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Created January 31, 2017 21:22
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"lines-between-rulesets": 1,
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"remove-empty-rulesets": true,
// Whether to add a semicolon after the last value/mixin.
"always-semicolon": true,
// Unify case of hexadecimal colors.
"color-case": "lower",
// Set indent for code inside blocks, including media queries and nested rules.
"block-indent": " ",
// Whether to expand hexadecimal colors or use shorthands.
"color-shorthand": false,
// Unify case of element selectors.
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// Set space after `:` in declarations.
"space-after-colon": " ",
// Set space before combinator (for example, in selectors like `p > a`).
"space-before-combinator": " ",
// Set space after combinator (for example, in selectors like `p > a`).
"space-after-combinator": " ",
// Set space between declarations (i.e. `color: tomato`).
"space-between-declarations": "\n",
// Set space before `{`.
"space-before-opening-brace": " ",
// Set space after `{`.
"space-after-opening-brace": "\n",
// Set space after selector delimiter.
"space-after-selector-delimiter": "\n",
// Set space before selector delimiter.
"space-before-selector-delimiter": "",
// Set space before `}`.
"space-before-closing-brace": "\n",
// Whether to trim trailing spaces.
"strip-spaces": true,
// Whether to remove units in zero-valued dimensions.
"unitless-zero": true,
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"sort-order": [
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"": "#8be9fd",
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