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Created November 30, 2014 13:52
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Reflux - handling ajax errors on creation
var Reflux = require('reflux'),
_ = require('underscore'),
api = require('./api');
var TodoActions = Reflux.createActions(['create', 'created', 'errored']);
TodoActions.create.preEmit = function(data) {
data = _.extend({_iid: _.uniqueId('todo_')}, data);
api.createTodo(data).then(function(todo) { TodoActions.created(_.extend({_iid: data._iid}, todo)); })
.catch(function(err) { TodoActions.errored(_.extend({_iid: data._iid}, {_error: err}))});
return data;
module.exports = TodoActions;
var Reflux = require('reflux'),
_ = require('underscore'),
TodoActions = require('./TodoActions');
module.exports = Reflux.createStore({
listenables: TodoActions,
todos: [],
findTodo: function(data) {
return _.find(this.todos, function(one) { return ? === : one._iid === data._iid; });
onCreate: function(todo) {
this.todos.push(_.extend(todo, {_persisting: true}));
onErrored: function(todo) {
var existing = this.findTodo(todo);
if (!existing) return;
this.todos[this.todos.indexOf(existing)] = _.extend(_.omit(existing, '_persisting'), todo);
onCreated: function(todo) {
var existing = this.findTodo(todo);
if (!existing) return;
this.todos[this.todos.indexOf(existing)] = todo;
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