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Last active June 7, 2024 06:45
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  • Save nmedia82/d2ff84c258b2a82e1933fe9b02f56d57 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Generating the WebApp URL for Autch Fetch for Bulk Product Sync Plugin
* AutoFetch, AutoSync
* Bulk Product Sync for WooCommerce.
* June 7, 2024
* AutoSync Feature Fixed
* Last October 16, 2023
* AutoFetch: AutoSync issue fixed when parents are empty.
* Last October 12, 2023
* AutoFetch: cells with formulas will not be updated.
* Last updated May 25, 2023
* AutoSync issues fixed with custom meta
* AutoSync issues fixed with variations
* Last updated May 19, 2023
* show_alert method replaced with Logger.log inside validate_sheet_header_keys method
* Last updated May 6, 2023
* AutoSync issue fixed.
function doPost(e) {
var data = JSON.parse(e.postData.contents);
let {row_id, rows, product_id, sheet_props} = data;
const {id_col, sync_col, store_url} = sheet_props;
const {event_type, sheet_name} = e.parameter;
let response = {'message':'Product updated'};
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(sheet_name);
if( event_type === 'product_created' || event_type === 'product_restored' ) {
row_id = sheet.getLastRow()+1;
for (var key in rows) {
var data = [rows[key]];
update_sheet_with_data(sheet, row_id, data, id_col, sync_col);
link_new_product_with_store(store_url, product_id, row_id);
} else if(event_type === 'product_updated' && row_id) {
for (var key in rows) {
row_id = key;
var data = [rows[key]];
update_sheet_with_data(sheet, row_id, data, id_col, sync_col);
} else if(event_type === 'product_deleted' && row_id) {
var row_range = sheet.getRange(`${id_col}${row_id}`);
// delete the row
relink_all_products_from_sheet_to_store(store_url, sheet, id_col);
// Return the JSON response
response = JSON.stringify(response);
var output = ContentService.createTextOutput(response);
return output;
// function update_sheet_with_data(sheet, row_id, data, id_col, sync_col){
// sheet.getRange(`${id_col}${row_id}:${sync_col}${row_id}`).setValues(data);
// }
function getChunkSize() {
return 10;
function update_sheet_with_data(sheet, row_id, data, id_col, sync_col) {
// Fetch the existing formulas of the row
var existingRowFormulas = sheet.getRange(`${id_col}${row_id}:${sync_col}${row_id}`).getFormulas()[0];
data = data[0];
// Iterate through the row values and update only non-null and non-empty values
for (var i = 0; i < existingRowFormulas.length; i++) {
// If the cell originally had a formula, retain the formula
if (existingRowFormulas[i] !== null && existingRowFormulas[i] !== '') {
// Do nothing, keep the formula
} else {
// Update the cell with the new value even if it's null or empty
existingRowFormulas[i] = data[i];
// Write the updated row back to the sheet
function link_new_product_with_store(store_url, product_id, row_id){
const url = `${store_url}/wp-json/wbps/v1/link-new-product`;
const options = {method: 'POST', payload:{product_id, row_id}};
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
// Logger.log(response);
function relink_all_products_from_sheet_to_store(store_url, sheet, id_col) {
const lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
const range = `${id_col}2:${id_col}${lastRow}`;
// get the range for the row to delete
var values = sheet.getRange(range).getValues();
var output =, index) {
return { product_id: productId[0], row_id: index + 2 };
// return Logger.log(output);
url = `${store_url}/wp-json/wbps/v1/relink-products`;
const options = {method: 'POST', payload: {product_links: JSON.stringify(output)}};
UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
// Logger.log(response);
* =========== AutoSync ==================
function AutoSync() {
const sheet_name = 'products';
var all_rows = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName(sheet_name).getDataRange().getDisplayValues();
var syncable_data = get_syncable_data(all_rows);
if(syncable_data.length === 0){
return Logger.log('No Data to Sync.')
syncable_data = separateDataForCreatingAndUpdating(syncable_data);
// return;
let variations = syncable_data.variations;
delete syncable_data.variations;
const {store_url, consumer_key, consumer_secret} = get_settings_from_sheet();
const id_col = get_value('id_col');
const sync_col = get_value('sync_col');
var url = `${store_url}/wp-json/wc/v3/products/batch`;
try {
var options = {
method: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Basic ' + Utilities.base64Encode(`${consumer_key}:${consumer_secret}`)
payload: JSON.stringify(syncable_data),
muteHttpExceptions: false
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
var data = response.getContentText();
response = JSON.parse(data);
// Logger.log(response);
const {update, create} = response;
ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('products');
if (update) {
var wbpsRowIds = {
var meta = result.meta_data ? result.meta_data.find(function(item) {
return item.key === 'wbps_row_id';
}) : undefined;
return meta ? meta.value : undefined;
wbpsRowIds.forEach(function(row) {
if (row) {
if( create ) {
// new products
var new_products = {
var meta = result.meta_data ? result.meta_data.find(function(item) {
return item.key === 'wbps_row_id';
}) : undefined;
var row_id = meta ? meta.value : undefined;
return {row_id: row_id, id:};
}); => {
// Logger.log(variations);
// variations products
if( variations ) {
// removing the keys, so we have only array of variations
variations = => Object.values(d)[0]);
// let row_id = Object.keys(variation)[0];
// variation = Object.values(variation)[0];
// Logger.log(variation);
url = `${store_url}/wp-json/wc/v3/products/${variation.parent_id}/variations`;
const is_new = !;
const method = is_new ? 'POST' : 'PUT';
url = is_new ? url : `${url}/${}`;
delete; // delete id key
var options = {
contentType: 'application/json',
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Basic ' + Utilities.base64Encode(`${consumer_key}:${consumer_secret}`)
payload: JSON.stringify(variation),
muteHttpExceptions: false
// Logger.log(variation);
// Logger.log(url);
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
var data = response.getContentText();
response = JSON.parse(data);
// Logger.log(response);
var meta = response.meta_data ? response.meta_data.find(function(item) {
return item.key === 'wbps_row_id';
}) : undefined;
if( is_new ){
// Logger.log(meta);
// return Logger.log(new_products);
// Logger.log(new_products);
// Perform other actions here
} catch (e) {
Logger.log('Error while connecting your site: ' + e.toString());
* Get Syncable Products/Categories etc
function get_syncable_data(all_rows) {
// verifying and also saving important col letters
let rows = [...all_rows];
const sheet_name = 'products';
if( ! validate_sheet_header_keys(sheet_name, all_rows) ) {
return {success:false,message:'The keys are not valid'};
// remove first (header) row:
var header = rows.shift();
// get correct keys for header
let mapping = get_header_mapped_data(sheet_name);
// Logger.log(rows.length);
header = => mapping.find(m => m.label === cell)['key']);
// check for custom meta
const custom_meta = mapping.filter(data => data.source === 'custom' && header.includes(data.key)).map(data => data.key);
// Logger.log(custom_meta);
var syncable = (row,index) => {
// merging row data with header keys
// const value = meta_data.includes(key) ? {key, value:row[index]} : row[index];
let merged = header.reduce((obj, key, index) => ({ ...obj, [key]: row[index] }), {});
var offset = 2;
const rowno = index+offset;
// product meta_data is being added here
let meta_data = [{key:'wbps_row_id',value:rowno}];
if(custom_meta){ => {
meta_data = [...meta_data, {key:meta,value:merged[meta]}];
merged = {...merged, meta_data};
// Logger.log(merged);
return {[index+offset]:merged};
return Object.values(item).filter(i => i.sync !== 'OK').length > 0;
// Logger.log(syncable);
syncable = prepare_data_for_wc(syncable);
// return;
return syncable;
// Preprating for batch update
function separateDataForCreatingAndUpdating(data) {
var existingItems = [];
var newItems = [];
const variations = data.filter(obj => {
const parent_id = Object.values(obj)[0].parent_id;
return parent_id !== '' && parent_id !== "0";
const non_variations = data.filter(obj => {
const parent_id = Object.values(obj)[0].parent_id;
return parent_id === '' || parent_id === "0";
// Loop through the data array and separate the items into new and existing
non_variations.forEach(function(obj) {
var itemId = obj[Object.keys(obj)[0]].id;
if (itemId) {
} else {
const totalItems = newItems.length + existingItems.length + variations.length;
const maxTotal = 100;
const createRatio = newItems.length / totalItems;
const updateRatio = existingItems.length / totalItems;
const variationsRatio = variations.length / totalItems;
const createChunkSize = Math.min(Math.ceil(createRatio * maxTotal), newItems.length);
const updateChunkSize = Math.min(Math.ceil(updateRatio * maxTotal), existingItems.length);
const variationsChunkSize = Math.min(Math.ceil(variationsRatio * maxTotal), variations.length);
return {
create: newItems.slice(0, createChunkSize),
update: existingItems.slice(0, updateChunkSize),
variations: variations.slice(0, variationsChunkSize)
function prepare_data_for_wc(data) {
return {
var keys = Object.keys(obj);
var new_obj = {};
keys.forEach(function(key) {
var value = obj[key];
if (typeof value === 'object') {
// Process the object properties recursively
value = prepare_data_for_wc([value])[0];
} else if (key === 'categories' || key === 'images') {
// Process the values of the "categories" and "images" keys
value = value.split('|').map(function(item) {
return { id: parseInt(item, 10) };
} else if (key === 'attributes' && value !== '') {
value = JSON.parse(value);
} else if (key === 'manage_stock' && value === ''){
value = manage_stock = false;
}else if (key === 'stock_quantity' && value === ''){
value = stock_quantity = 0;
new_obj[key] = value;
return new_obj;
function get_settings_from_sheet() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('settings');
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
var range = sheet.getRange(1, 1, lastRow, 2);
var values = range.getValues();
var propertiesObject = {};
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
var key = values[i][0];
var value = values[i][1];
if (key) {
propertiesObject[key] = value;
// Logger.log(propertiesObject);
return propertiesObject;
function validate_sheet_header_keys(sheet_name, all_rows){
const rows = [...all_rows];
// remove header
var header = rows.shift();
const mapping = get_header_mapped_data(sheet_name);
const valide_labels = => m.label);
const not_found = header.filter(col => !valide_labels.includes(col));
// check if all columns are matched in mapping
if(not_found.length > 0){
Logger.log(`Following header(s) not valid \n${not_found.join(',')}`);
return false;
// check if last column is 'sync'
if( header[header.length-1] !== 'sync' ){
Logger.log(`The 'sync' column should in the last header column`);
return false;
* now saving id,images,sync etc cols letters
let config_data = {header:JSON.stringify(header)};
// id col
const {label:id_label} = mapping.find(cell => cell.key === 'id');
let id_ind = header.indexOf(id_label)
if( id_ind !== -1){
config_data.id_col = col2letter(id_ind+1);
// sync col
const {label:sync_label} = mapping.find(cell => cell.key === 'sync');
let sync_ind = header.indexOf(sync_label)
if( sync_ind !== -1){
config_data.sync_col = col2letter(sync_ind+1);
// images col (products)
if( sheet_name === 'products' ){
const {label:images_label} = mapping.find(cell => cell.key === 'images');
let images_ind = header.indexOf(images_label)
if( images_ind !== -1){
config_data.images_col = col2letter(images_ind+1);
// image col (variation, category)
const {label:image_label} = mapping.find(cell => cell.key === 'image');
let image_ind = header.indexOf(image_label)
if( image_ind !== -1){
config_data.image_col = col2letter(image_ind+1);
// Logger.log(config_data);
// save_properties_in_website();
return config_data;
function get_header_mapped_data(sheet_name, stringify=false) {
var header_mapping = null;
case 'products':
let {product_mapping} = get_settings_from_sheet();
if( product_mapping ){
header_mapping = product_mapping;
} else {
header_mapping = product_header_mapping_default();
case 'categories':
const category_mapping = '';
if( category_mapping ){
header_mapping = category_mapping;
} else {
header_mapping = category_header_mapping_default();
// to retain the keys order on client-side we need to pass objec as stringify
return stringify ? header_mapping : JSON.parse(header_mapping);
// return column letter by index (starting: 1)
function col2letter(column){
var temp, letter = '';
while (column > 0)
temp = (column - 1) % 26;
letter = String.fromCharCode(temp + 65) + letter;
column = (column - temp - 1) / 26;
// Logger.log(letter);
return letter;
function product_header_mapping_default() {
const mapping = [
{ key: "id", label: "id", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "name", label: "name", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "slug", label: "slug", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "permalink", label: "permalink", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "date_created", label: "date_created", type: "date", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
key: "date_created_gmt",
label: "date_created_gmt",
type: "date",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
{ key: "date_modified", label: "date_modified", type: "date", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "status", label: "status", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
key: "date_modified_gmt",
label: "date_modified_gmt",
type: "date",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
{ key: "type", label: "type", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
key: "shipping_class_id",
label: "shipping_class_id",
type: "int",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
key: "catalog_visibility",
label: "catalog_visibility",
type: "string",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
key: "sold_individually",
label: "sold_individually",
type: "boolean",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
key: "short_description",
label: "short_description",
type: "string",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
{ key: "price", label: "price", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
key: "download_expiry",
label: "download_expiry",
type: "int",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
key: "date_on_sale_from",
label: "date_on_sale_from",
type: "date",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
key: "regular_price",
label: "regular_price",
type: "string",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
key: "date_on_sale_to",
label: "date_on_sale_to",
type: "date",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
{ key: "sale_price", label: "sale_price", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
key: "date_on_sale_from_gmt",
label: "date_on_sale_from_gmt",
type: "date",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
{ key: "sku", label: "sku", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
key: "date_on_sale_to_gmt",
label: "date_on_sale_to_gmt",
type: "date",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
{ key: "price_html", label: "price_html", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "on_sale", label: "on_sale", type: "boolean", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "purchasable", label: "purchasable", type: "boolean", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "downloads", label: "downloads", type: "array", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
key: "download_limit",
label: "download_limit",
type: "int",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
{ key: "tags", label: "tags", type: "array", source:'core', return_value:'id' },
{ key: "virtual", label: "virtual", type: "boolean", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "button_text", label: "button_text", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "tax_status", label: "tax_status", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "tax_class", label: "tax_class", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "weight", label: "weight", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "external_url", label: "external_url", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "stock_status", label: "stock_status", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
key: "manage_stock",
label: "manage_stock",
type: "boolean",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
key: "grouped_products",
label: "grouped_products",
type: "array",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
{ key: "backorders", label: "backorders", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
key: "backorders_allowed",
label: "backorders_allowed",
type: "boolean",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
{ key: "backordered", label: "backordered", type: "boolean", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
key: "downloadable",
label: "downloadable",
type: "boolean",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
{ key: "description", label: "description", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "categories", label: "categories", type: "array", source:'core', return_value:'id' },
key: "shipping_required",
label: "shipping_required",
type: "boolean",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
key: "shipping_taxable",
label: "shipping_taxable",
type: "boolean",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
{ key: "dimensions", label: "dimensions", type: "object", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
key: "shipping_class",
label: "shipping_class",
type: "string",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
key: "reviews_allowed",
label: "reviews_allowed",
type: "boolean",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
key: "average_rating",
label: "average_rating",
type: "string",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
{ key: "rating_count", label: "rating_count", type: "int", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "related_ids", label: "related_ids", type: "array", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "upsell_ids", label: "upsell_ids", type: "array", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "parent_id", label: "parent_id", type: "int", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "menu_order", label: "menu_order", type: "int", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
key: "purchase_note",
label: "purchase_note",
type: "string",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
key: "cross_sell_ids",
label: "cross_sell_ids",
type: "array",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
{ key: "attributes", label: "attributes", type: "array", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
key: "default_attributes",
label: "default_attributes",
type: "array",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
{ key: "variations", label: "variations", type: "array", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
key: "stock_quantity",
label: "stock_quantity",
type: "int",
source:'core', return_value:'default',
{ key: "images", label: "images", type: "array", source:'core', return_value:'id' },
{ key: "image", label: "image", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'id' }, // for variation
{ key: "total_sales", label: "total_sales", type: "int", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "featured", label: "featured", type: "boolean", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "sync", label: "sync", type: "string", source:'plugin',return_value:'default' }
return JSON.stringify(mapping);
function category_header_mapping_default() {
const mapping = [
{ key: "id", label: "id", type: "int", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "name", label: "name", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "slug", label: "slug", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "parent", label: "parent", type: "int", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "count", label: "count", type: "int", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "image", label: "image", type: "object", source:'core', return_value:'id' },
{ key: "description", label: "description", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "display", label: "display", type: "string", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "menu_order", label: "menu_order", type: "int", source:'core', return_value:'default' },
{ key: "sync", label: "sync", type: "string", source:'plugin',return_value:'default' }
return JSON.stringify(mapping);
function get_value(key){
const properties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();
return properties.getProperty(key);
function set_value(key_value){
const scriptProperties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();
// // update sheet when new settings updated/added
// const all_options = get_all_values();
// if(all_options){
// save_properties_in_settings_sheet(all_options);
// }
function testF(){
const newData = [1848.0, 'Chicken Malai Boti Seekh 3', 'simple', 0.0, '', '', 200.0, 15.0, false, , 'OK'];
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('products');
const r = sheet.getRange(`A1125:K1125`).getValues()[0];
// Iterate through the row values and update only non-null values
for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
if (newData[i] !== null && newData[i] !== '') {
r[i] = newData[i];
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