.y_map[j] = i
i += 1
j += 1
self.f_map[k] = i
i += 1
def f(self, x, y):
dy = np.empty((self.mstar,) + x.shape, self.problem.dtype)
dy[self.f_map] = self.problem.f(x, y)
dy[self.y_map] = y[self.y_map + 1]
return dy
def df(self, x, y):
ddy = np.zeros((self.mstar, self.mstar) + x.shape, self.problem.dtype)
ddy[self.f_map, :] = self.problem.df(x, y)
ddy[self.y_map, self.y_map + 1] = 1
return ddy
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in ('mstar', 'f_map', 'y_map', 'problem', 'm'):
object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
setattr(self.problem, name, value)
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.problem, name)
def solve_with_bvp(problem, initial_guess=None, max_nodes=1000,
numerical_jacobians=False, use_guess=True, tol=1e-6):
assert_(problem.n_a != None, "Can solve only separated BCs")
if max(problem.m) > 1:
problem = FirstOrderConverter(problem)
def vectorized_guess(x):
us = []
dms = []
for i, xx in enumerate(x):
u, dm = problem.guess(np.float64(xx))
return np.transpose(np.asarray(us)), np.transpose(np.asarray(dms))
def vectorized_f(x, u):
fs = []
for i, xx in enumerate(x):
fs.append(problem.f(np.float64(xx), u[:,i]))
return np.transpose(np.asarray(fs))
def vectorized_df(x, u):
dfs = []
for i, xx in enumerate(x):
dfs.append(problem.df(np.float64(xx), u[:,i]))
dfs = np.asarray(dfs)
return np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(dfs, 0, 2), 0, 1)
fun = problem.f
fun_jac = problem.df
bc = problem.g
bc_jac = problem.dg
if use_guess:
guess = problem.guess
guess = None
if numerical_jacobians:
fun_jac = None
bc_jac = None
if not problem.vectorized:
fun = vectorized_f
if problem.guess is not None:
guess = vectorized_guess
if problem.df is not None:
fun_jac = vectorized_df
if initial_guess is not None:
x, y = initial_guess
x = np.linspace(problem.a, problem.b, 5)
if guess is None:
y = np.zeros((sum(problem.m), len(x)), dtype=problem.dtype)
y = guess(x)[0].astype(problem.dtype)
solution = solve_bvp(fun, bc, x, y, fun_jac=fun_jac, bc_jac=bc_jac, tol=tol, max_nodes=max_nodes,
return solution
class TestBvp(object):
def test_problem_1(self, num_jac=False):
# Solve problem #1 and compare to exact solution
problem = Problem1()
solution = solve_with_bvp(problem, numerical_jacobians=num_jac)
x = np.linspace(problem.a, problem.b, 100)
assert_allclose(problem.exact_solution(x), solution.sol(x)[0],
def test_problem_2(self, num_jac=False):
# Solve problem #2 and compare to exact solution
problem = Problem2()
solution = solve_with_bvp(problem, numerical_jacobians=num_jac)
x = np.linspace(problem.a, problem.b, 100)
assert_allclose(problem.exact_solution(x), solution.sol(x).T,
rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-6)
def test_complex_problem_2(self, num_jac=False):
# Solve problem (complex-valued) #2 and compare to exact solution
problem = ComplexProblem2()
solution = solve_with_bvp(problem, numerical_jacobians=num_jac)
x = np.linspace(problem.a, problem.b, 100)
assert_allclose(problem.exact_solution(x), solution.sol(x).T,
rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-6)
def test_problem_3(self, num_jac=False):
# Solve problem #3 and compare to exact solution
problem = Problem3()
solution = solve_with_bvp(problem, numerical_jacobians=num_jac)
x = np.linspace(problem.a, problem.b, 100)
assert_allclose(problem.exact_solution(x), solution.sol(x)[0],
def test_problem_5(self, num_jac=False):
# Solve problem #5 and compare to exact solution
problem = Problem5()
solution = solve_with_bvp(problem, numerical_jacobians=num_jac)
x = np.linspace(problem.a, problem.b, 100)
assert_allclose(problem.exact_solution(x), solution.sol(x).T,
# Needed to reduce tolerance, since "exact" solution data is
# interpolated
def test_problem_6(self, num_jac=False):
# Solve problem #6 and compare to exact solution
problem = Problem6()
solution = solve_with_bvp(problem, numerical_jacobians=num_jac)
x = np.linspace(problem.a, problem.b, 100)
assert_allclose(problem.exact_solution(x), solution.sol(x).T,
rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-9)
def test_problem_7(self, num_jac=False):
# Solve problem #7 for two different initial guesses
# and compare to known approximate solutions
problem = Problem7()
tol = 1e-3
solution1 = solve_with_bvp(problem, use_guess=False, tol=tol,
solution2 = solve_with_bvp(problem, use_guess=True, tol=tol,
x = problem.solution_1[:,0]
assert_(curves_close(x, problem.solution_1[:,1],
problem.solution_1_xtol, problem.solution_1_ytol,
solution1.sol(x)[0], 0, 0))
x = problem.solution_2[:,0]
assert_(curves_close(x, problem.solution_2[:,1],
problem.solution_2_xtol, problem.solution_2_ytol,
solution2.sol(x)[0], 0, 0))
def test_problem_8(self, num_jac=False):
# Solve problem #8 with simple continuation
# and compare to known approximate solutions
problem = Problem8()
x0 = np.linspace(problem.a, problem.b, 31)
y0 = np.asarray([problem.guess(xx)[0] for xx in x0]).T
guess = (x0, y0)
for c in problem.continuation:
solution = solve_with_bvp(problem, max_nodes=5000,
guess = (solution.x[::2], solution.y[...,::2])
xg = problem.solution_g[:,0]
assert_(curves_close(xg, problem.solution_g[:,1],
problem.solution_g_xtol, problem.solution_g_ytol,
solution.sol(xg)[0], 0, 0))
xh = problem.solution_h[:,0]
assert_(curves_close(xh, problem.solution_h[:,1],
problem.solution_h_xtol, problem.solution_h_ytol,
solution.sol(xh)[2], 0, 0))
def test_problem_9(self, num_jac=False):
# Solve problem #9
problem = Problem9()
solution = solve_with_bvp(problem, numerical_jacobians=num_jac)
x = np.linspace(problem.a, problem.b, 10)
assert_allclose(problem.exact_solution(x), solution.sol(x).T,
rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-6)
def test_problem_10(self, num_jac=False):
# Solve problem #10
problem = Problem10()
solution = solve_with_bvp(problem, numerical_jacobians=num_jac)
x = np.linspace(problem.a, problem.b, 10)
assert_allclose(problem.exact_solution(x), solution.sol(x).T,
rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-6)
def test_continuation(self, num_jac=False):
# Solve problem #3 for multiple values of C using continuation
problem = Problem3()
x = np.linspace(problem.a, problem.b, 501)
# Near C = 1.69 there is a "difficult point", be careful about it.
Cvals = np.r_[np.linspace(1, 1.6, 5),
np.linspace(1.6, 1.72, 7)[1:],
np.linspace(1.8, 150, 90)]
# Use continuation
x0 = np.linspace(problem.a, problem.b, 31)
y0 = np.asarray([problem.guess(xx)[0] for xx in x0]).T
guess = (x0, y0)
prev_C = None
prev_sol = None
pprev_C = None
pprev_sol = None
for C in Cvals:
problem.C = C
if pprev_sol is not None:
# Linear predictor
x = np.hstack((
k = (C - prev_C) / (prev_C - pprev_C)
guess = (x, prev_sol.sol(x) +
k * (prev_sol.sol(x) - pprev_sol.sol(x)))
elif prev_sol is not None:
x = np.hstack((
guess = (x, prev_sol.sol(x))
solution = solve_with_bvp(problem, initial_guess=guess,
tol=1e-6, max_nodes=9000)
pprev_sol = prev_sol
pprev_C = prev_C
prev_sol = solution
prev_C = C
assert_allclose(problem.exact_solution(x), solution.sol(x)[0],
# Finding the given analytical solution without continuation
# is not possible, probably due to a branch point
solution = solve_with_bvp(problem, numerical_jacobians=num_jac)
assert_(not np.allclose(problem.exact_solution(x), solution.sol(x)[0],
def test_tolerances(self, num_jac=False):
# Solve problem #3 with different tolerances
problem = Problem3()
x = np.linspace(0, 1, 20)
# Large tolerances, less exact solution
solution = solve_with_bvp(problem, tol=1e-1,
assert_allclose(problem.exact_solution(x), solution.sol(x)[0],
assert_(not np.allclose(problem.exact_solution(x), solution.sol(x)[0],
# Large tolerances, more exact solution
solution = solve_with_bvp(problem, tol=1e-5,
assert_allclose(problem.exact_solution(x), solution.sol(x)[0],
def test_reentrancy(self):
count = [0]
depth = [0]
class RecursiveProblem(Problem1):
def f(self, x, z):
# work out a back-and-forth jumping recursion
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 5 3 4 3 1 2 2 0
if count[0] + 2*depth[0] + 3*((count[0]+2) % 3) < 20:
count[0] += 1
depth[0] += 1
problem = RecursiveProblem()
solution = solve_with_bvp(problem)
depth[0] -= 1
xx = np.linspace(problem.a, problem.b, 100)
return Problem1.f(self, x, z)
problem1 = RecursiveProblem()
solution = solve_with_bvp(problem1)
x = np.linspace(problem1.a, problem1.b, 100)
assert_allclose(problem1.exact_solution(x), solution.sol(x)[0],
class TestBvpNumericalJacobians(TestBvp):
# Same as test_bvp, but with numerically approximated Jacobians
def add_jac_func(cls, v):
# Needed for making the lambda a closure
func = lambda self: v(self, True)
func.__name__ = v.__name__
setattr(TestBvpNumericalJacobians, func.__name__, func)
def ignored_check(self):
return True
for name, v in inspect.getmembers(TestBvpNumericalJacobians):
if name.startswith('test_'):
argspec = inspect.getargspec(v)
if 'num_jac' in argspec[0] or 'numerical_jacobians' in argspec[0]:
add_jac_func(TestBvpNumericalJacobians, v)
setattr(TestBvpNumericalJacobians, name, ignored_check)
del v
def curves_close(x, y1, xtol1, ytol1,
y2, xtol2, ytol2):
"""Returns true if curves coincide up to given absolute tolerances.
- `x`: x-coordinates
- `y1`: points of curve 1 at `x`
- `y2`: points of curve 2 at `x`
- `xtol1`: absolute x-tolerance for curve 1
- `xtol2`: absolute x-tolerance for curve 2
- `ytol1`: absolute y-tolerance for curve 1
- `ytol2`: absolute y-tolerance for curve 2
def ddiff(x):
dx = np.diff(x)
return np.r_[dx, dx[-1]]
dx = ddiff(x)
dy1 = np.absolute(ddiff(y1))
dy2 = np.absolute(ddiff(y2))
tol = ytol1 + ytol2 + xtol1*dy1/dx + xtol2*dy2/dx
d = np.less(np.absolute(y1 - y2), tol)
return d.ravel().all()
# A set of test problems follows
class Problem1(TwoPointBVP):
A trivial test problem::
y'' = 0
y(0) = 0, y(1) = 1
m = [2]
a = 0
b = 1
n_a = 1
linear = True
homogenous = True
def f(self, x, u):
return np.array([0])
def df(self, x, u):
return np.array([[0, 0]])
def g(self, u_a, u_b):
return np.array([u_a[0] - 0, u_b[0] - 1])
def dg(self, u_a, u_b):
return (np.array([[1, 0],
[0, 0]]),
np.array([[0, 0],
[1, 0]]))
guess = None
def exact_solution(self, x):
return x
class Problem2(TwoPointBVP):
Linear test problem with separated boundary conditions::
u' = A u
B u_a = [1]
C u_b = [2; 3]
Where A is 3x3, B is 1x3, and C is 2x3. They are given below.
m = [1, 1, 1]
A = np.mat('0 1 2; 1 0 3; 2 3 4').A
B = np.mat('1 2 3').A
C = np.mat('4 5 6; 7 8 9').A
a_rhs = np.array([1])
b_rhs = np.array([2,3])
a = 0
b = 1
n_a = 1
linear = True
homogenous = True
def f(self, x, u):
def df(self, x, u):
return np.asarray(self.A)
def g(self, u_a, u_b):
return np.r_[ - self.a_rhs, - self.b_rhs]
def dg(self, u_a, u_b):
return (np.r_[self.B, 0*self.C],
np.r_[0*self.B, self.C])
guess = None
def exact_solution(self, x):
X = np.r_[self.B,]
b = np.r_[self.a_rhs, self.b_rhs]
y = np.zeros((len(x), 3), self.dtype)
for i, xx in enumerate(np.asarray(x)):
sol =, linalg.solve(X, b))
y[i,:] = np.asarray(sol).ravel()
return y
class ComplexProblem2(Problem2):
Complex version of Problem2
A = np.mat('0 1j 2; 1 0 2+3j; 2 3+1j 4').A
B = np.mat('1 2j 0.5+3j').A
C = np.mat('4 1+5j 6; 7 8j 9').A
a_rhs = np.array([1])
b_rhs = np.array([2j, 3])
is_complex = True
dtype = np.complex_
class Problem3(TwoPointBVP):
Nonlinear test problem::
u'' = cosh(u) / sinh(u)**3
u(0) = u(1) = arccosh(sqrt((1 + C)/C) cosh(sqrt(C)/2))
``u`` is scalar, and ``C`` a constant. The problem becomes stiffer
and stiffer around ``x = 0.5`` as ``C`` increases, and the solution
2 arccosh(sqrt((1 + C)/C) cosh(sqrt(C)/2)) |x - .5|
The second reason why this is a difficult problem for numerical
solvers is that there appears to be a branch point close to
``C = 1.7`` -- at least COLNEW appears to find a solution distinct
from the analytical one, with residuals in u'' below 1e-5. This
"difficult point" can be passed by careful continuation.
m = [2]
a = 0
b = 1
n_a = 1
linear = False
C = 1.5
vectorized = True
def f(self, x, u):
return np.array([np.cosh(u[0])/np.sinh(u[0])**3])
def df(self, x, u):
return np.array([[-(1 + 2*np.cosh(u[0])**2)/np.sinh(u[0])**4, 0*x]])
def g(self, u_a, u_b):
v = self.exact_solution(0)
return np.array([u_a[0] - v, u_b[0] - v])
def dg(self, u_a, u_b):
return (np.array([[1, 0],
[0, 0]]),
np.array([[0, 0],
[1, 0]]))
def guess(self, x):
z = np.zeros((2,) + np.asarray(x).shape)
dm = np.zeros((1,) + np.asarray(x).shape)
z[0] = 1
return z, dm
def exact_solution(self, x):
return np.arccosh(np.sqrt((1+self.C)/self.C)
* np.cosh(np.sqrt(self.C)*(x - .5)))
class Problem4(TwoPointBVP):
R.M.M. Mattheij's example equation for MUSL. It is a linear problem
with non-separated boundary conditions::
dx(t) / dt = L(t)x(t) + r(t) , 0 <= t <= 6
with a boundary condition MA x(0) + MB x(6) = BCV.
The matrices and the exact solution are given below.
m = [1, 1, 1]
a = 0
b = 6
n_a = None # non-separated boundary conditions
linear = True
homogenous = False
C = 1.5
BCV = np.mat('0; 0; 0') + 1+np.exp(6)
MA = MB = np.mat('1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1')
def L(self, x):
return np.matrix([ [ 1 - 2*np.cos(2*x), 0, 1 + 2*np.sin(2*x)],
[ 0, 2, 0 ],
[-1 + 2*np.sin(2*x), 0, 1 + 2*np.cos(2*x)]])
def r(self, x):
return np.matrix([[(-1 + 2*np.cos(2*x) - 2*np.sin(2*x)) * np.exp(x)],
[ - np.exp(x)],
[( 1 - 2*np.cos(2*x) - 2*np.sin(2*x)) * np.exp(x)]])
def f_homog(self, x, u):
return self.L(x) * np.asmatrix(u).T
def f(self, x, u):
return self.L(x) * np.asmatrix(u).T + self.r(x)
def df(self, x, u):
return self.L(x)
def g(self, u_a, u_b):
return self.MA*np.asmatrix(u_a).T + self.MB*np.asmatrix(u_b).T - self.BCV
def dg(self, u_a, u_b):
return (self.MA, self.MB)
def guess(self, x):
return np.array([1, 1, 1]), np.array([0, 0, 0])
def exact_solution(self, x):
return np.transpose(np.array([np.exp(x)]*3))
class Problem5(TwoPointBVP):
R.M.M. Mattheij's nonlinear example equation for MUSN, having separated
boundary conditions.
m = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
a = 0
b = 1
n_a = 4
linear = False
def f(self, t, u):
u, v, w, x, y = u
ret = np.array([ .5*u*(w-u) / v,
(0.9 - 1000*(w-y) - 0.5*w*(w-u)) / x,
return ret
def df(self, t, u):
u, v, w, x, y = u
return np.array([[(.5*w-u)/v, -.5*u*(w-u) / v**2, .5*u/v, 0, 0],
[.5, 0, -.5, 0, 0],
(-1000 - w + .5*u)/x,
-(0.9 - 1000*(w-y) - 0.5*w*(w-u)) / x**2,
[-0.5, 0, 0.5, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 100, 0, -100]])
def g(self, u_a, u_b):
u_a, v_a, w_a, x_a, y_a = u_a
u_b, v_b, w_b, x_b, y_b = u_b
return np.array([ u_a - 1, v_a - 1, w_a - 1, x_a - (-10), w_b - y_b])
def dg(self, u_a, u_b):
u_a, v_a, w_a, x_a, y_a = u_a
u_b, v_b, w_b, x_b, y_b = u_b
return (np.array([[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]),
np.array([[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, -1]]))
def guess(self, t):
return np.array([
1, 1, -4.5*t*t + 8.91*t + 1, -10, -4.5*t*t + 9*t + 0.91]), \
np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
solution = np.array([
[ .0000, 1.00000e+00, 1.00000e+00, 1.00000e+00, -1.00000e+01, 9.67963e-01],
[ .1000, 1.00701e+00, 9.93036e-01, 1.27014e+00, -9.99304e+00, 1.24622e+00],
[ .2000, 1.02560e+00, 9.75042e-01, 1.47051e+00, -9.97504e+00, 1.45280e+00],
[ .3000, 1.05313e+00, 9.49550e-01, 1.61931e+00, -9.94955e+00, 1.60610e+00],
[ .4000, 1.08796e+00, 9.19155e-01, 1.73140e+00, -9.91915e+00, 1.72137e+00],
[ .5000, 1.12900e+00, 8.85737e-01, 1.81775e+00, -9.88574e+00, 1.80994e+00],
[ .6000, 1.17554e+00, 8.50676e-01, 1.88576e+00, -9.85068e+00, 1.87957e+00],
[ .7000, 1.22696e+00, 8.15025e-01, 1.93990e+00, -9.81503e+00, 1.93498e+00],
[ .8000, 1.28262e+00, 7.79653e-01, 1.98190e+00, -9.77965e+00, 1.97819e+00],
[ .9000, 1.34161e+00, 7.45374e-01, 2.01050e+00, -9.74537e+00, 2.00827e+00],
[1.0000, 1.40232e+00, 7.13102e-01, 2.02032e+00, -9.71310e+00, 2.02032e+00],
def exact_solution(self, t):
Interpolate from Mattheij's data, since no real exact solution
is available
interp = interpolate.interp1d(self.solution[:,0],
self.solution[:,1:], axis=0)
return interp(t)
class Problem6(TwoPointBVP):
COLSYS example problem 1 [1]
.. [1] U. Ascher, J.Christiansen, R. D. Russell
ACM Trans. Math. Software 7, 209 (1981).
m = [4]
a = 1
b = 2
n_a = 2
linear = False
def f(self, x, u):
return np.array([(1 - 6*x**2 * u[3] - 6*x*u[2]) / x**3])
def df(self, x, u):
return np.array([[0, 0, -6/x**2, -6/x]])
def g(self, u_a, u_b):
return np.array([u_a[0] - 0, u_a[2] - 0, u_b[0] - 0, u_b[2] - 0])
def dg(self, u_a, u_b):
return (np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0]]),
np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0]]))
def guess(self, x):
return np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]), np.array([0])
def exact_solution(self, x):
sol = np.array([.25*(10*np.log(2)-3)*(1-x) + .5*(1/x+(3+x)*np.log(x)-x),
-.25* (10*np.log(2)-3) + .5*(-1/x/x+np.log(x)+(3+x)/x-1),
.5 * (2/x**3 + 1/x - 3/x/x),
.5 * (-6/x**4 - 1/x/x + 6/x**3)])
return np.transpose(sol)
class Problem7(TwoPointBVP):
COLSYS example problem 2 [1]
.. [1] U. Ascher, J.Christiansen, R. D. Russell
ACM Trans. Math. Software 7, 209 (1981).
m = [2, 2]
a = 0
b = 1
n_a = 2
linear = False
gamma = 1.1
eps = 0.001
dmu = eps
eps4mu = eps**4/dmu
xt = np.sqrt(2 * (gamma - 1)/gamma )
vectorized = True
def f(self, x, z):
phi, dphi, psi, dpsi = z
return np.array([ phi/x/x - dphi/x
+ (phi - psi*(1-phi/x) - self.gamma*x*(1 - x*x/2))
/ self.eps4mu,
psi/x/x - dpsi/x + phi*(1-phi/2/x) / self.dmu])
def df(self, x, z):
phi, dphi, psi, dpsi = z
zero = np.zeros(x.shape)
return np.array([
[1/x/x +(1 + psi/x) / self.eps4mu, -1/x,
-(1-phi/x) / self.eps4mu, zero],
[(1 - phi/x) / self.dmu, zero, 1/x/x, -1/x]])
def g(self, z_a, z_b):
phi_a, dphi_a, psi_a, dpsi_a = z_a
phi_b, dphi_b, psi_b, dpsi_b = z_b
return np.array([phi_a - 0,
psi_a - 0,
phi_b - 0,
dpsi_b - .3*psi_b + .7 - 0])
def dg(self, z_a, z_b):
return (np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0]]),
np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, -.3, 1]]))
def guess(self, x):
x_shape = x.shape
x = np.atleast_1d(x)
zero = np.zeros(x.shape)
cons = self.gamma * x * (1 - .5*x*x)
dcons = self.gamma * (1 - 1.5*x*x)
d2cons = -3 * self.gamma * x
i1 = (x < self.xt)
i2 = (x >= self.xt)
z = np.empty([4, len(x)])
z[0, i1] = 2 * x[i1]
z[1, i1] = 2
z[2, i1] = -2 * x[i1] + cons[i1]
z[3, i1] = -2 + dcons[i1]
z[0, i2] = 0
z[1, i2] = 0
z[2, i2] = -cons[i2]
z[3, i2] = -dcons[i2]
z = z.reshape((4,) + x_shape)
return z, np.array([-d2cons, zero])
# This solution data has bad accuracy, since it is extracted from
# a figure. I'm not sure whether it's useful to include this...
# Solution I in the paper, extracted from Fig. 1
# Corresponds to initial guess z = 0
solution_1 = np.array([
[0.000000000000, 0.000000000000000],
[0.244547643166, -0.000371778511570],
[0.33333245629, -0.000506755423414],
[0.397197847737, 0.000916422190941],
[0.439253811848, 0.000852485759015], # no dimple here
[0.568536960783, 0.000655940431242],
[0.777264415297, 0.003379158828100],
[0.90187731046, 0.004709983818560],
[0.929911988739, 0.003147093260360],
[0.956375883073, -0.006014760633050],
[0.976601370818, -0.019727941273200],
[0.990591083104, -0.036472182389900], # boundary layer
[0.995240287846, -0.050161682870000],
[0.999892123716, -0.062330917080000],
solution_1_xtol = 0.002
solution_1_ytol = 0.002
# Solution II in the paper, extracted from Fig. 1
# Corresponds to the initial guess given above
solution_2 = np.array([
[0.000000000000, 0.000000000000000],
[0.051583281807, 0.104820228119000],
[0.115672319209, 0.235466038704000],
[0.160996145396, 0.323572809914000],
[0.204759712154, 0.410161682870000],
[0.284477655138, 0.571189138700000],
[0.359506926447, 0.723102100956000],
[0.406391012064, 0.812726770421000],
[0.418899398787, 0.840072619157000],
[0.423166747793, 0.861346874877000],
[0.424002793996, 0.871986370752000],
[0.425392061358, 0.691077052609000],
[0.426332662834, 0.437192585479000],
[0.429503583598, -0.017369397339900], # a dimple forms here
[0.430949883573, -0.008257271782460],
[0.439253811848, 0.000852485759015],
[0.482870035389, 0.002306447581330],
[0.560751450410, 0.002188046781470],
[0.685361714444, 0.001998605501690],
[0.803746727533, 0.003859168826380],
[0.917453593464, 0.004686303658580],
[0.947038006657, -0.001439753726340],
[0.961043505716, -0.009062397221530],
[0.976601370818, -0.019727941273200],
[0.985928722718, -0.030384013260900],
[0.993693184061, -0.044078249773100], # boundary layer
[0.996795285017, -0.051684317156300],
[0.999892123716, -0.062330917080000],
solution_2_xtol = 0.001
solution_2_ytol = 0.002
class Problem8(TwoPointBVP):
COLSYS example problem 3
G'' = L^2 s (G - 1) - L [ c H G' - (n - 1) H' G ]
H''' = L^3 (1 - G^2) + L^2 s H' - L [ c H H'' + n (H')^2 ]
c := (3 - n) / 2
G(0) = H(0) = H'(0) = 0, G(1) = 1, H'(1) = 0
In Ref. [1] the problem is solved with a simple continuation scheme
n s L
=== ==== ===
0.2 0.2 60
0.2 0.1 120
0.2 0.05 200
.. [1] U. Ascher, J.Christiansen, R. D. Russell
ACM Trans. Math. Software 7, 209 (1981).
m = [2, 3]
a = 0
b = 1
n_a = 3
linear = False
vectorized = True
n = 0.2
s = 0.2
L = 60
continuation = [{'n': 0.2, 's': 0.2, 'L': 60},
{'n': 0.2, 's': 0.1, 'L': 120},
{'n': 0.2, 's': 0.05, 'L': 200}]
def f(self, x, z):
G, dG, H, dH, d2H = z
c = .5*(3 - self.n)
L, s, n = self.L, self.s, self.n
return np.array([
L**2 * s * (G - 1) - L * (c * H * dG + (n-1) * dH * G),
L**3 * (1-G**2) + L**2 * s * dH - L * (c * H * d2H + n * dH**2)
def df(self, x, z):
G, dG, H, dH, d2H = z
c = .5*(3 - self.n)
zero = np.zeros(x.shape)
L, s, n = self.L, self.s, self.n
return np.array([
[-L * (n-1) * dH + L**2 * s,
-L * c * H,
-L * c * dG,
-L * (n-1) * G,
[-L**3 * 2 * G,
-L * c * d2H,
-L * n * 2 * dH + L**2 * s,
-L * c * H]
def g(self, z_a, z_b):
G_a, dG_a, H_a, dH_a, d2H_a = z_a
G_b, dG_b, H_b, dH_b, d2H_b = z_b
return np.array([G_a - 0,
H_a - 0,
dH_a - 0,
G_b - 1,
dH_b - 0])
def dg(self, z_a, z_b):
return (np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]),
np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0]]))
def guess(self, x):
L = self.L
ex = np.exp(-L*x)
z = np.array([
1 - ex,
L * ex,
-L**2 * x**2 * ex,
(L**3 *x**2 - 2 * L**2 * x) * ex,
(-L**4 * x**2 + 4 * L**3 * x - 2 * L**2)*ex
dm = np.array([
-L * z[1],
(L**5*x*x - 6*L**4*x + 6*L**3) * ex
return z, dm
# This solution data has bad accuracy, since it is extracted from
# a figure. I'm not sure whether it's useful to include this...
solution_h = np.array([
[0.00130714830711, 8.67489072589e-05],
[0.00730070917232, -1.60886692126],
[0.0128762980298, -2.33851198022],
[0.0172866913375, -3.36687690133],
[0.0287848646816, -5.55615907384],
[0.0387550743182, -7.28098759688],
[0.052883316805, -9.5032777286],
[0.0570255771267, -9.96755788025],
[0.0624828720197, -10.4483420115],
[0.0665068383769, -10.6637612355],
[0.0705071459412, -10.8294082739],
[0.0731687601412, -10.9287791471],
[0.078405239634, -10.94502288],
[0.0836180603339, -10.9114944274],
[0.0861929256266, -10.828367287],
[0.093893862712, -10.5292136803],
[0.103996167276, -9.78193690594],
[0.115200577275, -8.60321444133],
[0.127373026216, -6.71100390173],
[0.139135389414, -3.95607547944],
[0.150000690048, -2.06395168874],
[0.153685547041, -1.56596958662],
[0.156197322219, -1.35011661813],
[0.158780073776, -1.28358020627],
[0.162709404962, -1.29991068806],
[0.169363440462, -1.54833787122],
[0.17348204199, -1.96284583733],
[0.185877277898, -3.28932337824],
[0.194146026013, -4.18470222452],
[0.200855265363, -4.54926450728],
[0.206178493763, -4.74800625381],
[0.210123597477, -4.79751819263],
[0.214068701191, -4.84703013144],
[0.220580783934, -4.79682420137],
[0.225746287048, -4.66375137763],
[0.232163734619, -4.41445670539],
[0.238510205812, -4.01584547654],
[0.243565301226, -3.65050245361],
[0.249738274604, -2.88689519746],
[0.254746052432, -2.42200780346],
[0.258564975917, -2.20606808606],
[0.262423330724, -2.07308201123],
[0.268927527203, -2.00628535264],
[0.279447803774, -2.13831718949],
[0.284794690967, -2.38683112156],
[0.302150387117, -3.14887689739],
[0.311466036817, -3.49667495382],
[0.31803332341, -3.56260412333],
[0.323269802903, -3.57884785622],
[0.328482623602, -3.54531940356],
[0.333663899245, -3.44542803685],
[0.347829601487, -2.99652412901],
[0.361979531201, -2.51443876414],
[0.369767217194, -2.39778317111],
[0.377610107036, -2.39726267766],
[0.394776532843, -2.76113096916],
[0.407997854936, -3.07548732184],
[0.414573027793, -3.15800721987],
[0.421116655593, -3.17416420385],
[0.43024303495, -3.12378477596],
[0.438046493471, -3.04031063995],
[0.458795254835, -2.69051735865],
[0.466598713356, -2.60704322264],
[0.47836304812, -2.60626248248],
[0.484922448448, -2.65560092348],
[0.512514515655, -2.95241230967],
[0.522987474641, -2.98489977544],
[0.534736036876, -2.95093757825],
[0.563382891933, -2.7167589031],
[0.573832192125, -2.69947418333],
[0.585612299418, -2.73187490019],
[0.60266043126, -2.84688226399],
[0.611842014467, -2.91263793569],
[0.620999938881, -2.92862142185],
[0.62883494246, -2.9115101999],
[0.641874880474, -2.84427979677],
[0.654914818488, -2.77704939364],
[0.669285563602, -2.75950442715],
[0.68760141243, -2.79147139948],
[0.711169513279, -2.87286356171],
[0.724248882615, -2.88858680115],
[0.736005331115, -2.87121533248],
[0.763423900507, -2.80303069137],
[0.786944683771, -2.78487848253],
[0.847081392162, -2.7974787613],
[0.996119957966, -2.83736157142],
solution_h_xtol = 0.02 # figure has thick lines
solution_h_ytol = 0.02
solution_g = np.array([
[-7.88626429632e-06, 0.0165907285134],
[0.00503932288535, 0.39852447995],
[0.0127008286492, 0.780631729201],
[0.0281973379915, 1.17985020041],
[0.0411584133625, 1.41298788867],
[0.0554581820978, 1.57984941178],
[0.0750417479116, 1.63092283093],
[0.0920425621684, 1.61545983821],
[0.106476397397, 1.5002789766],
[0.124902653925, 1.23604180509],
[0.139446896854, 0.888590744286],
[0.148699456439, 0.673518515963],
[0.153967480989, 0.590911869025],
[0.160503222525, 0.591345613561],
[0.16831456731, 0.658229021058],
[0.183850507974, 0.9744938497],
[0.192898024688, 1.19078056272],
[0.205922190173, 1.29119242288],
[0.217678638673, 1.30856389156],
[0.226852335616, 1.25939894837],
[0.247916547551, 0.945563089129],
[0.25841316533, 0.86330343782],
[0.266271827701, 0.830642474237],
[0.272799682972, 0.847666947286],
[0.283217438108, 0.931314581111],
[0.301438651764, 1.09843635095],
[0.314486476043, 1.14907602556],
[0.323644400457, 1.1330925394],
[0.347236160099, 1.00192819162],
[0.364276405677, 0.903511556335],
[0.370804260949, 0.920536029384],
[0.389072792191, 0.988113428139],
[0.412562030398, 1.07262855104],
[0.430869992962, 1.05725230723],
[0.455745242118, 0.975946893896],
[0.472746056375, 0.960483901177],
[0.498873249989, 0.995400336349],
[0.517149667495, 1.04638700659],
[0.536764778366, 1.03109751169],
[0.582538627908, 0.9843615379],
[0.628296704922, 0.970807021141],
[0.702812044691, 0.959160980342],
[0.735506524898, 0.928148245996],
[0.783847353468, 0.981130141105],
[0.863599172731, 0.953240367421],
#[0.969493958136, 0.927085571882], # These points are probably invalid
#[1.00086551751, 0.929167545657], # since G(1) should be 1
solution_g_xtol = 0.026 # figure has thick lines
solution_g_ytol = 0.05
class Problem9(TwoPointBVP):
Mathieu's equation
m = [2, 1]
a = 0
b = np.pi
n_a = 2
linear = False
vectorized = True
q = 5
def f(self, x, z):
u, du, a = z
return np.array([-(a - 2*self.q*np.cos(2*x))*u, 0*x])
def df(self, x, z):
u, du, a = z
return np.array([[-(a - 2*self.q*np.cos(2*x)), 0*x, -u],
[0*x, 0*x, 0*x]])
def g(self, z_a, z_b):
u_a, du_a, a_a = z_a
u_b, du_b, a_b = z_b
return np.array([u_a - 1, du_a - 0, du_b - 0])
def dg(self, z_a, z_b):
return (np.array([[1,0,0],
def guess(self, x):
z = np.zeros((3,) + np.asarray(x).shape)
dm = np.zeros((2,) + np.asarray(x).shape)
z[0] = 1
return z, dm
def exact_solution(self, x):
m = 2
scale = special.mathieu_cem(m, self.q, 0)[0]
y, yp = special.mathieu_cem(m, self.q, 180/np.pi * x)
a = special.mathieu_a(m, self.q)
return np.array([y/scale, yp/scale, np.ones(x.shape)*a]).T
class Problem10(TwoPointBVP):
A big trivial test problem::
y'' = 0
y(0) = 0, y(1) = 1
m = [2]*256
a = 0
b = 1
n_a = 256
linear = False
homogenous = True
vectorized = True
def f(self, x, u):
return np.zeros((self.n_a, x.size))
def df(self, x, u):
return np.zeros((self.n_a, 2*self.n_a, x.size))
def g(self, u_a, u_b):
return np.concatenate([u_a[::2] - 0, u_b[::2] - 1])
def dg(self, u_a, u_b):
du_a = np.zeros((2*self.n_a, 2*self.n_a))
du_b = np.zeros((2*self.n_a, 2*self.n_a))
i = np.arange(0, self.n_a)
j = np.arange(0, 2*self.n_a, 2)
du_a[i,j] = 1
du_b[i+self.n_a,j] = 1
return (du_a, du_b)
guess = None
def exact_solution(self, x):
x = np.asarray(x)
v = np.zeros((x.size, self.n_a*2))
v[:,::2] = x[:,None]
v[:,1::2] = 1
return v
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