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Last active July 28, 2022 10:25
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python sqlite orm benchmark
py3.8 - macbook pro 16-inch, 2019, 2.3 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9, 16 GB 2667 MHz DDR4
In memory benchmarks, working with 100_000 items at a time
SqlAlchemy - insert bulk: 1560.605ms
SqlAlchemy - select all: 1350.774ms
SqlAlchemy - insert singles: 7821.888ms
sqlite3 - insert singles: 140.412ms
sqlite3 - select all: 62.951ms
sqlite3 - insert bulk: 108.903ms
peewee - insert bulk: 2492.869ms
peewee - select all: 774.247ms
peewee - insert batch (4096): 2295.691ms
peewee - insert batch (1024): 1961.476ms
peewee - insert batch (256): 1706.937ms
peewee - insert batch (64): 1837.337ms
peewee - insert batch (16): 2433.151ms
peewee - insert batch (4): 4391.415ms
peewee - insert singles: 10709.015ms
pony - insert bulk: 2918.317ms
pony - select all: 1867.465ms
pony - insert singles: 8605.021ms
import contextlib
import time
import sqlite3
def Timer(name: str):
t = time.time_ns()
t = (time.time_ns() - t) / 1000_000
print(f'{name}: {t:.3f}ms')
def run_test_sqlalchemy(n=100000, dbname='sqlite:///:memory:'):
import sqlalchemy as sa
import sqlalchemy.orm as sao
# init
base = sao.declarative_base()
db_session = sao.scoped_session(sao.sessionmaker())
class Customer(base):
__tablename__ = "customer"
id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = sa.Column(sa.String(255))
engine = sa.create_engine(dbname, echo=False)
db_session.configure(bind=engine, autoflush=False, expire_on_commit=False)
# tests
with Timer('SqlAlchemy - insert bulk'):
db_session.bulk_save_objects(Customer(name='NAME ' + str(i)) for i in range(n))
with Timer('SqlAlchemy - select all'):
for i, item in enumerate(db_session.query(Customer).all()):
print(f'- count: {i + 1}')
with Timer('SqlAlchemy - insert singles'):
for i in range(n):
db_session.add(Customer(name='NAME ' + str(i)))
def run_test_sqlite3(n=100000, dbname=':memory:'):
# init
conn = sqlite3.connect(dbname)
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customer")
c.execute("CREATE TABLE customer (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY(id))")
# tests
c = conn.cursor()
with Timer('sqlite3 - insert singles'):
for i in range(n):
row = ('NAME ' + str(i),)
c.execute("INSERT INTO customer (name) VALUES (?)", row)
with Timer('sqlite3 - select all'):
for i, item in enumerate(c.execute("SELECT * FROM customer")):
print(f'- count: {i + 1}')
with Timer('sqlite3 - insert bulk'):
c.executemany("INSERT INTO customer (name) VALUES (?)", (('NAME ' + str(i),) for i in range(n)))
def run_test_peewee(n=100000, dbname=':memory:'):
import peewee
# init
db = peewee.SqliteDatabase(dbname, pragmas={'foreign_keys': 1})
class Customer(peewee.Model):
id = peewee.IntegerField(primary_key=True)
name = peewee.CharField(max_length=255)
class Meta:
database = db
# tests
with Timer('peewee - insert bulk'):
Customer.bulk_create([Customer(name='NAME ' + str(i)) for i in range(n)])
with Timer('peewee - select all'):
for i, item in enumerate(
print(f'- count: {i + 1}')
for b in [4096, 1024, 256, 64, 16, 4]:
with Timer(f'peewee - insert batch ({b})'):
Customer.bulk_create([Customer(name='NAME ' + str(i)) for i in range(n)], batch_size=b)
with Timer('peewee - insert singles'):
for i in range(n):
Customer.create(name='NAME ' + str(i))
def run_test_pony(n=100000, dbname=':memory:'):
import pony.orm as p
# init
db = p.Database()
class Customer(db.Entity):
id = p.PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
name = p.Required(str)
db.bind(provider='sqlite', filename=dbname, create_db=True)
# tests
with Timer('pony - insert bulk'):
with p.db_session:
for i in range(n):
customer = Customer(name='NAME ' + str(i))
with Timer('pony - select all'):
with p.db_session:
for i, item in enumerate( for c in Customer)):
print(f'- count: {i+1}')
with Timer('pony - insert singles'):
for i in range(n):
with p.db_session:
customer = Customer(name='NAME ' + str(i))
if __name__ == '__main__':
run_test_sqlalchemy(100_000, dbname='sqlite:///:memory:')
run_test_sqlite3(100_000, dbname=':memory:')
run_test_peewee(100_000, dbname=':memory:')
run_test_pony(100_000, dbname=':memory:')
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