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Created October 30, 2019 06:39
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caze transition table from
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef void effector(int);
typedef struct transition transition;
struct transition {
int state;
effector *effect;
enum sigil { Letter, EndOfFile };
typedef enum sigil sigil;
sigil sigilify(int c) {
switch (c) {
case EOF: return EndOfFile;
default: return Letter;
void push (int c);
void pop (int c);
void swap (int c);
void halt (int c);
#define T(state, sigil) (((state) << 1) | sigil)
int main() {
transition state = { 0, push };
transition table[] = {
[T(0, Letter)]={ 1, push }, [T(0, EndOfFile)]={ 0, halt },
[T(1, Letter)]={ 0, swap }, [T(1, EndOfFile)]={ 0, pop },
for (;;) {
int c = getchar();
(state = table[T(state.state, sigilify(c))]).effect(c);
int b;
void push (int c) { b = c; }
void pop (int c) { putchar(b); }
void swap (int c) { putchar(c); pop(0); }
void halt (int c) { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
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