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Created August 7, 2012 19:06
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Save nnieslan/3288447 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Powershell function(s) to use TFS API services
function Get-Tfs
HelpMessage="The TFS Server Url containing the Team Project Collection.")]
[string] $serverName,
HelpMessage="A switch used to silence console output.")]
[switch] $silent
# load the required dll
$propertiesToAdd = (
('VCS', 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client', 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.VersionControlServer'),
('WIT', 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client', 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemStore'),
('CSS', 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation', 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.ICommonStructureService'),
('GSS', 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation', 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.IGroupSecurityService'),
('TST', 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client', 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client.ITestManagementService'),
('LAB', 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Lab.Client', 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Lab.Client.LabService'),
('LFS', 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Lab.Client', 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Lab.Client.LabFrameworkService'),
('LAS', 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Lab.Client', 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Lab.Client.LabAdminService')
if(-not $silent)
write-host "Connecting to TFS Server $serverName..."
# fetch the TFS instance, but add some useful properties to make life easier
# Make sure to "promote" it to a psobject now to make later modification easier
[psobject] $tfs = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TeamFoundationServerFactory]::GetServer($serverName)
foreach ($entry in $propertiesToAdd) {
$scriptBlock = '
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("{0}") > $null
' -f $entry[1],$entry[2]
$tfs | add-member scriptproperty $entry[0] $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.NewScriptBlock($scriptBlock)
return $tfs
function Get-ActiveBugs
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, HelpMessage="The URL of the Team Project Collection")]
[string] $tfsUrl,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, HelpMessage="The Name of the Team Project")]
[string] $projectName
$tfs = get-tfs $tfsUrl -silent
$project = $tfs.wit.Projects | ?{ $_.Name -eq $projectName}
#TODO - consider replacing with text for query or a file read -- StoredQueries is deprecated in newer versions of TFS API
$query = $project.StoredQueries | ?{ $_.Name -eq 'Active Bugs' }
$queryText = $query.QueryText.Replace("@project","'$projectName'")
$results = $tfs.wit.Query($queryText)
$results | foreach{
#write out some info to the console for debugging/logging
Write-Host "========"
write-host $_.Id
Write-Host $_.Uri
Write-Host $_.Title
Write-Host $_.CreatedBy
Write-Host "========"
return $results
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kiquenet commented May 4, 2015

How get files from a changeset ?

Alternative TFS PowerTools

I prefer Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client if I can.

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a complete and detailled stand aleone powershell kit can be found on "tfsKit" hosted here :

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