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Created April 10, 2020 15:32
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#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack
--resolver lts-12.14
--package HSH
--package cmdargs
--package pretty-simple
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Time.Clock
import Debug.Trace
import HSH
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Implicit as A
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Text.Pretty.Simple
data Paths = Paths
{ localPath :: Maybe FilePath
, remotePath :: FilePath
, overlayPath :: FilePath
, pruneSeasons :: Bool
, rcloneDest :: String
, remoteRoot :: String
, maxTime :: Int
, minSeasonAge :: Int
, minOldAge :: Int
, oldFiles :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)
defPaths =
{ localPath =
def &= typDir &=
help "Location where the local copies of files are kept" &=
explicit &= "local-path" &= "l"
, remotePath = def &= typ "RemotePath" &= argPos 1
, overlayPath = def &= typ "OverlayPath" &= argPos 0
, pruneSeasons =
False &= help "Move all but the most recent season to remote storage" &=
explicit &= "prune-seasons" &= "p"
, rcloneDest =
"plex" &= help "rclone destination name" &= explicit &= "rclone-dest" &= "d"
, remoteRoot =
"/" &= help "rclone destination root folder" &= explicit &= "rclone-root" &= "r"
, maxTime =
360 &= help "Maximum time (in miniutes) to spend uploading files"
, minSeasonAge =
30 &= help "Minimum age to be pruned by the season pruner, in days"
, minOldAge =
60 &= help "Minimum age to be pruned by the old files pruner, in days"
, oldFiles = False &= help "Do not remove old Files"
} &=
program "upload.hs" &=
summary "PlexUploader v0.0.0, (C) Nathan McCarty 2018" &=
[ "Moves older, less likely to be watched video files from local to cloud storage"
, ""
, "RemotePath specifies the location where the remote/cloud storage is mounted. OverlayPath specifies the location where the Overlay/Union of the remote and local storage is located."
, ""
] &=
data Config = Config
{ localPath :: FilePath
, remotePath :: FilePath
, overlayPath :: FilePath
, pruneSeasons :: Bool
, rcloneRoot :: String
, maxTime :: Int
, minSeasonAge :: Int
, minOldAge :: Int
, oldFiles :: Bool
} deriving (Show)
main = do
paths <- cmdArgs defPaths
let config = pathsToConfig paths
let Config {..} = config
whenLoud $ putStrLn "Working Configuration:"
whenLoud $ pPrint config
setCurrentDirectory overlayPath
titles <- makeTitleList overlayPath localPath
titleStats titles
final <- selectFiles config titles
let limit = fromInteger . toInteger $ maxTime * 60 :: NominalDiffTime
putStrLn $ "Time Limit is " ++ (show limit)
tally <- mapUntil limit (uploadEpisode config) final
let numFiles = length tally
putStrLn $ "\nUploaded " ++ (show numFiles) ++ " files."
-- Program IO Blocks
titleStats :: [Title] -> IO ()
titleStats titles = do
putStrLn $ "Analyzing " ++ (show . length $ titles) ++ " series."
putStrLn $ " - " ++ (show . sum . map titleSeasons $ titles) ++ " seasons."
putStrLn $ " - " ++ (show . sum . map titleEpisodes $ titles) ++ " episodes."
putStrLn $
" - " ++ (show . sum . map titleOnDisk $ titles) ++ " episodes on disk.\n"
selectFiles :: Config -> [Title] -> IO [Episode]
selectFiles Config {..} titles = do
let stage1 =
if pruneSeasons
then filter ((> minSeasonAge) . fileAge) . weave . map oldSeasons $
else []
putStrLn $
(show . length $ stage1) ++ " Episodes selected for season pruning."
let stage2 =
if oldFiles
then oldEpisodes titles minOldAge
else []
putStrLn $
(show . length $ stage2) ++ " Episodes selected for old age pruning."
let combined = nub . weave $ [stage1, stage2]
putStrLn $ (show . length $ combined) ++ " Unique episodes to be uploaded.\n"
return combined
timeIO :: IO a -> IO (a, NominalDiffTime)
timeIO action = do
start <- getCurrentTime
a <- action
end <- getCurrentTime
return (a, diffUTCTime end start)
mapUntil :: NominalDiffTime -> (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO [b]
mapUntil limit function items =
if limit <= 0 || null items
then return []
else do
let first:rest = items
(head, time) <- timeIO . function $ first
let newLimit = limit - time
putStrLn $ "Time Remaining is " ++ (show newLimit)
tail <- mapUntil newLimit function rest
return $ head : tail
-- File Upload Mechanics
uploadEpisode :: Config -> Episode -> IO ()
uploadEpisode Config {..} episode = do
let path = (location :: Episode -> FilePath) episode
let local = localPath </> path
let remote = rcloneRoot ++ (dropFileName path)
putStrLn $ "Uploading " ++ path
run (("rclone", ["move",local,remote]) :: (String,[String]))
-- File Selectors
-- | Merges any number of lists together
weave :: [[a]] -> [a]
weave [] = []
weave lists =
let nlists = filter (not . null) lists
front = map head nlists
back = weave . map tail $ nlists
in front ++ back
-- | List of episodes to be removed based on being part of a non-current season,
-- oldest episodes first. Will only provide files that are on disk.
oldSeasons :: Title -> [Episode]
oldSeasons title =
let s = seasons title
sorted = sortBy (compare `on` number) s
olds = init sorted
in filter isOnDisk . concat . map episodes $ olds
-- | Returns the number of days old a date is
daysOld :: UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Int
daysOld currentTime time =
let diff = diffUTCTime currentTime time
in floor $ diff / nominalDay
-- | Returns a list of episods older than a specificed age
-- sorted by age in descending order
oldEpisodes :: [Title] -> Int -> [Episode]
oldEpisodes titles minAge =
let eps = concat . map episodes . concat . map seasons $ titles
sortedEps = sortBy (flip (compare `on` fileAge)) eps
in filter isOnDisk . takeWhile ((> minAge) . fileAge) $ eps
-- House Keeping
-- The stuff in this section is primarly for dealing with the command line arguments and getting the program ready to run
-- | Turns a paths object into a config object.
-- Will set localPath = overlayPath if not set
pathsToConfig :: Paths -> Config
pathsToConfig Paths {localPath = Just lp, ..} =
{ localPath = lp
, remotePath
, overlayPath
, pruneSeasons
, rcloneRoot = (rcloneDest ++ ":" ++ remoteRoot)
, maxTime
, minSeasonAge
, minOldAge
, oldFiles = not oldFiles
pathsToConfig Paths {..} =
{ localPath = overlayPath
, remotePath
, overlayPath
, pruneSeasons
, rcloneRoot = (rcloneDest ++ ":" ++ remoteRoot)
, maxTime
, minSeasonAge
, minOldAge
, oldFiles = not oldFiles
-- Data Structures
data DiskState
= All
| Some
| None
deriving (Show, Eq)
combineStates :: DiskState -> DiskState -> DiskState
combineStates All All = All
combineStates All _ = Some
combineStates Some _ = Some
combineStates None None = None
combineStates None _ = Some
compositeState :: [DiskState] -> DiskState
compositeState = foldl combineStates All
isAll :: DiskState -> Bool
isAll All = True
isAll _ = False
data Episode = Episode
{ name :: FilePath
, location :: FilePath
, onDisk :: DiskState
, modTime :: UTCTime
, fileAge :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
isOnDisk :: Episode -> Bool
isOnDisk = isAll . (onDisk :: Episode -> DiskState)
data Season = Season
{ number :: Int
, name :: FilePath
, location :: FilePath
, episodes :: [Episode]
, onDisk :: DiskState
seasonEpisodes :: Season -> Int
seasonEpisodes = length . episodes
seasonOnDisk :: Season -> Int
seasonOnDisk = length . filter isOnDisk . episodes
data Title = Title
{ name :: FilePath
, location :: FilePath
, seasons :: [Season]
, onDisk :: DiskState
titleSeasons :: Title -> Int
titleSeasons = length . seasons
titleEpisodes :: Title -> Int
titleEpisodes = sum . map seasonEpisodes . seasons
titleOnDisk :: Title -> Int
titleOnDisk = sum . map seasonOnDisk . seasons
-- Scraping the directory tree and producing a [Title]
-- | Helper function for makeSeason and makeTitle
ioBuilder :: (a -> b -> IO c) -> IO a -> b -> IO c
ioBuilder f ia b = do
a <- ia
d <- f a b
return d
-- | Produces an Episode given a location, a season, and a title
-- Will check the localFiles to see if it is on disk. Expects a relative path
makeEpisode :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Episode
makeEpisode localDir location = do
let name = takeFileName location
let localLocation = localDir </> location
exists <- doesFileExist localLocation
let diskState =
if exists
then All
else None
currentTime <- getCurrentTime
modTime <- getModificationTime location
let tmpFileAge = daysOld currentTime modTime
let fileAge =
if tmpFileAge < 0
then 1000
else tmpFileAge -- If the file was made in the future, the usenet downloader messed up. Lets pretend its very old
return Episode {name, location, onDisk = diskState, modTime, fileAge}
-- | Will produce a season when given a season directory(name) and a title
-- Expects a relative to libary root path.
-- Requires both overlay and local file directories to be provided
makeSeason :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Season
makeSeason overlayDir localDir location = do
let name = takeFileName location
let number = read . filter isDigit $ name
episodeFiles <- listDirectory (overlayDir </> location)
let episodeLocations = map (location </>) episodeFiles
episodes <- mapM (makeEpisode localDir) episodeLocations
let od = compositeState $ map (onDisk :: Episode -> DiskState) episodes
return Season {number, name, location, episodes, onDisk = od}
-- | Will Produce a title when given a title directory
-- Expects a relative to library root path.
-- Requires both overlay and local file directories to be provided
makeTitle :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Title
makeTitle overlayDir localDir location = do
let name = takeFileName location
seasonFiles <- listDirectory (overlayDir </> location)
let seasonLocations = map (location </>) seasonFiles
seasons <- mapM (makeSeason overlayDir localDir) seasonLocations
let od = compositeState . map (onDisk :: Season -> DiskState) $ seasons
return Title {name, location, seasons, onDisk = od}
-- | Will Produce a list of titles given an overlay directory
-- also requires the local directory for sane on disk detection
makeTitleList :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [Title]
makeTitleList overlayDir localDir = do
titleLocations <- listDirectory overlayDir
mapM (makeTitle overlayDir localDir) titleLocations
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