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Last active December 20, 2017 13:26
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Control RC with Pi.
from .xbox import Joystick
import time
import Adafruit_PCA9685
def scale(val, src, dst):
# Scale the given value from the scale of src to the scale of dst.
return ((val - src[0]) / (src[1]-src[0])) * (dst[1]-dst[0]) + dst[0]
pwm = Adafruit_PCA9685.PCA9685()
joy = xbox.Joystick()
m_chan = 0
s_chan = 1
while True:
throttle = joy.rightTrigger() - leftTrigger()
setPWM(m_chan, 0, scale(throttle, (-1.0, 1.0), (0, 4095))
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