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Last active July 12, 2017 12:53
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RFID reader
// - RFID simple -
// This program simply displays the data that is generated by an RFID phidget in a very simple case and outputs it to the console.
// This simple example covers the basics of connecting and using an RFID phidget.
// Copyright 2008 Phidgets Inc. All rights reserved.
// This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada License.
// view a copy of this license, visit
#include <stdio.h>
#include <phidget21.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>
int CCONV AttachHandler(CPhidgetHandle RFID, void *userptr)
int serialNo;
const char *name;
CPhidget_getDeviceName (RFID, &name);
CPhidget_getSerialNumber(RFID, &serialNo);
printf("%s %10d attached!\n", name, serialNo);
return 0;
int CCONV DetachHandler(CPhidgetHandle RFID, void *userptr)
int serialNo;
const char *name;
CPhidget_getDeviceName (RFID, &name);
CPhidget_getSerialNumber(RFID, &serialNo);
printf("%s %10d detached!\n", name, serialNo);
return 0;
int CCONV ErrorHandler(CPhidgetHandle RFID, void *userptr, int ErrorCode, const char *unknown)
printf("Error handled. %d - %s\n", ErrorCode, unknown);
return 0;
int CCONV OutputChangeHandler(CPhidgetRFIDHandle RFID, void *usrptr, int Index, int State)
if(Index == 0 || Index == 1)
printf("Output: %d > State: %d\n", Index, State);
return 0;
int CCONV TagHandler(CPhidgetRFIDHandle RFID, void *usrptr, char *TagVal, CPhidgetRFID_Protocol proto)
//turn on the Onboard LED
CPhidgetRFID_setLEDOn(RFID, 1);
printf("Tag Read: %s\n", TagVal);
return 0;
int CCONV TagLostHandler(CPhidgetRFIDHandle RFID, void *usrptr, char *TagVal, CPhidgetRFID_Protocol proto)
//turn off the Onboard LED
CPhidgetRFID_setLEDOn(RFID, 0);
printf("Tag Lost: %s\n", TagVal);
return 0;
//Display the properties of the attached phidget to the screen. We will be displaying the name, serial number and version of the attached device.
//We will also display the nu,mber of available digital outputs
int display_properties(CPhidgetRFIDHandle phid)
int serialNo, version, numOutputs, antennaOn, LEDOn;
const char* ptr;
CPhidget_getDeviceType((CPhidgetHandle)phid, &ptr);
CPhidget_getSerialNumber((CPhidgetHandle)phid, &serialNo);
CPhidget_getDeviceVersion((CPhidgetHandle)phid, &version);
CPhidgetRFID_getOutputCount (phid, &numOutputs);
CPhidgetRFID_getAntennaOn (phid, &antennaOn);
CPhidgetRFID_getLEDOn (phid, &LEDOn);
printf("%s\n", ptr);
printf("Serial Number: %10d\nVersion: %8d\n", serialNo, version);
printf("# Outputs: %d\n\n", numOutputs);
printf("Antenna Status: %d\nOnboard LED Status: %d\n", antennaOn, LEDOn);
return 0;
int rfid_simple()
int result;
const char *err;
//Declare an RFID handle
CPhidgetRFIDHandle rfid = 0;
//create the RFID object
//Set the handlers to be run when the device is plugged in or opened from software, unplugged or closed from software, or generates an error.
CPhidget_set_OnAttach_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)rfid, AttachHandler, NULL);
CPhidget_set_OnDetach_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)rfid, DetachHandler, NULL);
CPhidget_set_OnError_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)rfid, ErrorHandler, NULL);
//Registers a callback that will run if an output changes.
//Requires the handle for the Phidget, the function that will be called, and an arbitrary pointer that will be supplied to the callback function (may be NULL).
CPhidgetRFID_set_OnOutputChange_Handler(rfid, OutputChangeHandler, NULL);
//Registers a callback that will run when a Tag is read.
//Requires the handle for the PhidgetRFID, the function that will be called, and an arbitrary pointer that will be supplied to the callback function (may be NULL).
CPhidgetRFID_set_OnTag2_Handler(rfid, TagHandler, NULL);
//Registers a callback that will run when a Tag is lost (removed from antenna read range).
//Requires the handle for the PhidgetRFID, the function that will be called, and an arbitrary pointer that will be supplied to the callback function (may be NULL).
CPhidgetRFID_set_OnTagLost2_Handler(rfid, TagLostHandler, NULL);
//open the RFID for device connections
CPhidget_open((CPhidgetHandle)rfid, -1);
//get the program to wait for an RFID device to be attached
printf("Waiting for RFID to be attached....");
if((result = CPhidget_waitForAttachment((CPhidgetHandle)rfid, 10000)))
CPhidget_getErrorDescription(result, &err);
printf("Problem waiting for attachment: %s\n", err);
return 0;
//Display the properties of the attached RFID device
CPhidgetRFID_setAntennaOn(rfid, 1);
//read RFID event data
//keep displaying RFID event data until user input is read
printf("Press any key to continue\n");
//toggle the digital output (when making this example I had an LED plugged into the digital output index 0
CPhidgetRFID_setOutputState(rfid, 0, 1);
//keep displaying RFID event data until user input is read
printf("Press any key to continue\n");
//toggle the digital output (when making this example I had an LED plugged into the digital output index 0
CPhidgetRFID_setOutputState(rfid, 0, 0);
printf("Press any key to end\n");
//since user input has been read, this is a signal to terminate the program so we will close the phidget and delete the object we created
//all done, exit
return 0;
int postToDb(char *tagID)
//post to db
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return 0;
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