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Last active July 16, 2018 13:07
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かけいぼgoogle app script
function date2str(date, sep) {
function pad(number) {
return number < 10 ? "0" + number : number.toString();
return date.getYear() + sep + pad(date.getMonth()+1) + sep + pad(date.getDate());
function toQif(date, desc, debit, credit, amount) {
return [
"N" + debit,
"D" + date2str(date, "/"),
"T" + amount,
"M" + desc,
"L" + credit,
].join("\n") + "\n";
function row2qif(row) {
var date = row[0], desc = row[1], debit = row[2], credit = row[3], amount = row[4];
return toQif(date, desc, debit, credit, amount);
function row2qifBus(row) {
var date = row[0], type = row[1], number = row[2], from = row[3], to = row[4], nota = row[5];
hiru = type === "昼券";
nota_tatekae = nota === "yes";
amount = hiru ? 165 : 200; // magic
credit = hiru ? "資産:流動資産:有価証券類:市バス昼間回数券" : "資産:流動資産:有価証券類:市バス回数券"
desc = number + ": " + from + " → " + to;
debit = "費用:交通機関:バス:市バス"
if (nota_tatekae) {
fee = 230; //
return [
"N" + "資産:貸付:nota:立替",
"D" + date2str(date, "/"),
"T" + fee,
"M" + desc,
"S" + credit,
"$" + amount,
"S" + "収益:その他の収入:nota",
"$" + (fee - amount),
].join("\n") + "\n";
return toQif(date, desc, debit, credit, amount);
function exportQif(sheetname, row2qif) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var range = ss.getSheetByName(sheetname).getDataRange();
var qif = range.getValues().slice(1).map(row2qif).join("");
var name = date2str(new Date(, "-") + ".qif";
return DriveApp.createFile(name, qif, "application/qif");
function downloadQif(file) {
function htmlEscape(s) {
return s.replace(/["&'<>]/g, function(c) { return {'"':'&quot;', '&':'&amp;', '\'':'&#39;', '<':'&lt;', '>':'&gt;'}[c]; });
var html = '<script>window.location=("'+htmlEscape(file.getDownloadUrl())+'");</script>';
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(html), 'Downloading...');
function download() {
return downloadQif(exportQif("transactions", row2qif));
function downloadBus() {
return downloadQif(exportQif("bus_transactions", row2qifBus));
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
var menu = ui.createMenu('🐾');
menu.addItem("Export QIF", 'download').addToUi();
menu.addItem("Export Bus QIF", 'downloadBus').addToUi();
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