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Created September 4, 2021 13:42
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;Grouping for disable always on top
GroupAdd, uniqueOnTop, ahk_exe WindowsTerminal.exe
GroupAdd, uniqueOnTop, ahk_exe Code.exe
GroupAdd, uniqueOnTop, ahk_exe idea64.exe
GroupAdd, uniqueOnTop, ahk_exe mintty.exe
#Persistent ; Keeps script running persisitantly
SetTimer, HotCorners, 0 ; HotCorners is name of timer, will be reset every 0 seconds until process is killed
HotCorners: ; Timer content
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen ; Coordinate mode - coords will be passed to mouse related functions, with coords relative to entire screen
WinGetPos, X, Y, Xmax, Ymax, Program Manager ; get desktop size
MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY ; Function MouseGetPos retrieves the current position of the mouse cursor
T = 5 ; adjust tolerance value (pixels to corner) if desired
CornerTopLeft := (MouseY < T and MouseX < T) ; Boolean stores whether mouse cursor is in top left corner
CornerTopRight := (MouseY < T and MouseX > Xmax - T) ; Boolean stores whether mouse cursor is in top right corner
CornerBottomLeft := (MouseY > Ymax - T and MouseX < T) ; Boolean stores whether mouse cursor is in bottom left corner
CornerBottomRight := (MouseY > Ymax - T and MouseX > Xmax - T) ; Boolean stores whether mouse cursor is in top left corner
if (cornerID = "TopLeft"){
return CornerTopLeft
else if (cornerID = "TopRight"){
return CornerTopRight
else if (cornerID = "BottomLeft"){
return CornerBottomLeft
else if (cornerID = "BottomRight") {
return CornerBottomRight
; Show Task View (Open Apps Overview)
if IsCorner("TopLeft")
Send, {LWin down}{tab down}
Send, {LWin up}{tab up}
if ! IsCorner("TopLeft")
break ; exits loop when mouse is no longer in the corner
; Show Action Center
;if IsCorner("TopRight")
; Send, {LWin down}{a down}
; Send, {LWin up}{a up}
; Loop
; {
; if ! IsCorner("TopRight")
; break ; exits loop when mouse is no longer in the corner
; }
; Press Windows
if IsCorner("BottomLeft")
Send, {LWin down}
Send, {LWin up}
if ! IsCorner("BottomLeft")
break ; exits loop when mouse is no longer in the corner
;^+Enter:: HideShowTaskbar(hide := !hide) ;Hide Taskbar -> Ctrl+Shift+Enter
;HideShowTaskbar(action) {
; VarSetCapacity(APPBARDATA, size := 2*A_PtrSize + 2*4 + 16 + A_PtrSize, 0)
; NumPut(size, APPBARDATA), NumPut(WinExist("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd"), APPBARDATA, A_PtrSize)
; DllCall("Shell32\SHAppBarMessage", UInt, ABM_SETSTATE, Ptr, &APPBARDATA)
^+Enter:: HideShowTaskbars() ;Hide Taskbar -> Ctrl+Shift+Enter
HideShowTaskbars() {
static SW_HIDE := 0, SW_SHOWNA := 8, SPI_SETWORKAREA := 0x2F
DetectHiddenWindows, On
hTB := WinExist("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd")
WinGetPos,,,, H
hBT := WinExist("ahk_class Button ahk_exe Explorer.EXE") ; for Windows 7
b := DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "Ptr", hTB)
for k, v in [hTB, hBT]
( v && DllCall("ShowWindow", "Ptr", v, "Int", b ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOWNA) )
VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16, 0)
NumPut(A_ScreenWidth, RECT, 8)
NumPut(A_ScreenHeight - !b*H, RECT, 12, "UInt")
DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "UInt", SPI_SETWORKAREA, "UInt", 0, "Ptr", &RECT, "UInt", 0)
WinGet, List, List
Loop % List {
WinGet, res, MinMax, % "ahk_id" . List%A_Index%
if (res = 1)
WinMove, % "ahk_id" . List%A_Index%,, 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight - !b*H
;Always on top, except uniqueOnTop group -> Ctrl+Space
#IfWinNotActive, ahk_group uniqueOnTop
^SPACE:: Winset, Alwaysontop, , A
;Always on top, for uniqueOnTop group -> Ctrl+Shift+Space
#ifWinActive ahk_group uniqueOnTop
^+SPACE:: Winset, Alwaysontop, , A
#ifWinActive ahk_class Vim
;#ifWinActive ahk_exe code.exe
; +j::
; Send, ^o
; return
;#ifWinActive ahk_exe code.exe
; +k::
; Send, ^i
; return
#IfWinActive ahk_class AcrobatSDIWindow
k::Send {Up}
l::Send {Right}
h::Send {Left}
j::Send {Down}
#IfWinActive ahk_exe PowerLauncher.exe
^j::Send {Down}
^k::Send {Up}
#IfWinActive ahk_exe msedge.exe
^j::Send {Down}
^k::Send {Up}
#IfWinActive ahk_exe firefox.exe
^j::Send {Down}
^k::Send {Up}
#ifWinActive ahk_exe WindowsTerminal.exe
^+l:: Send, ^{Right}
^+h:: Send, ^{Left}
;Control volume
^Up::Send {Volume_Up 3}
^Down::Send {Volume_Down 3}
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