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Created January 30, 2014 07:53
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左端のn段のハノイの塔を最小回数で右端に移動させるときの最初の一手について ref:
import Control.Monad.Writer
size :: [[a]] -> Int
size = foldr (\ xs n -> length xs + n) 0
move :: [[Int]] -> (Int, Int) -> Writer [String] [[Int]]
move xss (from, to) = return([move_ xs y (from, to) i| (xs, i) <- zip xss [0..]])
where (y:_) = xss !! from
move_ :: [Int] -> Int -> (Int, Int) -> Int -> [Int]
move_ [] y (from, to) i = if i == to then [y] else []
move_ (x:xs) y (from, to) i |i == from = xs
|i == to = (y:x:xs)
|otherwise = (x:xs)
hanoi :: Int -> Writer [String] [[Int]]
hanoi n = hanoi_ n [[0..(n-1)], [], []] (0, 1, 2)
hanoi_ :: Int -> [[Int]] -> (Int, Int, Int) -> Writer [String] [[Int]]
hanoi_ 0 xss (from, work, to) = return(xss)
hanoi_ n xss (from, work, to) = do xss' <- hanoi_ (n-1) xss (from, to, work)
xss'' <- move xss' (from, to)
tell [show(xss'') ++" (" ++ show(from) ++ " -> " ++ show(to) ++ ")"]
xss''' <- hanoi_ (n-1) xss'' (work, from, to)
show_hanoi :: Int -> IO ()
show_hanoi n = mapM_ putStrLn $ snd $ runWriter (hanoi n)
test :: Int -> IO ()
test n = mapM_ putStrLn $ take n $ map (head . snd . runWriter . hanoi) [1..]
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