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Last active March 5, 2017 10:54
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const TeamForm = ({ handleSubmit, i18n, array }) => (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
{ /* Other form inputs */ }
<Field name="persons" component={renderRows(i18n)} array={array} />
{ /* Other form inputs */ }
const renderPersons = i18n => props => {
let {
input: {
value: rows
} = props;
let change = (idx, property) => ev => {
array.splice('rows', idx, 1, {
return (
<Table responsive className="input-table">
<th className="fill">{ i18n.gettext('Name') }</th>
<th>{ i18n.gettext('Year of birth') }</th>
<th>{ i18n.gettext('E-mail') }</th>
{, idx) => (
<tr key={idx}>
<td>{idx + 1}</td>
<td><input style={{minWidth: '8em'}} type="text" value={} onChange={change(idx, 'name')} /></td>
<td><input type="number" value={row.birth_year} onChange={change(idx, 'birth_year')} /></td>
<td><input type="email" value={} onChange={change(idx, 'email')} /></td>
<Button onClick={() => array.swap('rows', idx - 1, idx)} disabled={!idx} bsStyle="link" bsSize="xsmall"><Icon name="arrow-up" /></Button>
<Button onClick={() => array.swap('rows', idx + 1, idx)} disabled={idx === rows.length - 1} bsStyle="link" bsSize="xsmall"><Icon name="arrow-down" /></Button>
<Button onClick={() => array.splice('rows', idx, 1)} bsStyle="link" bsSize="xsmall"><Icon name="trash" /></Button>
)) }
<td colSpan={7}>
<Button onClick={() => array.push('rows', {name: '', birth_year: '', email: ''})}><Icon name="plus" /> { i18n.gettext('New row') }</Button>
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