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Code: Intrucstion
Expressions are questions that Javascript can answer. Javascript answers expressions in the only way it knows how - with values.
Variables are Wires, Varaibles are not Values
Types of Values:
Primitive Values: Immutable values
1. Undefined
One value is undefined
2. Null
One value is null
Var let const
block scope
Function contex & bind
//global context
//function context
Arrow function expression (fat arrow)
Hướng dẫn viết một API cơ bản cho người tham gia phát triển cùng
Sample :
sharding - lưu dữ liệu
whitelist IP
Create database user for your cluster
Conect to Cluster
Insert and view Data your Cluster
Create Database - use DATABASE_NAME
Show all databse - show dbs
show current database - db
drop databse - db.dropDatabase()
Create collection: db.createCollection(name, options)
Drop collection: db.COLLECTION_NAME.drop()
Data type: String, Boolean, Araay, Integer, Double, Object, Null, Symbol, Timecstamp, Date, Object ID, Binary Data, Code, Regular expression
* Insert Document: you can use method insert() or save()