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Forked from jroper/MyManagedResource.scala
Created February 5, 2019 05:54
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Play resource routing
class MyManagedResource extends ResourceController[String] {
def index = Action(Ok("index"))
def newScreen = Action(Ok("new"))
def create = Action {
def show(id: String) = Action(Ok("Show " + id))
def edit(id: String) = Action(Ok("Edit " + id))
def update(id: String) = Action(Ok("Update " + id))
def destroy(id: String) = Action(Ok("Destroy " + id))
def custom(id: String) = Action(Ok("Custom " + id))
object MyManagedResource extends ManagedResourceRouter[String, MyManagedResource]
package controllers
import play.api.mvc._
object MyResource extends ResourceRouter[Long] {
def index = Action(Ok("index"))
def newScreen = Action(Ok("new"))
def create = Action {
def show(id: Long) = Action(Ok("Show " + id))
def edit(id: Long) = Action(Ok("Edit " + id))
def update(id: Long) = Action(Ok("Update " + id))
def destroy(id: Long) = Action(Ok("Destroy " + id))
def custom(id: Long) = Action(Ok("Custom " + id))
package play.api.mvc
import play.api.mvc._
import play.core.Router
import scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import play.api.Play
import play.core.Router.JavascriptReverseRoute
trait ResourceController[T] extends Controller {
* Get the index for the resource.
* Typically this might be a list of interesting resources.
* This is invoked for GET requests on /myresource.
def index: EssentialAction
* Render the new screen page.
* Typically this will mean rendering an HTML form.
* This is invoked for GET requests on /myresource/new.
def newScreen: EssentialAction
* Create a new resource.
* This is invoked for POST requests on /myresource.
def create: EssentialAction
* Get a given resource.
* This is invoked for GET requests on /myresource/id.
* @param id The id of the resource to get.
def show(id: T): EssentialAction
* Render the edit page for a given resource.
* Typically this will mean rendering an HTML form, prepopulated with the details of the resource.
* This is invoked for GET requests on /myresource/edit.
* @param id The id of the resource to edit.
def edit(id: T): EssentialAction
* Update the resource with the given id.
* This is invoked for PUT requests on /myresource/id.
* @param id The id of the resource to update.
def update(id: T): EssentialAction
* Delete the resource with the given id.
* This is invoked for DELETE requests on /myresource/id
* @param id The id of the resource to delete.
def destroy(id: T): EssentialAction
trait DefaultResourceController[T] extends ResourceController[T] {
def index = ???
def newScreen = ???
def create = ???
def show(id: T) = ???
def edit(id: T) = ???
def update(id: T) = ???
def destroy(id: T) = ???
* A resource router. Typically it will be implemented by an object, like so:
* {{{
* object MyResource extends ResourceRouter[Long] {
* def index = Action {
* ...
* }
* def create(id: Long) = Action {
* ...
* }
* ...
* }
* }}}
* Then from a routes file can be used like so:
* {{{
* -> /myresource controllers.MyResource
* }}}
* @param name A custom name for the resource controller. This is used by the Javascript router.
* @param idBindable The bindable for converting the id to the expected type.
* @tparam T
abstract class ResourceRouter[T](name: Option[String] = None)(implicit idBindable: PathBindable[T]) extends Router.Routes with ResourceController[T] {
self =>
private val controllerName = name.getOrElse {
val name = self.getClass.getName
if (name.endsWith("$")) {
} else {
private var path: String = ""
private val MaybeSlash = "/?".r
private val Id = "/([^/]+)".r
private val Edit = "/([^/]+)/edit".r
def routes = new AbstractPartialFunction[RequestHeader, Handler] {
def withId(id: String, action: T => EssentialAction) = idBindable.bind("id", id).fold(badRequest, action)
override def applyOrElse[A <: RequestHeader, B >: Handler](rh: A, default: A => B) = {
if (rh.path.startsWith(path)) {
(rh.method, rh.path.drop(path.length)) match {
case ("GET", MaybeSlash()) => index
case ("GET", "/new") => newScreen
case ("POST", MaybeSlash()) => create
case ("GET", Id(id)) => withId(id, show)
case ("GET", Edit(id)) => withId(id, edit)
case ("PUT", Id(id)) => withId(id, update)
case ("DELETE", Id(id)) => withId(id, destroy)
case _ => default(rh)
} else {
def isDefinedAt(rh: RequestHeader) = if (rh.path.startsWith(path)) {
(rh.method, rh.path.drop(path.length)) match {
case ("GET", MaybeSlash()) => true
case ("GET", "/new") => true
case ("POST", MaybeSlash) => true
case ("GET", Id(id)) => true
case ("GET", Edit(id)) => true
case ("PUT", Id(id)) => true
case ("DELETE", Id(id)) => true
case _ => false
} else {
def setPrefix(prefix: String) {
path = prefix
def prefix = path
def documentation = Seq(
("GET", path, name + ".index"),
("GET", path + "/new", name + ".newScreen"),
("POST", path, name + ".create"),
("GET", path + "/$id<[^/]+>", name + ".show(id: T)"),
("GET", path + "/$id<[^/]+>/edit", name + ".edit(id: T)"),
("PUT", path + "/$id<[^/]+>", name + ".update(id: T)"),
("DELETE", path + "/$id<[^/]+>", name + ".destroy(id: T)")
def reverseRoutes: ResourceReverseRouter[T] = new ResourceReverseRouter[T](path)
def jsRoutes: ResourceJavascriptReverseRouter[T] = new ResourceJavascriptReverseRouter[T](controllerName, path)
* A resource router that uses managed controllers.
* Typically it will be implemented by an object, supplying a controller class that should be managed by the
* Global.getControllerInstance method. For example:
* {{{
* class MyResource(dbService: DbService) extends ResourceController[Long] {
* def index = Action {
* ...
* }
* def create(id: Long) = Action {
* ...
* }
* ...
* }
* object MyResource extends ManagedResourceRouter[Long, MyResource]
* }}}
* Then from a routes file can be used like so:
* {{{
* -> /myresource controllers.MyResource
* }}}
* @param name A custom name for the resource controller. This is used by the Javascript router.
* @param idBindable The bindable for converting the id to the expected type.
class ManagedResourceRouter[T, R <: ResourceController[T]](name: Option[String] = None)(implicit idBindable: PathBindable[T], ct: ClassTag[R]) extends ResourceRouter[T] {
private def invoke(action: R => EssentialAction) = { { app =>
} getOrElse {
Action(Results.InternalServerError("No application"))
def index = invoke(_.index)
def newScreen = invoke(_.newScreen)
def create = invoke(_.create)
def show(id: T) = invoke(
def edit(id: T) = invoke(_.edit(id))
def update(id: T) = invoke(_.update(id))
def destroy(id: T) = invoke(_.destroy(id))
class ResourceReverseRouter[T](path: String)(implicit idBindable: PathBindable[T]) {
private def route(method: String, p: String = "") = Call("GET", path + p)
private def routeWithId(method: String, id: T, p: String = "") = Call(method, path + "/" + idBindable.unbind("id", id) + p)
def index() = route("GET")
def newScreen() = route("GET", "/new")
def create() = route("POST")
def show(id: T) = routeWithId("GET", id)
def edit(id: T) = routeWithId ("GET", id, "/edit")
def update(id: T) = routeWithId("PUT", id)
def destroy(id: T) = routeWithId("DELETE", id)
class ResourceJavascriptReverseRouter[T](name: String, path: String)(implicit idBindable: PathBindable[T]) {
private def route(action: String, method: String, p: String = "") = JavascriptReverseRoute(name + "." + action,
function() {
return _wA({method: "$method", url: "$path$p"});
private def routeWithId(action: String, method: String, p: String = "") = JavascriptReverseRoute(name + "." + action,
function(id) {
return _wA({method: "$method",
url: "$path/" + (${idBindable.javascriptUnbind})("id", encodeURIComponent(id)) + "$p"});
def index = route("index", "GET")
def newScreen = route("newScreen", "GET", "/new")
def create = route("create", "POST")
def show = routeWithId("show", "GET")
def edit = routeWithId("edit", "GET", "/edit")
def update = routeWithId("update", "PUT")
def destroy = routeWithId("destroy", "DELETE")
def all = Seq(index, newScreen, create, show, edit, update, destroy)
-> /static/resource controllers.MyResource
POST /static/resource/:id/custom controllers.MyResource.custom(id: Long)
-> /managed/resource controllers.MyManagedResource
POST /managed/resource/:id/custom @controllers.MyManagedResource.custom(id)
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