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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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;; Daily Programmer Challenge #188 Easy
;; yyyy-mm-dd
segment .data
digits: db "0123456789",0
newln: db 10,0
convs: dq convert0, convert1, convert2, convert3, convert4, convert5
segment .text
global main
extern printf, exit, malloc, free
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp ; Establish stack frame
push rbx
sub rsp, 8
lea rdi, [rsi+8]
mov rdi, [rdi]
mov rbx, rdi
call datetype ; rax = datetype
imul rax, 8 ; rax = datetype * 8
add rax, convs ; use rax*8 as offset for conversion array
mov rdi, rbx
call [rax] ; Call function pointed to by convs+rax*8 (convs[rax])
mov rdi, rax
xor eax, eax
call printf
lea rdi, [newln]
xor eax, eax
call printf
mov rdi, 0
call exit
;; Arguments:
;; rdi = year
;; rsi = month
;; rdx = day
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp ; Establish stack frame
push r12 ; Save state of r12-14
push r13
push r14
push r15
; Register Usage:
; r12 = year
; r13 = month
; r14 = day
; r15 = 10
mov r12, rdi
mov r13, rsi
mov r14, rdx
mov r15, 10 ; Set r15 = 10
; Magic constant is the number of bytes in C string for "yyyy-mm-dd"
mov rdi, 11 ; First argument to malloc
call malloc ; Peform actual call to malloc
; Register Usage:
; r11 = pointer to string
mov r11, rax ; Copy location of string into r11
mov rdi, r11 ; Copy location of string into rdi
add rdi, 10 ; Add offset for last byte
mov r10, 0 ; Set r10 = 0 for safe keeping
mov [rdi], r10b ; Set the last byte of the string pointed to by rax equal to 0
; Second digit of day
; Register Usage:
; r10 = tmp
mov rax, r14 ; Copy day into rax for division
xor edx, edx ; 0 out rdx so that rdx:rax = rax
idiv r15 ; rax = day/10; rdx = day%10
add rdx, digits ; Use day%10 as offset to digits array
mov r10b, [rdx] ; Move the byte at index day%10 in the digits array into r10
mov rsi, r11 ; Copy location of string into rsi
add rsi, 9 ; Add offset of last character
mov [rsi], r10b ; Move byte from digits array into proper location in output string
; First digit of day
xor edx, edx ; Zero out edx for division
idiv r15 ; rax = day/10; rdx = day%10
add rdx, digits ; Use day%10 as offset to digits array
mov r10b, [rdx] ; Move the byte at index day%10 in the digits array into r10
mov rsi, r11 ; Copy location of string into rsi
add rsi, 8 ; Add offset of last character
mov [rsi], r10b ; Move byte from digits array into proper location in output string
; Second dash
mov r10, 45 ; ASCII code for -
lea rsi, [r11 + 7] ; set rsi equal to the location where the dash should go
mov [rsi], r10b ; Put the dash there
; Second digit of month
mov rax, r13 ; Copy month into rax for division
xor edx, edx ; Zero out rdx so that rdx:rax = rax
idiv r15 ; rax = month/10; rdx=month%10
add rdx, digits ; use month%10 as offset to digits array
mov r10b, [rdx] ; Move the correct byte from digits array into r10
lea rsi, [r11 + 6] ; Set rsi to location of second digit of month in string
mov [rsi], r10b ; Move the byte from the digits array there
; First digit of month
xor edx, edx ; Zero out rdx for division
idiv r15 ; rax = month/10; rdx=month%10
add rdx, digits ; Use month%10 as offset to digits array
mov r10b, [rdx] ; This is getting repeatitive
lea rsi, [r11 + 5] ; Im going to stop commenting the repeated stuff
mov [rsi], r10b
; First dash
mov r10, 45
lea rsi, [r11 + 4]
mov [rsi], r10b
; Fourth digit of year
mov rax, r12
xor edx, edx
idiv r15
add rdx, digits
mov r10b, [rdx]
lea rsi, [r11 + 3]
mov [rsi], r10b
; Third digit of year
xor edx, edx
idiv r15
add rdx, digits
mov r10b, [rdx]
lea rsi, [r11 + 2]
mov [rsi], r10b
; Second digit of year
xor edx, edx
idiv r15
add rdx, digits
mov r10b, [rdx]
lea rsi, [r11 + 1]
mov [rsi], r10b
; First digit of year
xor edx, edx
idiv r15
add rdx, digits
mov r10b, [rdx]
lea rsi, [r11]
mov [rsi], r10b
; Clean up and leave
mov rax, r11 ; Move string pointer into rax for return
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
;; Date Types:
;; 0 = yyyy-mm-dd
;; 1 = mm/dd/yy
;; 2 = mm#yy#dd
;; 3 = dd*mm*yyyy
;; 4 = (Month word) dd, yy
;; 5 = (Month word) dd, yyyy
;; Arguments:
;; rdi = pointer to string representing a date
;; Returns the numerical value for the date format (see above table)
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp ; Establish stack frame
push r12
push r13
; Register usage:
; r12 = pointer to string
; r13 = tmp
mov r12, rdi ; Preserve pointer to string in r12
call strlen ; First step is to check length
cmp rax, 12 ; Only format with length 12 is 4
jz .l12
cmp rax, 8 ; Only two formats with length 8
jz .l8
cmp rax, 10 ; Three formats (the harder to distinguish ones) with length 10
jz .l10
mov rax, 6 ; If this instruction is executing, then something is horribly wrong
jmp .ret ; Just abort mission and return type 6
.l10: mov rax, 6 ; Assume the date is not a valid format until proven otherwise
mov rdi, 0 ; Set rdi = 0
mov r13b, [r12+4] ; Check for the first dash in type 0
cmp r13b, 45 ; Compare that byte to the ascii code for -
cmovz rax, rdi ; If that byte is eqaul to -, then the date is of type 0
mov rdi, 3 ; Set rdi = 3, for safe keeping
mov r13b, [r12+2] ; Format 3 will have a * in this position
cmp r13b, 42 ; Compare that byte to the ascii code for *
cmovz rax, rdi ; If that byte does equal *, then the date is of type 3
mov rdi, 4
cmp rax, 6 ; If we havent given it a type yet, just assume its type 4
cmovz rax, rdi
jmp .ret
.l8: mov r13b, [r12+2] ; Type 1 will have a / here, while type 2 will have a #
mov rax, 1 ; Assume it is type 1 until proven otherwise
mov r12, 2 ; 2 here for safe keeping (read: to avoid branching)
cmp r13b, 47 ; Compare ascii value to /
cmovnz rax, r12 ; If proven that it is not format 1, then its format 2
jmp .ret
.l12: mov rax, 5 ; Only format with length 12 is 5, move it into rax for return
.ret: pop r13 ; Clean up and leave
pop r12
;; Arguments:
;; rdi = pointer to string
;; Returns length of the string
;; String must be null-terminated
;; Assumes string isn't empty
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp ; Establish stack frame
push r12 ; Preserve r12-13
push r13
; Register usage:
; r12 = current byte in string
; r13 = accumulator
; rdi = pointer to current byte in string
mov r13, 0 ; Start with accumulator at 0
mov r12, 0 ; For safety
.st: inc r13 ; Increment accumulator
inc rdi ; Move to next byte in string
mov r12b, [rdi] ; Move current byte in string into r12b
cmp r12, 0 ; Check for null
jnz .st
mov rax, r13 ; move accumulator into rax for return
pop r13
pop r12
;; Arguments:
;; rdi = char to be turned into value
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov rax, rdi
mov rsi, 0xF
and rax, rsi
;; Arguments:
;; rdi = 2 digit date to turn into 4 digit date
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
cmp rdi, 50
jle .le
add rdi, 1900
jmp .ret
.le: add rdi, 2000
.ret: mov rax, rdi
;; Arguments:
;; rdi = pointer to string in format 0
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp ; Establish stack frame
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
; Register usage:
; r12 = year
; r13 = month
; r14 = day
; r15 = str pointer
mov r12, 0 ; Start with year as 0
mov r13, 0 ; Start with month as 0
mov r14, 0 ; Start with day as 0
mov r15, rdi ; Preserve string pointer
; Converting year to decimal
mov di, [r15] ; Grab first digit of year
call valdigit
mov r12, rax ; Standard decimal-to-binary conversion
mov di, [r15+1] ; Grab second digit of year
call valdigit
imul r12, 10
add r12, rax
mov di, [r15+2] ; Grab third digit of year
call valdigit
imul r12, 10
add r12, rax
mov di, [r15+3] ; Grab fourth digit of year
call valdigit
imul r12, 10
add r12, rax
; Converting month to decimal
mov di, [r15+5] ; Grab first digit of month
call valdigit
mov r13, rax
mov di, [r15+6] ; Grab second digit of month
call valdigit
imul r13, 10
add r13, rax
; Converting day to decimal
mov di, [r15+8] ; Grab first digit of day
call valdigit
mov r14, rax
mov di, [r15+9] ; Grab second digit of day
call valdigit
imul r14, 10
add r14, rax
; Call stringdate
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, r13
mov rdx, r14
call stringdate
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
;; Arguments:
;; rdi = pointer to string in format 1
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
; Register usage:
; r12 = year
; r13 = month
; r14 = day
; r15 = str pointer
mov r12, 0 ; Start with year as 0
mov r13, 0 ; Start with month as 0
mov r14, 0 ; Start with day as 0
mov r15, rdi ; Preserve string pointer
; Converting year to decimal
mov di, [r15+6] ; Grab first digit of year
call valdigit
mov r12, rax
mov di, [r15+7] ; Grab second digit of year
call valdigit
imul r12, 10
add r12, rax
mov rdi, r12
call lyear ; Expand year to 4 decimal digit form
mov r12, rax
; Converting month to decimal
mov di, [r15] ; Grab first digit of month
call valdigit
mov r13, rax
mov di, [r15+1] ; Grab second digit of month
call valdigit
imul r13, 10
add r13, rax
; Converting day to decimal
mov di, [r15+3] ; Grab first digit of day
call valdigit
mov r14, rax
mov di, [r15+4] ; Grab second digit of day
call valdigit
imul r14, 10
add r14, rax
; Call stringdate
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, r13
mov rdx, r14
call stringdate
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
;; Arguments:
;; rdi = pointer to string in format 2
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
; Register usage:
; r12 = year
; r13 = month
; r14 = day
; r15 = str pointer
mov r12, 0 ; Start with year as 0
mov r13, 0 ; Start with month as 0
mov r14, 0 ; Start with day as 0
mov r15, rdi ; Preserve string pointer
; Converting year to decimal
mov di, [r15+3] ; Grab first digit of year
call valdigit
mov r12, rax
mov di, [r15+4] ; Grab second digit of year
call valdigit
imul r12, 10
add r12, rax
mov rdi, r12
call lyear ; Expand year to 4 decimal digit form
mov r12, rax
; Converting month to decimal
mov di, [r15] ; Grab first digit of month
call valdigit
mov r13, rax
mov di, [r15+1] ; Grab second digit of month
call valdigit
imul r13, 10
add r13, rax
; Converting day to decimal
mov di, [r15+6] ; Grab first digit of day
call valdigit
mov r14, rax
mov di, [r15+7] ; Grab second digit of day
call valdigit
imul r14, 10
add r14, rax
; Call stringdate
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, r13
mov rdx, r14
call stringdate
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
;; Arguments:
;; rdi = pointer to string in format 3
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp ; Establish stack frame
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
; Register usage:
; r12 = year
; r13 = month
; r14 = day
; r15 = str pointer
mov r12, 0 ; Start with year as 0
mov r13, 0 ; Start with month as 0
mov r14, 0 ; Start with day as 0
mov r15, rdi ; Preserve string pointer
; Converting year to decimal
mov di, [r15+6] ; Grab first digit of year
call valdigit
mov r12, rax ; Standard decimal-to-binary conversion
mov di, [r15+7] ; Grab second digit of year
call valdigit
imul r12, 10
add r12, rax
mov di, [r15+8] ; Grab third digit of year
call valdigit
imul r12, 10
add r12, rax
mov di, [r15+9] ; Grab fourth digit of year
call valdigit
imul r12, 10
add r12, rax
; Converting month to decimal
mov di, [r15+3] ; Grab first digit of month
call valdigit
mov r13, rax
mov di, [r15+4] ; Grab second digit of month
call valdigit
imul r13, 10
add r13, rax
; Converting day to decimal
mov di, [r15] ; Grab first digit of day
call valdigit
mov r14, rax
mov di, [r15+1] ; Grab second digit of day
call valdigit
imul r14, 10
add r14, rax
; Call stringdate
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, r13
mov rdx, r14
call stringdate
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
;; Arguments
;; rdi = pointer to string to determine the value of the month of
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov rax, 0 ; For saftey
mov r8b, [rdi] ; Put first byte of string in r8
mov rax, 0 ; Start out with retun value as nul
mov rax, 2 ; 2 for feburary
cmp r8b, 'F' ; If it starts with f, it is feburary
jz .ret
mov rax, 9 ; 9 for september
cmp r8b, 'S' ; If it starts with s, it is september
jz .ret
mov rax, 10 ; 10 for october
cmp r8b, 'O' ; If it starts with o, it is october
jz .ret
mov rax, 11 ; 11 for november
cmp r8b, 'N' ; If it starts with n, it is november
jz .ret
mov rax, 12 ; 12 for December
cmp r8b, 'D'
jz .ret
cmp r8b, 'A' ; If it starts with a, it couble be April or August
jz .a
cmp r8b, 'M' ; If it starts with m, it could be March or May
jz .m
cmp r8b, 'J' ; If it starts with a j, it could be January, June, or July
jz .j
mov rax, 0 ; If we are here, something is very wrong, so bail out and return 0
jmp .ret
.j: mov r8b, [rdi+2] ; Distinguish between Jan/Jun and Jul by last character
mov rax, 7 ; 7 for july
cmp r8b, 'l'
jz .ret
mov r8b, [rdi+1] ; Distinguish between Jan and June based on second character
mov rax, 1 ; 1 for January
cmp r8b, 'a'
jz .ret
mov rax, 6 ; 6 for June
jmp .ret
.m: mov r8b, [rdi+2] ; Distinguish between Mar and May by third character
mov rax, 3 ; 3 for march
cmp r8b, 'r'
jz .ret
mov rax, 5 ; 5 for May
jmp .ret
.a: mov r8b, [rdi+1] ; Distinguish between Apr and Aug by second character
cmp r8b, 'p' ; If it is p, then it is Apr, else Aug
jz .p
mov rax, 8 ; 8 for august
jmp .ret
.p: mov rax, 4 ; 4 for april
jmp .ret
.ret: leave
;; Arguments:
;; rdi = pointer to string with date in format 4
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
; Register usage:
; r12 = year
; r13 = month
; r14 = day
; r15 = str pointer
mov r12, 0 ; Start r12 out as 0
mov r13, 0 ; Start r13 out as 0
mov r14, 0 ; Start r14 out as 0
mov r15, rdi ; Copy pointer into r15
; Convert Month to binary
call monthval ; Month val doesnt care about your shit after the month, so we just call it with the raw pointer
mov r13, rax ; Store that result in r13 = month
; Convert year to binary
mov rdi, 0 ; For saftey
mov di, [r15+8] ; Grab first digit of year
call valdigit
mov r12, rax
mov di, [r15+9] ; Grab second digit of year
call valdigit
imul r12, 10
add r12, rax
mov rdi, r12
call lyear
mov r12, rax
; Converting day to binary
mov di, [r15+4] ; Grab first digit of day
call valdigit
mov r14, rax
mov di, [r15+5] ; Grab second digit of day
call valdigit
imul r14, 10
add r14, rax
; Call stringdate
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, r13
mov rdx, r14
call stringdate
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
;; Arguments:
;; rdi = pointer to string with date in format 5
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
; Register usage:
; r12 = year
; r13 = month
; r14 = day
; r15 = str pointer
mov r12, 0 ; Start r12 out as 0
mov r13, 0 ; Start r13 out as 0
mov r14, 0 ; Start r14 out as 0
mov r15, rdi ; Copy pointer into r15
; Convert Month to binary
call monthval ; Month val doesnt care about your shit after the month, so we just call it with the raw pointer
mov r13, rax ; Store that result in r13 = month
; Convert year to binary
mov rdi, 0 ; For saftey
mov di, [r15+8] ; Grab first digit of year
call valdigit
mov r12, rax
mov di, [r15+9] ; Grab second digit of year
call valdigit
imul r12, 10
add r12, rax
mov di, [r15+10] ; Grab third digit of year
call valdigit
imul r12, 10
add r12, rax
mov di, [r15+11] ; Grab forth digit of year
call valdigit
imul r12, 10
add r12, rax
; Converting day to binary
mov di, [r15+4] ; Grab first digit of day
call valdigit
mov r14, rax
mov di, [r15+5] ; Grab second digit of day
call valdigit
imul r14, 10
add r14, rax
; Call stringdate
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, r13
mov rdx, r14
call stringdate
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
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