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Create Database - use DATABASE_NAME
Show all databse - show dbs
show current database - db
drop databse - db.dropDatabase()
Create collection: db.createCollection(name, options)
Drop collection: db.COLLECTION_NAME.drop()
Data type: String, Boolean, Araay, Integer, Double, Object, Null, Symbol, Timecstamp, Date, Object ID, Binary Data, Code, Regular expression
* Insert Document: you can use method insert() or save()
sharding - lưu dữ liệu
whitelist IP
Create database user for your cluster
Conect to Cluster
Insert and view Data your Cluster
Hướng dẫn viết một API cơ bản cho người tham gia phát triển cùng
Sample :
Var let const
block scope
Function contex & bind
//global context
//function context
Arrow function expression (fat arrow)
Code: Intrucstion
Expressions are questions that Javascript can answer. Javascript answers expressions in the only way it knows how - with values.
Variables are Wires, Varaibles are not Values
Types of Values:
Primitive Values: Immutable values
1. Undefined
One value is undefined
2. Null
One value is null