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Created July 30, 2016 08:45
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[1/1 TypesDoNotUnify] src\Layout.purs:41:49
41 , effects : newState.effects
Could not match type
with type
while trying to match type Aff
( channel :: CHANNEL
, err :: EXCEPTION
, ajax :: AJAX
with type Aff
( channel :: CHANNEL
, err :: EXCEPTION
, ajax :: AJAX
while checking that expression newState
has type { effects :: Array
( channel :: CHANNEL
, err :: EXCEPTION
, ajax :: AJAX
| t0
while checking type of property accessor newState.effects
in value declaration update
where t0 is an unknown type
module App.Layout where
import App.Counter as Counter
import App.CounterPair as CounterPair
import App.NotFound as NotFound
import App.Todos as TodoList
import App.Routes (Route(..))
import Prelude (($), map)
import Network.HTTP.Affjax (AJAX)
import Control.Monad.Aff.Console (CONSOLE)
import DOM (DOM)
import Pux (EffModel,noEffects,mapEffects)
import Pux.Html (Html, div, h1, h2, p, text, nav, ul, li)
import Pux.Router (link)
data Action
= Child (Counter.Action)
| PairChild (CounterPair.Action)
| TodoAction (TodoList.Action)
| PageView Route
type State =
{ route :: Route
, count :: Counter.State
, pairCount :: CounterPair.State
, todos :: TodoList.State }
init :: State
init =
{ route: NotFound
, count: Counter.init
, pairCount : CounterPair.init
, todos : TodoList.init
update :: Action -> State -> EffModel State Action (ajax :: AJAX)
update (PageView route) state = noEffects $ state { route = route }
update (Child action) state = noEffects $ state { count = Counter.update action state.count }
update (PairChild action) state = noEffects $ state { pairCount = CounterPair.update action state.pairCount}
update (TodoAction action) cState = { state : cState { todos = newState.state }
, effects : newState.effects -- < error here <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
where newState = TodoList.update action cState.todos
view :: State -> Html Action
view state =
[ h1 [] [ text "Pux Starter App" ]
, navigation
, p [] [ text "Change src/Layout.purs and watch me hot-reload." ]
, case state.route of
Home -> h2 [] [ text "Home"]
Counter -> map Child $ Counter.view state.count
CounterPair -> map PairChild $ CounterPair.view state.pairCount
Todos -> map TodoAction $ TodoList.view state.todos
NotFound -> NotFound.view state
navigation :: Html Action
navigation =
[ ul
[ li [] [ link "/" [] [ text "Home" ]]
, li [] [ link "/counter" [] [ text "Counter"]]
, li [] [ link "/counterPair" [] [ text "Counter Pair" ]]
, li [] [ link "/todos" [] [ text "Todo Manager" ]]
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