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Last active November 3, 2019 12:01
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Save nnathan/40bfb1e97fe425b98297198a9682b6fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
" make sure to:
" mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim && echo 'source ~/.nvimrc' >> ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
" also install vim-plug:
" curl -fLo ~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
" Then call :PlugInstall
call plug#begin()
Plug 'nnathan/desertrocks'
Plug 'fatih/vim-go', { 'tag': '*' }
" we really need to get rid of this -
Plug 'flazz/vim-colorschemes'
" this only installs fzf - doesn't load the damn plugin
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'dir': '~/.fzf', 'do': './install --all' }
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
Plug 'tpope/vim-sleuth'
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
Plug 'tpope/vim-abolish'
Plug 'tpope/vim-sensible'
Plug 'ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags'
Plug 'w0rp/ale'
Plug 'simnalamburt/vim-mundo'
call plug#end()
" {{{ pmenu hax cause desertcocks
" holy shit, why the fuck is the auto completion menu is fucked
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight Pmenu ctermbg=60 ctermfg=81
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight PmenuSel ctermbg=60 ctermfg=50
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight Search ctermbg=24 ctermfg=49
" goodbye desert256 hello desertrocks
colorscheme desert256v2
"let g:desertrocks_show_whitespace=1
colorscheme desertrocks
" }}}
" {{{ other useful remaps
" opens tag on current cursor in a new tab when you press space-^]
" similar to ctrl-W ctrl-] (which opens in a new window)
nnoremap <space><C-]> :tab tag <C-r><C-w><CR>
" unhighlight search
nnoremap <esc> :noh<return><esc>
" }}}
" {{{ ale display & fixers
let g:ale_sign_error = '🐒'
let g:ale_sign_warning = '🥔'
let g:ale_fixers = {
\ 'sh': ['shfmt'],
\ 'python': ['black'],
let g:ale_sh_shfmt_options = '-i 2'
" }}}
" {{{ unsure why i have this - need to revisit these settings
" apparently this is deprecated now?
set completeopt-=preview
" }}}
" {{{ misc options - list and undo settings
set listchars=tab:▒░,trail:▓
set foldmethod=marker
" looks useful - recommended by the Mundo plugin
set undofile
set undodir=~/.local/share/nvim/undo
" }}}
" {{{ \X key maps
" note: don't use <Leader> but it looks like a headache to use correctly,
" so just use \ directly.
" good read about this:
" turn off fucking ex mode
map Q <Nop>
map gQ <Nop>
map \a :ALEToggle<CR>
map \f :ALEFix<CR>
map \i :GoImports<CR>
map \c :close<CR>
" close all windows except active - won't autowrite as long as you don't fuck
" with hidden and autowrite, always use the vim-sensible
map \o :only<CR>
" mildly useful - i usually like the wrap because i can navigate the wrap with
" gj and gk
map \w :set wrap!<CR>
" handy to visually see whitespace; easier than figuring out how to highlight
" and toggle whitespace highlighting
map \s :set list!<CR>
" ruler is usually on, but i guess in vim doesn't do it on
map \r :set ruler!<CR>
" fast quit - way quicker than :q
map \q :q<CR>
" okay this is heaps useful - it opens a new tab with the directory browser
" in the same directory as where the buffer was opened
" courtesy of /u/-romainl- (and same nick on freenode vim)
map \. :tabedit %:p:h<CR>
" convenient to open a new tab instead of :tabnew
map \t :tabnew<CR>
" toggle mundo
map \m :MundoToggle<CR>
" }}}
" {{{ gutentags
" enable gtags module
let g:gutentags_modules = ['ctags', 'gtags_cscope']
" config project root markers.
let g:gutentags_project_root = ['.root']
" generate datebases in my cache directory, prevent gtags files polluting my project
let g:gutentags_cache_dir = expand('~/.cache/tags')
" change focus to quickfix window after search (optional).
let g:gutentags_plus_switch = 1
" }}}
" {{{ vim-go settings
" for some reason ale doesn't pick up golangci-lint
let g:go_metalinter_command='golangci-lint'
"let g:go_metalinter_autosave = 1
" }}}
" {{{ just some thoughts
" todo:
" whitespace indicator at the end of lines - and a toggle for (no)list
" \s
" wrap
" \w
" fork desert + fix pmenu/psel + get rid of vim-colorschemes because it's fucking dead and wasteful.
" steal both highlight and search highlight from jellyx
" just some useful reminders
" :GoKeyify -> converts go struct to keyed fields
" :GoFillStruct -> fills all unnamed fields in struct with default value
" todo for fuckingdesert256
" we need pmenu from jellyx but with cactus (maybe light) green
" copy bracket highlighter from jellyx ( )
" autohiglight when in scope (if possible)
" import the yellow from v2 into v1
" import the green from v1 to v2
" so we need a better diff view that clearly explains what is going on.
" - green goes in
" - redish goes out
" - underline for in-line changes + colour the light slightly
" - jellybeans is good inspiration
" - grayvim256
" - improve the heredoc colouring for shell maybe?
" remind to put somethhing up like a gist - to explain how to fuck off all
" the deoplete nonsense
" remind to put somethhing up like a gist - to explains explain in
" completely fucking disable EX mode - this should be in VIM FUCKING SENSIBLE.
" reminder: write somtehing about ale and fixers because it's fucking
" impossible to understand
" reminder: crazy shit vimrc across the board - why the fuck are people using
" the mouse
" reminder: need to figure out VERY BASIC vimscript - let, set, echo, the bang
" reminder: moving between the line wrap - write about it
" reminder: figure out how to stop the continuation comments
" reminder: see if i can :FZF from directory view - becauase (1) you can
" start from narrow scope or (2) you want to widen scope of search
" reminder: seek better way to do gk/gj on wrapped lines with little to no
" remapping
" }}}
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